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Writer needs help with sound laws

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Forum Name: Car Audio
Forum Discription: Car Stereos, Amplifiers, Crossovers, Processors, Speakers, Subwoofers, etc.
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Topic: Writer needs help with sound laws

Posted By: suebob
Subject: Writer needs help with sound laws
Date Posted: December 07, 2003 at 9:59 PM


I am a writer working on an article about "boom cars". I found a whole culture of people out there who are working on laws to limit sound emissions, and would like to talk to people who are on the other side of the issue.

If you could help me out, please email me with a good time to call. If you aren't good on the phone, I could work by email too.

Thanks for the help,
Sue Davis


Posted By: auex
Date Posted: December 07, 2003 at 10:12 PM
Let's see, not to rain on your article, but this has been an issue for years, it has also been discussed and written about for years. From New York banning alarm siren's/length of siren duration to residential noise ordinances, generally cannot be loud enough to be heard at 50 ft. This is a loosing battle, but one that should be lost. I personally don't play my bass when I am in my community because I know it can be loud and bother people. It is fine when on the highway or when in traffic, but it doesn't belong in residential areas.

If anyone else has something to add please do.

Certified Security Specialist
Always check info with a digital multimeter.
I promise to be good.
Tell Darwin I sent you.

I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: Ketel22
Date Posted: December 07, 2003 at 11:01 PM
i also come from the point of view of auex, in which there is always a place and time for using your bass and not using it. Those people whom are stupid and run through neighbor hoods playing their system at its peak nearing midnight should be given tickets and fined heavily for it. i know i hate noise when im sleeeping and just waking but i also love my bass when i am going for a drive down a 4 lane road or a high way.

Quad L Handyman services

Posted By: NowYaKnow
Date Posted: December 07, 2003 at 11:36 PM
I'm right there with the other guys..Idiots are idiots it doesn't matter what the issue at hand is there will always be people who abuse things. (drunk driving, police power, etc it doesn't matter..) Every one of my friends with large systems follow the general rule that anytime your driving late at night, the stereo gets turned down..Simple as that. Of course I hear stereos all the time and don't complain one bit. For those 2 seconds out of your life that a car is passing by your house and it annoys you, get over it and get a life..There must be more important things to worry about and fight over..It's sad..They tried to implement a law/ordinance here that your car would be impounded on the spot for a loud stereo/exhaust..Needless to say it didn't make it..The main problem is that any law put into effect now, majority of factory installed stereos could be capable of violating. The law here is any stereo heard from 40 ft away could be ticketed..Any modern day factory car stereo is capable of that and more..Should those people mail there tickets to General Motors for reinbursement? Obviously not like I said it's the people not the industry. We moved into our house knowing there was a major highway right behind it. We don't complain about the noise. If it was that much of an issue we would've moved into the sticks instead of a city..By the way try going down to some local shops to get some installer/shop owner interviews..We've had some news crews come down that's always fun..As you can see it doesn't look like most installers recommend playing the stereo full volume late at night or in residential areas. Alcohol companies sell the alcohol its up to the consumer to use it responsibly. Our industry is no different..You probably aren't going to get the other side of the fence view point your looking for because most seem to agree. Good luck with your article,


Posted By: suebob
Date Posted: December 08, 2003 at 7:20 PM
Thank you all for your long and thoughtful answers!

One more question: Why have systems that are capable of putting out sounds that can hurt you?

Thanks again,

Posted By: muppetmaster
Date Posted: December 08, 2003 at 8:19 PM

When you are talking about the annoying people who drive by in their "boom cars", this is just an average everyday system, and is not really capable of physically hurting anyone.  What I think you are talking about is competition systems.  This is no different than people souping up their old hot rods.  They do it because it is a hobby, and it is also interesting to them, and some people take it on as a challenge.  People build comp audio for the same reasons.  It is more than just the "boom factor".  A lot of custon installers go for how good a system looks just as much as it sounds.  I have no pity for those who get violations at residential areas at odd hours of the night.  I warn every customer about it when they leave.  I have had my "boom car" for five years now, and i haven't had any violations, or warnings.  Knowing when to turn the bass down separates pros and and the people that do not care about anyone.

