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Installers' Product Review...Give info guys!!

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Topic: Installers' Product Review...Give info guys!!

Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Subject: Installers' Product Review...Give info guys!!
Date Posted: November 21, 2002 at 7:31 PM

I've been sitting here, cruising in and out of the posts...and I had this massive brainstorm come to me ( i think it was after the 5th Pro-Start Remote Start question )...Why not do a product review...

I mean who better knows products than the people that put them in.....the sales person..posted_image...Yeah right, unless the installer is the Sales Person!!  they are interested in one thing granted, that's a generalization, and not the norm...but it is still pretty common, unfortunatelyposted_image...and some places won't let the consumer talk to the installer..why I have no idea, could it be....we're used to having to budget and will set the customer up with the best sounding and working stuff that's the cheapest, therefore causing a massive loss on someones couldn't be that...could it....( and yes I'm fed up with most retail outlets if you can't tell )

But how many people join this Forum everyday, with questions on what products to be...whether it's an In-Dash Kit, wiring harness,  subs, coax speaks, component speaks and Alarms...and the list goes on...

So why not help the consumer out....and give them the one up before the ever step foot into a store...

As well as give them info on what products would be best for DIY'ers...( do it yourselfers for thsoe that dont' know DIY )....

So if we come by a product that Sucks donkey gonads...( i.E. Pro-Start,  judging by all the wonderful publicity I've heard from a few installers...) we post

That's if our wonderufl GOD here...12volt...doesn't delete it.. *leaves a plate of cheese as a form of paying homage* ( hey it worked on Santa Clause...remember the commericial...where leaves a vette, and a lot of cool things )

And if we find a product that kicks major it here as well....

Hence the name of the thread...INSTALLERS' PRODUCT REVIEW........

So who's in on this idea...c'mon?!?!?!  anyone


Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™


Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 1:39 AM
so...12 views no response....guess the idea sucks..........

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 8:30 AM
Pro Start SUCKS !!!posted_image

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

Posted By: skerr
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 9:04 AM
I would like you guys to review the Crimestopper CS-2011RS Series II.


Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 10:27 AM

Well it's official...Pro-Start Sucks...I mean 5 billion installers can't be wrong........

Now onto the Crimestopper CS-2011RS........hmmmmmm.....I'll do my research on it...but I have no actual experince with it...( Sorry bub, always worked with DEI )..but maybe someone else that is lurking around here knows about it...come on speak up...come on...

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Posted By: AW1208Q
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 11:59 AM
product review forum is a great idea. maybe 12volt would as so kind as to add another forum for product review. posted_image

Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 1:25 PM
Hmmmmmmm.........what do you say you magnificent person...wanna do it??????  What do you say the it

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Posted By: skerr
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 1:51 PM
Ok stop yappen at 12volt and review the Crimestopper CS-2011RS Series II.


Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 2:43 PM

hey I said..I haven't worked with it...gotta wait for one of these other guys to do it...I WORK ONLY WITH DEI....hehehehehe

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Posted By: AW1208Q
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 10:40 PM
aight DeathsJester...since you know so much about DEI products and I know you are dieing to review a product. how about you review DEI's Wasp 718W or your favorite DEI product.....maybe that will hold you over till 12volt gives in to our demands.....posted_image

Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 10:44 PM

Hey death,

I'm with you on the D.E.I.  Love it to death. posted_imageposted_imageposted_imageposted_imageposted_image

Sound Pressure

You know you have the right amount of pressure when your eyes start to water! Now you've got Juice!

Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 22, 2002 at 10:47 PM

TY Sound.....

and especially with what DEI is doing..taking the installers, least fav. vehicle..or what seems to be at the last two shops I worked at...the GM vehicle and making it easy..word is...they're working with DEI to make all DEI products plug and play with newer GM's...I hope they do..but taht is just a rumor...

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 23, 2002 at 1:01 AM

What do you wanna know about the Wasp 718W..........

it's your basic, bottom of the barrel DEI alarm...Shock sensor, 6 tone siren, code hopping technology, warn away, keyless, no remote start.....well the keyless could be done on arm and disarm...but would take a couple of's a good alarm..simple to install etc...but I'd still go with a Sidewinder 6500 ESP

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

Date Posted: November 23, 2002 at 1:09 AM


Hope that rumor is true. Just plug and go. What more can we ask for. I know plenty more but let's see how true this one is.

Sound Pressure

You know you have the right amount of pressure when your eyes start to water! Now you've got Juice!

Posted By: PLAYER69
Date Posted: November 23, 2002 at 9:07 AM

Plug and play = your job gone!  If all alarms and remote starts were plug and play, shops would only need 1/10th the number of installers.

Posted By: DeathsJester12V
Date Posted: November 23, 2002 at 1:17 PM

Player...I hear ya....

And you had a good my punk @ss picked up the phone, and called ( we'll call him Ricky )..Ricky, to ask him about this rumor...Since he is the one that told me....

The fear that installers would not be needed...I am glad to say, is non-existent..

Here's why.......

If DEI and GM do go through with this....

It will not be plug and play for the Power, Ignition, Shock sensors, window controls, power locks etc...( well the power locks are possible, but are not the main reason for this )......

the main reason for this, is mostly to simplify the installation of Remote Start, and bypassing the factory alarm...which I longer having to deal with well as some of the other problems we run in with......

But we will still be needed, for door triggers, power hook up, siren install, sensors, etc...all it would do is speed our work up...and depending where you work....the more you install the more you make...and this would speed up installation time..

So it's for that reason...I hope DEI does it, and this isn't a rumor started by someone to feed false hope...

Đễẳ†ђş 12\/ Ĵęśŧē®™

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