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Too Many wires

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Forum Name: Lights, Neon, LEDs, HIDs
Forum Discription: Under Car Lighting, Strobe Lights, Fog Lights, Headlights, HIDs, DRL, Tail Lights, Brake Lights, Dashboard Lights, WigWag, etc.
Printed Date: June 09, 2024 at 5:47 PM

Topic: Too Many wires

Posted By: eleterequest
Subject: Too Many wires
Date Posted: December 18, 2006 at 1:20 AM

Oh, while I am here, I want to run some lights in the back of the car and have all the switchs in the front. the easyest way I could think about would be to run 5 wires from 5 switchs to the back for controls, but with running other speaker wire, heavy gage amp power wire, wires for relays for sensors that are not stock, remote turn on wires, and prolly a couple spairs, I am going to end up with a duct full of wiring to get from the front of the car to the back "because its easyer".

How do you guys run wires through your cars? Just under the trim? Because I am afraid the trim will be so far out there from all these wires that there won't be enough room to get into the car, lol.

But really, Its a beater car, would it be worth taking the seats out, pulling the carpet up and running the wires that way? Or is there an easyer way.


Posted By: KarTuneMan
Date Posted: December 23, 2006 at 8:35 AM
I would use the constant 12v you already have in the rear of the vehicle. Use your switches up front to "throw" a ground to trigger relays to turn on your lights. Depending on the current draw, and type of lights you are installing in the COULD use 1 switch.


Posted By: eleterequest
Date Posted: December 23, 2006 at 11:31 PM
Yes I could, But I want to run switchs for my sub amp, and norm amp, then have a switch to turn on lights in general, and another switch to control if the lights I am using are on the street legal side of the panel, or the show off the car side of the panel.

I already know how I would wire it all up, im just wondering whats the best way to do all this wiring from the front to the back.

Just to clarify, I have subtle LED lighting around some speakers that are street legal because you cannot see them from outside the car while its in motion.

Then on the other side of things, I have some neons, strobes, and flashing LEDs that would definitally get me a ticket if on while driving, but are cool to have around at partys and when showing off a good system in a beater car.

Something like that ill-logix controller would be wicked for this I think, and run it all off a fob, but for something like lighting and stuff, I wanna go a bit froogle.

Again, any input appreciated.
- Allan.

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: December 31, 2006 at 5:44 PM
I split up the wiring in my swift and ran some down each side. I had no problems with it buldging out but every car is diiferent. For the record I have literally about 20 18 gauge wires 2 runs of 2 gauge and 3 pairs of speaker wires down one side that should give you some indication.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

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