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: December 08, 2003 at 8:26 PM

Some of these systems that are capable of producing levels that can hurt you are not designed for that fact, they have been designed to push the limits of engineering and physics, to showcase a certain shops capabilities, to entertain crowds. It is one way that a manufacturer can improve their equipment in all aspect of design and engineering, not just to make things loud, but maybe make things sound better or not cost as much money. The vast majority of these systems are not designed for listening to. There is a drastic difference between an audio system designed to be listened to (sq) and an audio system designed to play excessivly loud (spl). I would wager that you are a person who enjoys their music and doesn't need to drive around and listen to things so loud that the whole neighbourhood can hear you, but nonetheless, if your favorite music happens to be playing, you might turn it up a little louder, this is not much different from a person who really enjoys music and plays it at a different level (where he / she annoys the neighbourhood). This is the person whom needs to be educated about listening to music at such an unsafe volume level, they will never recover their hearing, this I know all too well. As an owner of two stores I  do my best to educate a client on the potential of permanent hearing damage (supported by a statement on the receipt) , some of our customers hear what we say, others play their system how they like. In both of our countries that is a right that we have, it is called the freedom of choice. One person's right to silence is no greater or less than another persons right to make noise. There is a time and a place to enjoy your music and this is what should be addressed, but a blanket law that covers say an entire city is wide open for attack for a multutude of legal issues. My question to you, does the culture that dislikes audio at this level understand it or is their basis for attack based on the person who drives by their house?

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: italnpimp59
Date Posted: December 08, 2003 at 11:54 PM
i think the police giving 100 dollar noise violations is freakin ridiculous.  i agree that if i was boomin thru a neighborhood at 3am wakin people up or if i was just at a red light annoying everyone around me, then that is rude and will annoy people.  but i think the 100 dollar tickets are ridiculous and just a way for the cops to make more money....they have a certain quoata of tickets to write to get paid better.   i have gotten 3 noise violation tickets when i was driving...not stopped at a red light...and it was in the afternoon where its not at all a big deal.  this kinda stuff has made me lose lots of respect for the police force. theres people getting robbed and killed and women getting raped...but its ok because, hey, at least the police are making sure my radio is not too loud!!!  so my opinion is that its ridiculous...i can see cops pulling people over for pounding thru a neighborhood at 3am...that annoys me when i get woke up like that.  but other than that...were doing what we like and not hurting anybody.   most of us spend lots of money on our systems and lots of time building it to be as loud as we want it to be.  so when did it all of a sudden become illegal to enjoy a good clean hobby that does not harm anyone??


Posted By: Ketel22
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 1:24 AM
going with what italnpimp said, within the last days i got pulled over and given a repremad by a popo, he pulled me over in my mothers car, which is currently stock minus 2 speakers. He asked if i knew y i got pulled over and he said it was because of my "boom box." once again this is two stock speakers off the stock h/u. The only reason i didnt get a ticket out here is because i have an out of state liscense. and some of us know the paper work involved isnt worth it.

Quad L Handyman services

Posted By: fuseblower
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 7:44 AM

Sound laws suck.  I got a ticket for playing two 6.5 off of the factory radio.  The popo said that he could hear it so he gave me a ticket.  Idiot should have been able to hear it since he was walking by my car.  You can hear a conversation in a car if you are walking by it with the windows down. 

I don't care for the sound laws at all.  I can ride a Harley around all day and they get off on it like it was a drug saying "boy it sounds good".  Turn your music up and that's noise. 

Posted By: EzekialPhoenix
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 11:19 AM
I agree with what's been said regarding noice laws implemented because people are annoyed by loud music.  There is a time and place, which respectful people know.  I will bring up another side to ths issue because I think it is important to note.  I would agree with imposing these laws for one reason, and one reason only.  If you are driving on a highway in the middle of the day with your music turned way up, it can be difficult if not impossible to hear the sirens of a police, ambulance, or fire truck behind you.  I will even admit to falling victim to this problem.  I have been driving, watching people pulling over to the side of the road, thinking "what are they doing?"  Then I hit the mute button and hear the sirens behind me.  Check the rear view, and voila, an ambulance is back there.  I have never had one directly behind me waiting for me to move, but it could happen.  So, for that reason I could understand laws against loud music in cars.  Just something to consider before the members of this forum take to the streets with torches.

