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Too many ideas, interested?

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Forum Name: Car Audio
Forum Discription: Car Stereos, Amplifiers, Crossovers, Processors, Speakers, Subwoofers, etc.
Printed Date: June 07, 2024 at 7:45 AM

Topic: Too many ideas, interested?

Posted By: cmh
Subject: Too many ideas, interested?
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 11:53 AM

Hi, I am a craftsman and a top notch audio engineer and I have a problem...
I have too many great IDEAS. I love designing and building custom enclosures and other install items people love like custom video interfaces, cameras putting things in places that look as custom as can be but still holding on to stock qualities etc. I am just bored of trying to make side money in crappy install bays arround here (las Vegas) where I intall more head units and alarms then custom jobs (YUCK) and would love to help all of you! I will plan out any enclosure and will email you the plans on a perfect box using my awesome programs, and even show you how it will sound prior to you even actually buying the drivers, all I need is the make and model and theil small numbers. All this is due to all of the posts from people trying to get the most out of as little money possible. I can help, and I love doing it too. If interested PM me and lets get started.... Also where are all of the great install pictures at?


Posted By: raydawg357
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 12:19 PM

Cool, I'll keep you in mind.  you can find alot of install pics at

Do it right the first time

Posted By: kickerstang
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 12:49 PM
yeah, ok, mr. audio engineer

what!?!?! you want some??

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 1:15 PM
Did I catch a hint of sarcasim there. I hope not since the guy is just trying to lend a hand to people that need it.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: kickerstang
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:17 PM
can't get anything past you huh??

what!?!?! you want some??

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:18 PM
Mabye I just dont get it, I thought we wanted people like cmh on the board so that people that need help can get it.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:20 PM
I agree, if he is who he claims to be, he would be a valued addition to the site, provided it is not for profit or a portion of the profit can be forwarded to the site. At one point in time for example, forbidden also was a newbie on this site, this did not mean that I could not offer my services to the site.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: kickerstang
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:26 PM
but did you also build yourself up to be the best top notch audio engineer and have the best ideas around, why not say, hey i'm an audio engineer and i got some ideas someone might be interested in, instead of being c**ky and arrogant

what!?!?! you want some??

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:29 PM
I didnt think that he was trying to be a c**ky arrogant p***k, I just think he is confident in his abbilities. It is sometimes hard to figure out how someone is comming accross when all you can do is read what they write. I could be wrong and he may be a c**ky p***k but I doubt it.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: icu400
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:47 PM
alrighty, i have a challenge for you

figure out how to build 2 custom enclosures for my 1995 ford explorer. I need 2 stealthboxes, 1 for the right side of the trunk beneath the trim (where the storage box is) and 1 for overtop of the wheel cavity on the left side of the trunk. The drivers in each are: Sony XS-L101P5

if you could help me out for that, i would give you props forever!

thanks, and good luck!

Posted By: aggie altima
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:47 PM
I didnt get a c**ky vibe from his first post. I felt he was honestly just trying to help people who are always asking for ideas of what they can do for their setup because maybe that person just doesn't have the ability to design, but the ability to build. I draw setups in my notebooks during class, and I wish I could build all of them, but I only have 1 car, so all these builds are left on paper. What he's doing is sharing whatever's on his paper.

Don't like rockford subs? Then don't look at my car =)

Posted By: mross014
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:47 PM
Why don't you PRO's put him to the test. Quiz him or ask him for a sample of his resume.

LivnLouder by the paycheck

Posted By: Sweekster
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:50 PM
In my opinion. What he should do..instead of having people PM him he should just post his ideas in the New Ideas Forum. I mean, we all have ideas, how good they are is a matter of personal opinion. Not everyone is going to like them. And if he is trying to make money off of those ideas, this may be the wrong place to try and do it.


If you think you're confused, imagine how you feel.   posted_image

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 4:52 PM
I dont feel that anyone should have to "prove" themselves to anyone on here. If he wants a test I am sure he could be given one but I dont think thats nessasary

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: pureRF
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 9:13 PM
I think yall need to chill and stop posting here if it doesnt have to do with the FIRST post. I mean sh*t.

dream it, build it, fiberglass it

Posted By: stevdart
Date Posted: April 27, 2004 at 9:22 PM

I'm a bit of a cynicist, and don't have the heart of Ravendarat, but tend to agree more with him than some others.  But after a search through some recent posts:

"I am a professional audio engineer of 10+ years out of Las vegas, I know LOUD personally! CHeck out our company and enjoy the looks you get as you go boom!"  Posted: April 15, 2004 at 12:27 AM - IP Logged (cmh)

...I do believe this is a little overboard self-serving.  I think reputations on this forum are built over time, and help is extended through the forum.  I have seen, on a daily basis, posters here who do web searches, make phone calls, figure out calculations, make excellent original suggestions.....just for the benefit of the anonymous person who asked for help.  And with no expectations of thanks or reward.

