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Cell phone or not?

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Forum Name: Cellular and Communications
Forum Discription: Cell Phones, Hands Free Kits, Bluetooth, Two Way Radios, CBs, Pagers, Wireless Internet, etc.
Printed Date: June 16, 2024 at 2:41 PM

Topic: Cell phone or not?

Posted By: pimpincavy
Subject: Cell phone or not?
Date Posted: April 07, 2005 at 9:36 PM

It seems like I am the only person in the world without a cell phone. Ive been holding out on getting one because Im not sure how much I would use it and they are so friggin expensive!!

But im about to give in and get one least I think I am. It seems that it is becoming more and more of a inconvinence not to have one, and I think by the time summer gets here and I will not be home very much i am going to need one more than ever.

Im just wondering what you cell phone users think, is it worth the $30 or $40 a month?? Should I go prepaid or get a plan?? And what comapany do you think is the best for service, price, etc?? I think I am going to at least hold out untill summer when I will be working ALOT more.



Posted By: dwarren
Date Posted: April 07, 2005 at 10:39 PM

lets face it people got by without cell phones for a LONG time. I view them strictly as a luxury, whether or not I use them like that is another story. Really they are great for emergency situations though.

If I were you I would set something up that does not lock me into a lengthy agreement, since terminating them is usually more expensive than any other part of it.

The bill depends on you, figure out what times are cheaper and try to be conscious of this always. Try it out for a month or two and see how you fare, either you disconnect your phone after a $200 bill or become a hell of a lot more responsible!


Posted By: auex
Date Posted: April 07, 2005 at 11:01 PM
Look up the all you can talk plans for 40-50 bucks. You can't go wrong with those. Like cricket.

Certified Security Specialist
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I promise to be good.
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I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: oonikfraleyoo
Date Posted: April 08, 2005 at 1:05 PM
I couldn't live without my cell phone. We had our house phone cut off cause we both have cellphones and had no use for it anymore. Don't go prepaid, you pay WAY more that way. The all you can talk plans are great though. I have Nextel and I love it. The two way is the greatest feature ever.

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Check it out.

Posted By: Francious70
Date Posted: April 08, 2005 at 5:31 PM
You could always get a cell phone that had a calling card and you only pay for the time you use.


Posted By: pimpincavy
Date Posted: April 08, 2005 at 11:55 PM
I think I am defiantly getting one before summer, and I will probably get a plan rather then prepaid so i dont get ripped off. Two times today alone I was in a situation where I really could have used a cellphone, so enough is enough. Im going to go out and compare all the major companies...I never make a major purchase without thoroughly researching it first.


Posted By: supradude
Date Posted: April 09, 2005 at 7:05 PM
Go ahead and get you one. But seriously, I think you are going the right route. I tried several different ways and I have the Cingular plan with 700 minutes and unlimited nights and weekends for me and my wife. I like that one the best. It's also nationwide with no long distance.

'85 Toy

Posted By: milnimi
Date Posted: April 19, 2005 at 6:43 PM
Hey if you havent already bought a cell phone, check with your friends to see what service they have. Usually, it is free to call your friends as long as they have the same service (Verzion to Verizon) If you have a girlfriend DO NOT get prepaid. I was spending almost $100.00 a month on prepaid.

Current Student at Lake Michigan College.
Studying Electronics Technology.
After Graduation I Plan to go to Mobile Dynamics to recieve a MECP (Mobile Electronics Certified Professional) Certificate.

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 20, 2005 at 12:36 AM
I guess I am the only one on here with a different opinion. I HATE CELL PHONES. I just cant tollerate the damn things. I hate when they go off in the theatre, I hate seeing a 7 year old at the mall with them, I hate seeing them attached to someones ear who is behind the wheel of a vehicle, I hate people who are walking down the street talking on them and not paying attention to what they are doing and I hate the damn salesman on the sales floor talking on their cell phones to their friends when they should be working. Dont get me wrong, I understand having them in the glove box for emergancies and I understand that someone with a multi-million dollar buisness feels they need to be in touch at all times, but the damn things are so abused its rediculous. I think 10% of the world may actually use a cell properly, 89% of the world abuses them and the other one percent are people like me that refuse to get because we simply HATE THEM.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: overworked2
Date Posted: April 20, 2005 at 6:11 AM

I have one for work, it's sits in the truck inside its handsfree system, and I don't think I've taken it out for 12 months. Thats the way it stays I have no use for funky ringtones, wallpapers, games or SMS I use it purely to tell customers if I'm going to be late or to tell the boss where to get off ;) I also keep one locked in the glove box of my car I hardwired the charger into the car and it stays fully charged in case of emergency and always switched off. But my partner has one......oh boy.....Never gets off the bllody thing, she takes it too bed and then her freinds send her SMS's at three am in the morning telling her of some guy they just picked up....

