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MECP Testing?

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Topic: MECP Testing?

Posted By: silentblackhat
Subject: MECP Testing?
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 4:19 AM

I have been ready for a while to take the MECP Basic Installer test.  I found a testing site that is close to me(the Testing Center at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas).  I am wondering is this test done on paper? or is it done on computer?  I am thinking it is done on computer since the test scheduling says "atleast 24 hours in advance of test time".  Also if it is done in computer, when you are done does it tell you if you passed it or not? I am not worried at all that I wont pass it, I am just wondering about if it will tell you that you passed or do you have to wait for the certificate to come in the mail?


Posted By: killer sonata
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 6:14 AM
I dont understand why they even have the gay test. Being able to do it on paper and do it in actual installs are 2 different things. There are way too many book smart MECP certified installers who cant do an install to save their lives. But they have the piece of paper so ofcourse they will get hired over someone with pure experience.

Posted By: spookiestylez
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 6:34 AM

You take the test on computer, and they tell you your results before you leave along w/ a little certificate.

Having the MECP is similar to a GED...sure lots of people can read an write, but the GED is that little peice of paper that say you can.I see what your saying Killer Sonata, but to add to that getting certified is a great add on the a experienced installer.


Posted By: killer sonata
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 6:38 AM
Oh I agree that in the eyes of the people hiring installers it does look good, but it doesnt necessarily mean you can actually do the job. Im not saying that you shouldnt do it, im just  saying that I personally think it gets too much credit than it deserves. Thats just my own opinion.

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 10:59 AM
lol i agree also...i know its a gay/easy test that doesnt mean anything(i know plenty of ppl that are 'certified' but doesnt know anything about how to install that stuff.  I guarantee that i know how to install stuff correctly, iv been doing it for a long time.  thanks for the information though,

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: May 22, 2006 at 11:10 AM
I also noticed that there is a LOT of mistakes in the book.  i know its not a How To book because i was just using it for reference b4 i take the test but they even had many mistakes on how to reada VOM...kinda sad when a certification book has that type of mistakes in it

Posted By: KarTuneMan
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 8:37 AM
Most of the battle, (in my opinion) isn't in the area of the automotive electronics. It's dissassembling the car "properly" without breaking sh*t or having left over parts or scratching dash parts. If you know how to use a DMM, and have knowledge.....your in. MECP training and certification does NOT teach you how to "work" on the car. The electronics have NOT changed that much in the past 20 years....I know, I know.....YES they have, but theses changes don't effect the majority of the vehicles on the road, and once learned....your in. The MECP program is NOT perfect...but its all we have as a "standard" Im sorry.....jeeze this is an old topic.


Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 9:51 AM
I don't hold the MECP in high regards at all. Like I've said in the past, if there are 2 installers going for a job and one has the MECP certification and is a green horn ( who graded over 90 % ) over someone who has 2 or 3 years experience ( learned things properly ) I would choose the non certified person. Why ? because that person will already have a grasp on the real world practice and actually have field experience. That means alot more to me that someone with a MECP certificate that I have to train on how to remove the panel of a 1993 Toyota 4Runner.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

Posted By: xtremej
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 10:41 AM
I am certified. It is something nice looking to hang on the wall in a frame. I would hire someone with experience over a piece of paper any day. My x-business partner hired a "certified installer" about 3 years ago he cost the business a fortune in damages to vehicles resulting in his termination. It takes a certain person that has a mechanical ability to be able to dis-assemble vehicles do a quality install and re-assemble it properly. If they don't posses that ability they don't have a job with me.


Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 10:42 AM
i totally agree on that.  Im experienced in taking off door pannels and everything else. iv been doing it for a few years.  im just getting the certification since it looks better to the manager at the shop im applying to

Posted By: xtremej
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 10:45 AM

The test itself is easy also.


Posted By: supradude
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Don't they have a "practice" test online?

'85 Toy

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 10:27 PM

Posted By: tnecius
Date Posted: July 23, 2006 at 3:45 PM
Just like anything else, MECP is a place to start for the basics. The installers w/out MECP had to start somewhere also..... which means they had to be taken under someones wing in there early stages.