I be tossin and flossin, my style is awesome. Causin' more family feuds than Richard Dawson.

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 12:53 PM

The police do not have a quota for tickets, they do not get paid any more if they write more, all writing more tickets does is create mountains of paperwork that actually keeps the officer off of the streets, ever said where's a cop when you need one? He's probably doing your paperwork. Now someone replied that they listen to their music loud only on the highway and are just waiting to have an ambulance or that come up behind them one day and not be noticed, no offense dude but if you drive with this position, then you should not be driving, you are a hazard to the other drivers. Now after I explain why you'll probably have a different opinion, so why? Because unless you can drive using "the force" our #1 reason for being able to drive is being able to see. Being able to hear a siren does not make you a better or safer driver, you should always be checking your mirrors every 15  - 30 seconds. How do you know that some semi that has lost it's brakes and has no air horn (I have seen this personally) isn't heading straight for your rear bumper? Ever wondered how a deaf person can drive? What about people who wear hearing protection while they drive ,ever driven a really loud diesel? Just a different side of the coin for your reply and I hope that you'll see the point here, I am not calling you a hazard as was implied above, just opening other peoples eyes to how they really drive.

Now the police have a job to do, they are there to enforce the laws. If they law states that there can be no loud noise and they catch you, you are guilty. The officer may not agree with the law and I know that you definitely don't but he has a job to do and he will do it. Yes there is a drastic difference for the officer between a domestic violence call and a ticket for excessive noise, but nonetheless if you break the law and he sees you break the law, you will be given a ticket, maybe not right now, maybe in 2 weeks because he was on the way to a domestic disturbance call, and maybe he'll also send the guy a ticket that failed to pull to the right and stop when he approached your vehicle from behind. (you didn't hear him - and don't dispute this, you will lose). The officer's job is no different than the job that we must do every day, how long do you think you would have a job if you did not do what your employer wants to do, no difference for the officer.

There is a time and a place to play a audio system loud, it is most certainly not in an area that will annoy people on a daily basis, be it at work or at home or in your neighbourhood where everyone can see you, follow you home and steal your stereo. This happens way more often than you think. I as a business owner of two car audio stores happen to agree that there should be some kind of laws against noise pollution, be it a loud Harley, construction site work or a big car audio system, but to enact a blanket law is exactly the wrong way to go, one size does not fit all.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: Paradigm
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 2:57 PM

forbidden, it's not just what's behind you that you need to pay attention to, but all around you. If you can't hear what's going on around you, you're less likely to be aware of any impending hazard or incident ahead of time (and I'm not saying completely unaware). I would much rather have "heard" the sirens or the semi coming and gotten off the road or out of the way than having to swerve or cut someone off at the last second to get out of the way. You are more likely to be paying attention to the road and the other drivers around you when the music is turned down, not the other way around. That's kinda like someone who told me on another forum that smoking pot makes him a safer and more alert driver. haha that's so funny every time I think about that one. Anyway, you should be paying attention to the road at all times, both by seeing what is going on around you and what you hear going on around you. One or the other just won't cut it.

There should be sound ordinances for loud music, machinery, etc. But it should be handled on a case-by-case issue, not just a blanket law covering everything.

VEHICLE: 2002 GMC Sonoma ZR2
Alpine CDA-7940
AudioControl EQT x2
JL Audio 1000/1
JL Audio 10W6 (originals) x3
Kicker ZR120
Kicker ZR460
Polk GXR-6 x4
Polk GXR-4 x2

Posted By: suebob
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 3:22 PM

Thanks for the lively discussion. I spoke to a woman this morning that said she was ready to get a gun and kill people because of their low-frequency booming driving her to distraction.

Then I talked to a guy who owns a car audio store who says almost everyone who comes in says they don't want to be like those people who boom down the street, but then when they hear a system with subwoofers, always want one, because they love the sound quality - he can't sell them without!

This topic is interesting!


