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Joining speakers with 1 amp?

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Forum Name: Car Audio
Forum Discription: Car Stereos, Amplifiers, Crossovers, Processors, Speakers, Subwoofers, etc.
Printed Date: June 12, 2024 at 5:33 PM

Topic: Joining speakers with 1 amp?

Posted By: konrad100
Subject: Joining speakers with 1 amp?
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 2:05 PM

Question, what will sound better or does it even make a difference. Supply 1 channel to 2 4 ohm speakers of 100wrms, and how much power does each speaker actually get, and how does it affect the sound quality or spl,,,as opposed to having only 1 speaker 4 ohm hooked up to a 1 channel 100wrms, whats the difference???? By the way these are 6.5 speakers or any inside the car speaker not sub, just to clarify...


Posted By: stevdart
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 2:24 PM

One speaker (components w/crossover, coaxial, or single) per channel.  Doubling up speakers that supply the critical front end of a sound system to get more power out of an amplifier is causing the amp to work harder to provide greatly inferior specs.  The result is inferior sound.  Power the inside speakers at 4 ohms with amplifiers that are powerful enough to provide that power cleanly.  So, plainly, there is a difference.

Look at several amplifier specs.  Look at the output at 4 ohms impedance.  Then look at the output at 2 ohms.  In most cases the output is double at the lower impedance.  But the specs given are at the 4 ohm rating.  2 ohm loads are acceptable, generally, for sub bass output only.

See info for parallel and series wiring and the affect those wiring configurations have on the final load impedance from many sources;  a search of this forum will provide plenty.  And is good for all the basics.

Build the box so that it performs well in the worst case scenario and, in return, it will reward you at all times.

Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 2:35 PM
Thanks, lets take it a bit further. Now i have a question about the infinity kappas perfect which are 4 ohms speaker, and the kappas 60.7 components as well just a grade lower having a 2 ohm load, now i have all my speaker in the car 2ohm loads, therefore more power from the amps. What will be better or sound better buy the perfect at 4 ohms and sacrifice on the wrms from the amp becuse of 4 ohms or will it sound ok, or overpowered by the other speakers cause of the 2 ohm load. Or get the grade lower infinitys at 2 ohms. OR get another amp that will mach the wrms for the perfects and not have a problem with the othe speakers that have 2 ohms...

Posted By: DYohn
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 2:44 PM

You are hung up on power and ohms.  Neither makes a speaker sound good.  A speaker either sounds good or it doesn't.  Buy the ones you like.  Give them sufficient power within their RMS rating. 

In general, however, any amplifier will operate cleaner, cooler, last longer and sound better with a higher impedance load on it.  This is generally true no matter what kind of speaker we are discussing.


Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 3:44 PM
My mistake, at least you clarified it to me now, thanks. But with rms i'm running 150 wrms to each speaker as is now even though they are only rated for 110, but i'd rather over power them and just turn down the gains so the speaker anyways sound nice and clean and the amp doesn't have to work as hard. I figured that having more power at your fingertips and adjusting it to the speaker is better then underpowered speakers. With amps now and the watts lost in cables and other reasons just would make more sense to get a more powerful amp and just play with it, would you agree??
Although you still haven't put in any input as to since i have all 2 ohm speakers in the car will it make a difference in listening or underpowering the 4 ohms perfects becuse i can only get them 80wrms per channel to them as opposed 150 to the others per channel (do you see my question). What's your take on this?

Posted By: DYohn
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 3:56 PM

Overpowering kills speakers.  Underpowering does not harm speakers.  Amplifier head room is a good thing.

Like I said before, in general an amplifier will operate cleaner and your sound quality will be better with a higher impedance load on the amplifier.

The difference in loudness between a speaker using 80 watts of amplifier power and the same kind of speaker using 160 watts of amplifier power is around 3db.  (as a point of reference, it requires an increase of 10db to be perceived as "twice as loud." ) 

Use the speakers that sound the best to you.


Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 4:06 PM
Thanks, As i mentioned earlier by turning down the gain with an amp that is ex. 215 wrms and speaker only 100 wrms, when the gain is down may it still damage the speaker???, and how much amp power overhead would you recommend for a 100 wrms speaker. Thanks, much appreciated.

Posted By: DYohn
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 4:19 PM

The gain control does not limit the amplifier's power output, it only determines how hot an input is necessary to achieve the output.  An amplifier is capable of it's maximum output with any gain setting.  The purpose of setting your gain properly is to prevent amplifier clipping and to balance the relative output levels between multiple amps at any fixed input level. 

As far as how much amplifier power for a given speaker, actually you can use any amplifier with any speaker.  The key is understanding how to set up the system and how to recognize and correct clipping or speaker over-excursion issues.  Generally, though, I recommend that if someone is purchasing an amplifier that they use any amplifier RMS output up to the RMS ratings of their speakers for the safest operation, and to be sure they understand how to properly setup the amplifier to prevent clipping.  Remember that speaker ratings are the MAX they can safely handle, not what they require.


Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 4:51 PM
100 rms for the speaker, 225 max, should i look at more at the max of the speaker or rms when buying the amp?

Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 5:04 PM
like the infinity perfect are 100 wrms, and 400 peak power handling, what would be nice power for this set for example??thanks

Posted By: DYohn
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 7:12 PM
RMS ratings are all that matters, and even then are sometimes not accurate.  Infinity tends to give good RMS ratings.  Do not exceed 100 watts for those speakers in order to be safe.  The Peak rating is only given to make the speakers look better to an uninformed consumer.  Being here and asking these kinds of questions is how one becomes informed!  posted_image


Posted By: konrad100
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 8:02 PM
thank you, very informative, much appreciated.

Posted By: dirt_jumper54
Date Posted: October 12, 2005 at 9:50 PM
instead of runnig at 2ohms run at 8ohms and have the right amount of power going to your speakers. 8ohms will sound way better than 2 and if you get speakers with higher power handling in the future than u can run at 4 ohms with more power

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