Check all advice given with a meter

Posted By: pimpincavy
Date Posted: April 21, 2005 at 10:28 PM
Now the question is, waht do I buy first a cell phone or a Eclipse 5425?? I do have a HU, its POS, but it does still work, after I pay for the work being done to my car (fix exaust, horn, etc) im going to spend soem money on one of those two things. O and im most likely going to get a Cingular plan, thats what my girlfriend has, so we will have free mobile to mobile. With that and free nights and weekends I figure I can get by with the 200 minutes a month plan, which is only like $30.


Posted By: overworked2
Date Posted: April 21, 2005 at 11:50 PM
screw the phone! get the damn eclipse!!

Check all advice given with a meter

Posted By: juanpito
Date Posted: May 17, 2005 at 1:05 PM
Listen a cell phone comes in handy in case of an emergence. My wife fell and broke her ankle at her job's parking lot and laid there for 1/2 hour till someone found her. She didn't have a cell phone at the time to call me or 911. After that she now carries a cell phone where ever she goes. So purchase a phone just in case. You'll never know when you'll need it.


Posted By: mobilevt
Date Posted: July 04, 2005 at 12:43 PM

Here's my thing on cell phones.

I only use it when it is urgent like running late, getting directions, receive important calls such as a request to get milk on the way home, etc.

If the person I am doing business with answers his cell phone during a transaction and continues to talk on it without any explaination, I take my business somewhere else.

If my friends answer the phone at a public place such as a restaurant while we're eating dinner and continues to carry on the conversation without excusing herself reasonably, I'll plop my share of the bill and walk out.  It has happened before.  If they valued the friendship, they will apologize and never let it happen again.  I am fortunate to have many good, true friends.

If someone is talking on the phone in church, movie theatres, or equivalent, I will politely ask the person to take it outside.  Failure to adhere to common sense will accidently get the phone "drop kicked"

If I see someone walking around half the day with a cell phone glued to his/her ear, it tells me that the person has a low self esteem & needs constant human interaction.  I pity their lack of self restraint.

If someone wants to talk or do business with me, I have them do it on my terms.  Mail, e-mail, or calls at certain hours of the day are the norm.  Emergency or urgent calls are permitted.  This method saves me tremendously on my phone bill while at the same time, my valuable time is used wisely.  I value my friends by spending actual time face-to-face at home, at a bar, restaurant, coffee house, etc.  They know I don't treat them by calling them just because it is convinient because I now have a cell phone.  They have often told me that they appreciate my undivided attention.  It's what I expect from others anyway.  

In business, my vendors know to actually show up here if they wish to pitch a product.  Calling to arrange a meet or of time sensitive matters is ok.  E-mail is more often used because of the nature I can respond when the time makes itself available.  It works very well for my venders, associates & customers.

When my sons & daughter gets older, I expect them to carry on the values of civility, honor & respect.  I expect my daughter's date to come pick her up at the door, hold the door open, hold the chair, decline to take calls over the phone, offer his coat when it gets cold, and entertain her throughout the course of the evening.  I also expect complete safety from the time she is picked up and dropped off at the very same door.  This is a sign of a man.  If my boys falls short to a girl on a date, I will have them apologize to the girl & her parents.  If my boy as so much to step over the line, I will make my boy available to the girl's father.  I just pray that the girl's father will have seen that I have beaten my son half-way so he doesn't have to do all the work.  Neverless, while they are at 4 months & 19 months now, I pray that my love & discipline will make them ladies men and that I won't have to subject them to other girl's fathers.

William J. H. Boetcker:

That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong.

Emergency Vehicle Technician
Got Freedom? Thank a vet!

Posted By: Testman
Date Posted: July 08, 2005 at 2:21 AM

Anyone considering a cell phone purchase should pick a service provider and purchase a phone, but ONLY after confirming that the service provider is offering a no-questions/no hassle return policy.  This will let you try the phone out where and when you would normally use it. 

The most attractive pricing plan with rollover, or all-you-can-eat, or whatever is worthless if the phone will not work at your home, on your commute route, or wherever else you need it to work.  Do you drop a lot of calls?  How is the voice quality during calls?  Do you have trouble using the phone during weekends or other busy times of day?

One last comment is about "bars," the signal strength meters on most phones.  These will only provide a valid reading while a call is in progress and are notoriously inaccurate.  Your percieved call quality is the best indicator of how well the service provider is working for you.

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