Posted By: nedgeworth
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 3:41 PM
Isn't driving all about distractions and how well you deal with them. I mean it's going to be different for everyone. Personally sometimes when your driving friends around and they have a habbit of turning up your system I just tend to tune out and focus on what's around me. Me being partly deaf anyways i don't usually rely on my hearing all that much.

But yes of course for some ppl having that extra sense as an early warning will help them out greatly. For other's it my not have much affect at all. As we have all seen the very ignorant drivers who just don't have a clue when it comes to getting out of the way of an emergency vechile or anything and just sit there.

I agree with forbidden there is always a time and a place for booming. I'm usually very cautious around residential areas especially before i'm about to park somewhere, making your my system isn't of noticable volume. We have the same blanket law over here and just never seems to be enforced, only ever for your system being at a volume you seem reasonable but the police don't see it that way!

Posted By: MAXST
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 4:01 PM

Anything is a distraction. 

What they need to do is have automative driving.  all automatic, then you can whatever the heck you want to and then the cops can go and catch the murders and rapist.

I need quality equipment, feel free to donate.

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 4:57 PM
Paradigm, I agree with you, you do need to pay attention to everything around you, all of the time, I also agree that for those of us that are not deaf, we should use our sense of hearing while we drive, not just to listen to music, but to listen for any emergency vehicles or driving hazards. You are in control of the vehicle, it is up to you to drive responsibly. Enjoy your audio, not annoy everyone else with it.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: Ketel22
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 8:26 PM
just something from my head, i think that the laws should be checking persons talking on their cellphones while driving more than they should be worried about the soudn systems. I know for a fact that many women,  not saying all, and some men, arent the best of drivers and when you add cell phones to the equation its just a disaster waiting to happen. i know that some states have passed laws against it, but from experience, my mother,  i know that people can be really stupid when it comes to driving. To me the real issue isn't the distractions that occur when a person is driving but the person whom is behind the wheel that has to deal with them. I really think that a persons ability to deal with problems should be better checked during the "driving tests" I know many people are failing their driving test daily and can go the next day and take it again, to me this policy puts more dangerous drivers in dangerous situations than does persons talking on cell phones, playing music loud, etc. But as far as limiting the sound systems, why do that when persons with loud exhausts, bikes, cars, tires for that fact, can go to the MVA and get a permit, or grandfather for many of their "illegal" parts.

Quad L Handyman services

Posted By: wvsquirrel
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 9:42 PM
Had to get in on this one and put in my 2 cents.

1) I disagree with the Harley comment made earlier. I ride a Harley, and have a "boom car". You can get a noise violation ticket on a bike (regardless of the manufacturer) just as quickly as you can for excessive noise from a stereo.

2) I agree with having limits in place for noise ordinances, but disagree with the way they are enforced. I live in Florida, and all the cop needs to do is say "they heard it from x amount of feet away". This is complete BS (as pointed out earlier). I put a lot of time into designing custom systems, and am still a responsible driver. The least the lawmakers could do is make it mandatory to ticket based on a measured sound level (like using a radar gun). Why don't they do this? Easiest answer is because any set measurable noise level could be produced by a number of things besides someones stereo.

3) I, like many of my friends here have stated, enjoy listening to my creations while driving. If done responsibly it should not be a problem. Am I damaging my hearing...absolutely. But that's my choice. Am I damaging the hearing of the guy in the car next to me while in motion, absolutely not. If you turn the bass down while stopped, it is not only considerate but will help give us a better rep.

4) Damn the man. This is America, and we enjoy the liberty and freedom that America has. Everyone does things that annoy other people, but that's life. Get over it. I've fought for my country and my freedoms (and yours for that matter). There's a time and place for everything (even us recklooses know this!)