Almost any career field you look at, Installing, Police, Fire, Attorney, Cook, Doctor, or whatever it may be has a starting point. Some required schooling (Degrees - in which after receiving one you do jump right in to whatever it is. There is a learning curve). Some Don't require schooling; Although, there are many schools out there to teach the specific craft. Some are just OJT.

At any rate, it just depends on each individual person weather they want to excel, or, its just something to do in the mean time to hold me over (hobby).

Just my .02

Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: July 23, 2006 at 5:41 PM
It started as a hobby for me and it's now my full time job and business. If you want to take the MECP test adn see how you do, by all means do it as it will give you a better understanding of the theory behind the industry but don't think that this will make you ready for the real deal. No harm in doing the test though......

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

Posted By: Melted Fabric
Date Posted: July 24, 2006 at 2:47 PM
I usually just figure out a way to take it apart, but end up bending or breaking clips sometimes. Good thing I am not running a shop with actual clients.

I wanted to attend Mobile Dynamics to "fill in the blanks."

MECP is cool for knowing the "technical" things, but hands-on, I would say, get hands on.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best -- that is inspiration.

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: July 25, 2006 at 9:49 PM

nouseforaname wrote:

i don't need that paper hanging on the wall to make myself feel better, but i do need it to make my check a little bigger.posted_image

i know EXACTLY what u mean.  i know i dont need any of those certificates because i have a lot of hands on experience and i know how to do everything correctly.  with this i can get a higher up position in a place i am applying for so thats y im getting it also.  i cant believe how little knowledge people have that install stuff at a place i went to.  i even talked to the MANAGER and he didnt how how to correctly wire up speakers. he kept telling me i was wrong(hooking 2 8ohm subs in parallel makes a 4 ohm load on the amp, the manager kept explaining to me that its a 16 ohm load in parallel...posted_image...kinda dumb). 

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: July 26, 2006 at 7:32 PM

it was so ridiculous when i went there. i had 2 blown subs with a warranty on them still.  so i exchanged them for some new infinity subs that were dual voice voils(4 ohm per voice coil).  my amp puts out 500 watts rms at 4 ohms.  the subs can handle 250rms each max.  I wire it up so the subs are 8 ohms each and run them in parallel so it puts the 4 ohm load on the amp, also putting 250watts to each sub.  The manager tries to explain to me how my amp is incompatable with the subs that i am getting.  umm, no? its perfect for the sub setup. this was the highest ranked car audio person in the store, not just on that shift but the whole store. then i went back a few months after that asking for a power line filter for an amp THAT I MADE MYSELF(like went to radio shack, got the resistors and everything and build it myself).  He was trying to explain to me that the only filters there are are groundloop isolators.  well first of all i know thats wrong and 2nd of all, if i build my own amp, i THINK i know a little more what i need for it. he was explaining that the noise isnt comming from the power line, its comming from the RCA conection since its a ground loop.  well first of all, the microphone preamp that i made for my PA system isnt conencted to any other amp, its self powered and i had a speaker conencted to it to test it out...there was NO groundloop what so ever.  the next day i go to an actuall car audio shop and they knew exactly what i needed(the power line filter), and got it for me, i was in and out within 2 minutes.

Oh yeah one last thing.  Someone i know that is in the senior position there(one step below a manager) that sells car audio and has for over 2 years (at that SAME store) tried to explain to me that when the number has a K after it, it means the sound is getting lower in by his saying, a 463hz sound is WAY higher than a 20khz sound wave....hmm.

It just REALLY annoys me when even managers that are supposed to be incharge of everything dont know doodie.

Posted By: silentblackhat
Date Posted: July 27, 2006 at 2:13 PM
no, it was at circuit city, when they had infinity. a while ago.  circuit city actually was clearing their subs and all inifnity stuff out(found out by the person that owrked in the car audio department) so i got the 1250w sub for $20 brand new(not display model at all).  i got 2 of them lol. 

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