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approximate cost, 2007 civic stereo

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Forum Name: Car Audio
Forum Discription: Car Stereos, Amplifiers, Crossovers, Processors, Speakers, Subwoofers, etc.
Printed Date: May 31, 2024 at 10:40 PM

Topic: approximate cost, 2007 civic stereo

Posted By: omzig10
Subject: approximate cost, 2007 civic stereo
Date Posted: April 26, 2007 at 8:31 PM

This is my first post, so hello all that read this and an early thank you to anyone that has a constructive response...

I am having the entire interior of my brand new 2007 Civic SI sedan removed, all the stock audio equipment removed, a bunch of sound deadening material installed, custom fiberglass in my door panels for 3 way component set, custom amp racks in the trunk as well as custom sub enclosures in the trunk.  The hope is (when all is said and done) to have the vehicle look as stock as possible (not doing any crazy suede inserts or anything like that) and as much trunkspace as possible (hoping to custom mold the sub enclosures along the sides of the trunk preserving as much space as possible).  I am looking to APPROXIMATE (I know no one can give me hard numbers) what the LABOR will cost me for the various pieces of this project.  So far the numbers I'm hearing are around $1000.00 for each door panel, and around $2000.00 for the interior (including dash) tearout, installation of the sound deadening, and reinstallation of the interior.  The amp rack and sub enclosures are still up in the air for labor costs.  Of course while the entire interior is ripped out, the wiring for the new system will be run, so there should be a MINOR savings there, but if anyone could ballpark this, I would appreciate it.  I just want to confirm I'm not getting ripped when they give me the final quote to do the work.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: April 26, 2007 at 9:50 PM
So if one company or person can do it cheaper and provide substandard work, another company do far better work yet charge more, where does this leave you? Right back to where you are now. Who am I to say what(I will pick on Velocity Motors because I can (and I am far meaner than him)) Jeff should or should not charge for the labour that he does at his shop? The issue you are faced with is the quality of the work to be done for the $ that you pay. There is always going to be those that can do it cheaper, promise to do it better for less, could have done a better job etc.......

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

Posted By: sedate
Date Posted: April 27, 2007 at 1:22 AM

ozmig10 wrote:

I just want to confirm I'm not getting ripped when they give me the final quote to do the work.

My thought, perhaps cynically pragmatic, when I read this is that your going to spend some $5000 to purposely cut that same amount of resale value from your own new car.

My interpretation there ozmig, is that you are ripping yourself off.

"I'm finished!" - Daniel Plainview

Posted By: auex
Date Posted: April 27, 2007 at 3:46 AM
There is no way to know. It is custom work and can't be estimated on the internet.

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I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: omzig10
Date Posted: April 27, 2007 at 8:55 AM

Well, it seems the12volt is host to many cynics...  To emphasize, I'm not really looking for how shortsighted it might be to spend closer to $10,000 on a brand new car.  That's not why I posted this thread.  I was just looking to hear what one of YOU might charge for a similar install.  I thought this was a forum for not only people doing installs themselves, but also vendors, shop owners, etc.  Again, any constructive comments are appreciated.

Thank you,

Todd O.

Posted By: xtremej
Date Posted: April 27, 2007 at 10:32 AM

To be honest your asking something that is virtually impossible to do. To ballpark your job via the internet, I estimate 10k u.s. I'll take 60% up frontposted_image. This price is dependent on how much input besides equipment choice you have.... In all seriuosness it will be exspensive to have it done right, talk to your friends/co-workers or anyone that has had expereince with the shops you are looking into, then go from there.

Posted By: forbidden
Date Posted: April 27, 2007 at 1:59 PM
Todd, it truly is something that you have to be hands on with. This way I know am I fibreglassing sub boxes and kickpanels, am I making custom baffle boards, basically what degree of install is being done for the customer. A standard install, a semi custom install, a full custom install, amount of wire used, full deadening, custom paints all come into play when I am talking to my customers here. My competition cannot and will not do this kind of work, as such their install quote will always be cheaper than mine, is it what the customer wants though? The only way to know if this is what you want is to talk to the guys, ensure that it is what you want and then talk to them about how it could be cheaper or more expensive.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.

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