"No more Cpt. Kirk chit chat"
If its too loud, then you're too old
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Posted By: italnpimp59
Date Posted: December 09, 2003 at 9:58 PM
just want to add some stuff here.  as far as what you said forbidden, police DO have a certain quota of tickets to write.  i have relatives that are cops and have friends that have relative that are cops who have told us this.  i think the noise ordinacne laws should ONLY be put into effect under 2 circumstances.  one is if its after like 10pm and going thru a neighborhood.  doing this would be inconsiderate and stupid and will piss people off.  and two, if someone is sittin at a red light just knockin...pissin everyone at the redlight off.  because that is also very rude.  but if i am driving down the road in the afternoon....there is nothing wrong with it...its more of a fundraiser for the city is really what it is.  i have said many times that the police department has become one of the most successful businesses in the U.S.  and i say it as a very sarcastic statement but i refer to things like the noise tickets.  and yeah like someone else stated...ever drove a big diesel truck.  if not then ill explain it to you...theyre loud and you cant hear sh!t in them.   but yeah this wirting of noise tickets when im cruising in the afternoon is just ridiculous.  i knew as soon as i saw this topic that this post was gonna be on fire!!  oh yeah ketel22....yeah u got pulled over for a stock radio on two stock speakers...ive seen that happen before.  so now not only are we breaking the law by upgrading our sound system, but now its illegal to ask the dealership to include a radio and speakers in our new car that we are designing?  well anyway...this is no disrespect to the police..they have a tough job and i respect it...but this sound law and the tickets gotta go!


Posted By: fuseblower
Date Posted: December 10, 2003 at 8:03 AM

wvsquirrel, some states to have a db level that is considered to be obnoxious, but the question is how can you measure DB's in a living environment when you can't control all of the variables.

In regards to quota's, police do have quota's to meet in regards to tickets.  Your state may say that it is not true but speak to any officer and if they are honest they will tell you that they do have a set number of tickets to write per month. 

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: December 10, 2003 at 1:03 PM
Sorry guys, I did not mean to confuse an issue, in Canada the RCMP (the guys in the red duds with beaver felt hats that ride around on horses) do not have a quota for tickets. I overlooked the fact that most of you guys are in the states and laws or quota's apply differently. Did not mean to single out a harley rider either, I've heard lots of loud bikes.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: tdsteele
Date Posted: December 10, 2003 at 2:54 PM
Free country but stupid rules and laws everywhere you look. Noise ordinances that single out car stereos but not the harley bike that rattles your whole house as it goes by( no offense to any bike owners as i like them too but they are louder than most stereos), had a new neighbor throw a party back in the summer, they thought it would be cool to have a live band playing out in the yard for everyone to hear, very inconsiderate and rude in my opinion, i called the cops, they were like what are we supposed to do about it?!?! Im like ok you will ticket a car with a loudstereo thats driving around but its ok for these people to drive the neighborhood insane?? Needless to say that party got ended abruptly. Another law that reallyu gets under my skin is the damn seatbelts laws. Required by law to wear them in a vehicle where your whole body is surrounded by lots of metal and plastic, BUT, by law its ok to ride a motorcycle where you whole body is exposed and they dont even have to wear a helmet if THEY choose not to!! Yeah, this makes alot of sense to me. More like free country but you have to do what they tell you too. Sorry, just needed to do some venting and this topic seemed like the one to do it

Posted By: tdsteele
Date Posted: December 10, 2003 at 7:11 PM

Its me again, just wanted to pass on an article in my local paper today. They are wanting to redo the noise ordinance in my town to make it harsher. They want to double the fine, which is $250 now, plus they want an additional penalty of up to a year in jail!! Crazy or what. But later on the article a local attorney points out that its hard to enforce due to the lack of standards and usually the court only gives a $25 fine. Then he goes on to say how they only enforce it in certain areas instead of all areas. Then the part i thought was right on the money is how he called this "the anti hip-hop ordinance", its not to stop the noise, it is enforced almost exclusively against the young people who are driving around playing hip hop.

Anyways, thought you all might like that.

Posted By: audiophyle247
Date Posted: December 14, 2003 at 1:58 PM
I have come to find that people who play their music extremely loud inresidential areas seem to lose their equipment. I have several neighbors whose kids all have "Bitchen Systems" & they stay up late "tweekin" the system @ full volume to get it just right. After a couple of weeks I noticed all of their vehicles had been broken into & theis sh*t stolen. This I think is funny & just. One of the vehicles was parked in a garage w/ the door half open. My car is generally parked on the street, or edge of my driveway. I have a couple thousand invested into my vehicle & have had no problems. People get what they deserve, simple as that. You just have to be patient.


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