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Neon lights and the Law

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Forum Name: Lights, Neon, LEDs, HIDs
Forum Discription: Under Car Lighting, Strobe Lights, Fog Lights, Headlights, HIDs, DRL, Tail Lights, Brake Lights, Dashboard Lights, WigWag, etc.
Printed Date: June 09, 2024 at 6:15 PM

Topic: Neon lights and the Law

Posted By: Okoboji
Subject: Neon lights and the Law
Date Posted: June 11, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Does any one have any experance w/ the long arm of the law and under body kits.... what state? is there a state where they are legal? is there any legit reasons they are not legal?  what kind of ticket will the cop give out?  whats your opinion on the situation?


Posted By: djfearny2
Date Posted: June 11, 2003 at 7:24 PM
well there not really legal the two color that are more ticketed for are blue and red but deffinitely blue

cops reason!!! obstruction to other drivers.,

bull bull bull just them stretching there law abiding thoughts,

Installer/Help Technician
---coral springs florida---
mecp certification is not always needed. I have it and it has not helped me out at all. my experience out shines it.

Posted By: MAXST
Date Posted: June 11, 2003 at 7:36 PM
They are all illegel if your movin in traffic....its a distraction.

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Posted By: auex
Date Posted: June 11, 2003 at 9:18 PM
Ever read the box that they came in? Did it say something like "For off highway use only" or "Not for use on public streets"?

Certified Security Specialist
Always check info with a digital multimeter.
I promise to be good.
Tell Darwin I sent you.

I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: chasesaccessori
Date Posted: June 12, 2003 at 8:35 AM
There is no law written for neon's.   If the officer writes a ticket stating something about the lights being illigal then you should fight it, you will most likely win in court. Look it up if you don't believe me.(CA)

But, like Maxst stated above, if the officer writes the ticket for a distraction then your stuck.

You can use them on private property without any problems from the law unless there is a little sign posted that states that it is patroled by local law enforcement. But, they most likely won't bug you.

I hit my lites as soon as I drive up any drive enterence, anywhere. Have been hasseled plenty, been ticketed many a time, and have never had to pay on cent for a ticket. (fought them all and won)

Just a little story:     Had come upon a accident at night on a two lane desert road, first one there. Pulled to the side, turned on my flashers and neon to light my truck up more. I checked the accident and helped them out on their own then called 911 to get some more help. I had also set up flares way off behind my truck. A Highway Patrol was first to arrive, and instead of helping me with the people or securing the sceen, (tons of crap all over the road impeading traffic) the officer started bitching at me about my neons. I walked away from the officer and went to the accident victoms and asked if they would be ok if I left them. They said Yes, so I turned to the officer and told him to "f**k off", then took off in my truck.

Must of disturbed him from his doughnut break! I try to help out law enforcement when I see they need help but, That sure left a very sour taste in my mouth for them.

Posted By: copcarguy
Date Posted: June 12, 2003 at 9:41 PM
Watch out in PA!!! Absolutely no auxilary lighting is allowed and even "blue" headlamps are not allowed if they did not come original with the car or so the letter of the law states.

There is even legislation in the works to take away volunteer firefighters rights to install lighting on their personal vehicles as well as towing and construction vehicles. This hits hard on those of us who make our living selling and installing these products.

Bust the bad guys, not my checkbook!

R Jackson
TRM Emergency Vehicles
Information is advice only and should be confirmed with OEM or quality test equipment.
Boyertown, Pennsylvania

Posted By: hawaiianalii
Date Posted: June 13, 2003 at 12:58 AM
yea i live in hawaii and i already got 6 tickets for my streetglow, which is blue.  I also have blue led lights is  the air con vents and on my gauges,(speed, rpm etc,) but i just leave them because i think they are worth the tickets.

Posted By: Anthony1
Date Posted: June 14, 2003 at 12:21 PM
  Illegal here in Nova Scotia Canada.  You can usually get away with it as long as they are not blue or red.  However, they will charge you if the other color lights flash or anything.  Only police can use the colour blue here, and all emergency vehicles can use red.  You must have a permit.  Blue is legal on farm equipment that does not exceed 40 MPH, and is for usemainly  off road.  There is still a by law here in Sydney about stores downtown having flashing lights or chasers on the buildings.  It is rarely used, however there has been fines given.  The law was put in affect during the war.  Flashing Lights were not allowed so the Germans could not see the town at night.  It was never removed as a by law.

Posted By: xetmes
Date Posted: June 14, 2003 at 1:01 PM
yea in PA no aux lighting, hey copcarguy ever notice that they dont care about the volunteer firefighters having more that 2 lights anyway, they keep making absurd laws around here.

Posted By: copcarguy
Date Posted: June 15, 2003 at 11:36 AM
New laws in PennDot subcommitee right now are going to crack down even more. brace yourself if it goes through the senate and house to become law.

I hate to buck the system but I think this one really sucks! Where are you located in PA? If it is State Police Patrolled they are really strict but the locals are usually a little more relaxed unless it is a new guy out of the academy.posted_image

R Jackson
TRM Emergency Vehicles
Information is advice only and should be confirmed with OEM or quality test equipment.
Boyertown, Pennsylvania

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