For what I have read over the past several months, I wouldn't hesitate to pay Ravendarat, or Sweekster, or a number of other individuals to develop a project for me...because I have seen their resumes through the free help they have given through this forum.

Posted By: cmh
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 1:11 AM
WOW, STANG IS A JERK her, I have been helping out alot and right along side of you! You have even agreed with some of my advice like on "what size port"!!
Why so much agression man? So I can only help people as they post? I AM a top notch audio engineer and never stated to be the best! I only wish I could show pictures of my work here. All I can say is WOW!! I just answered 3 PM problems as best I could (Solving 1, redirecting 1, and needing more info but telling how to do it on the 3rd) All without having to pass it by stang and others like that. Did I even ask for money?... Hel l no! And as for the notebook full of ideas and only owning 1 car... you hit it on the head bud!! I had over 16 speakers, dvd, playstation, vcr, monitors, camera, neon, etc so tricked out I spent countless hours over 3 years building it all and I got slammed into and it was all gone in 1 second!!! So I keep it simpler now, yet it all comes back out into places like this for others!! Stang grow up.posted_image

Posted By: cmh
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 1:28 AM
Also perhapse over time a rep here is built, but I am reputable in my profession here. That rep is what truly counts in life, the rep you build over time as you progress in your chosen profession! Not meerly 4 5 or 6 people in an online forum. Ravendarat is allright with me!! Perhapse If a quiz is made it would weed out all of the impurities that soured stang on this forum to help people who need it. And keep out all criticism that makes this site so great! In a perfect world no one would need help, all I want to do is help. Also as for my company web site it was only to build confidance in all who wanted to see if I am just BSing or if I can help.posted_image
Got nuttin but love my brothers... PEACE out!

Posted By: Steven Kephart
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 2:52 AM

I always love seeing other people's creative ideas.  Do you have any pictures of some of the more custom installs you have done?  I would love to see them.  I consider myself to be pretty creative as well.  You can see some of the stuff I have worked on at my www page.

It's always nice to see professionals here willing to help. 

Steven Kephart

Adire Audio


Posted By: kickerstang
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 6:37 AM
why do you only wish you could post your pics on here, what's stopping you?? i'd love to see them.  post them on here so we can see what a top notch audio engineer can do.

what!?!?! you want some??

Posted By: HumbleI
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 8:07 AM
I dont think this guys bsing... why would he ?? what motive would he have to be like.. " uhh hey guys whats up im an engineer and I want to help you" if he coudlnt back it up?? everyones gotta start somewhere, just cuz it may be his firt few posts on this sight doesnt mean he hasnt been helping people in REALITY for over how many years?? stop with the negative vibes!! ..... Time to go, in the middle of class!!



Posted By: stevdart
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 9:33 AM

cmh, your post sounded like a pitch for paid services to me and obviously some others, and I'll point out why it came across like that:  "I am just bored of trying to make side money in crappy install bays arround here...and would love to help all of you!"  And then, "If interested PM me and lets get started....".  That, if it were an advertisement for services, would be in violation of forum rules, as I understand them.

That's why you got the negative feedback to your post.  Sometimes just wording can make an impression on the reader, when it is not your intention at all.  I,for one, would also love to see you express some of your ideas in posts on this forum.  There is no doubt you can contribute much more than I can.

Posted By: Ravendarat
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 10:02 AM
Well I can see how people could get the idea that you were trying to make money on the side. I gotta point out that since you never actually said "I will help for money" I asumed you just wanted to contribute but I had to check it myself a ouple times just to make sure. Mording is everything when you arent talking face to face to someone. I have gotten into a couple situations on here because of my wording where I pissed people off because my wording was a little off. I got it all cleared up in the end except for one and that wasnt due to lack of trying it was due to someone being closeminded. So I guess thats lesson one on the forum. Watch what you say or be ready to explain yourself.

double-secret reverse-osmosis speaker-cone-induced high-level interference distortion, Its a killer

Posted By: kickerstang
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 1:13 PM
well you know what happens when you make an "ass" of "u" and "me"

what!?!?! you want some??

Posted By: stevdart
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 9:54 PM

...and because there are kickerstangs in this world,

I'd 've said preeee-sume!

Build the box so that it performs well in the worst case scenario and, in return, it will reward you at all times.

Posted By: cmh
Date Posted: April 30, 2004 at 11:44 PM
See now, yall seem to know where I am going with this, and it is positive. I am sick of wasting my talents in a shady install bay where the company gets props for my work and charges way too much money I never see. So that is why we should all get together and do it all for free minus material or product costs. My money comes from my profession in life , not from typing in help advise wit all you! BTW, QUOTE- "Mording is everything when you arent talking face to face to someone." Ravendarat, you crack me up!!! MORDING, and ARENT just too funny in that sentance. I gotta feel like Jerry McGuire with all this in that it was a meaningless post that turned into a mission statement! So.... Whos comming with me? Ha Ha Ha
I got a killer work loat for the past and next week so if it takes a few days to see any replies sorry, and as I get a few days off in a row I will do some sort of picture galery!

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