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New to Best Buy, Advice?

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Topic: New to Best Buy, Advice?

Posted By: Silvrefox
Subject: New to Best Buy, Advice?
Date Posted: September 27, 2006 at 8:18 PM

Hey you guys, just migrated from CC to Best Buy here in OKC. I just took over the Mobile Installation Supervisor position and besides the basics of the Point-of-Sale system, any suggestions for success?


Posted By: bellsracer
Date Posted: September 27, 2006 at 8:36 PM

Keep an eye on your numbers and what the uppers have to say. Attitude (proper attitude) will get you far in the company. Make it to all the meetings and find out what it takes to gain and maintain Top Gun status.

From there, just enjoy the flow of BB.

Good Luck!

Never send your ducks to eagle school.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
The 3Ls of life: Learn from the Past, Live for the Present, Look to the Future.

Posted By: Silvrefox
Date Posted: September 28, 2006 at 4:18 PM
So, it's like that, huh?

Posted By: bellsracer
Date Posted: September 30, 2006 at 1:27 AM
I loved my BB. The only reason I left was because the shop I am at now pays much better. But once and a while I find myself missing BB. There was a girl in the shop and we were always flirting around. Too bad she was already married. And no, nothing beyond lunch out together or a coffee shop run happened.

Never send your ducks to eagle school.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
The 3Ls of life: Learn from the Past, Live for the Present, Look to the Future.

Posted By: speedwayaudio1
Date Posted: October 02, 2006 at 3:10 AM
Just don't smoke any weed before work. lol

Big Dave

Posted By: s_p_n_k_r_07
Date Posted: October 16, 2006 at 11:38 PM

I love our store but I find myself wishing for more organization. There are too many "systems" in place to help make things easy but there are too many ways to do any one task that it makes it harder.

example:  Our sales floor has a difficult time selling the correct parts but due to our UPT or units per transaction that needs to be nice and high we encourage them to sell the parts at time of radio sales.  (boo)    Then on a busy day we will just swap the correct one for the incorrect one and wright down the TA# and do an exchange at the end of the night.  We have a new CEM and he wants a downstocking report filled out and various other forms that I've honestly never heard of before.   Our previous product process manager wanted an inventory adjustment done, and our GM doesn't care he'll give me his numbers to do a no recipt exchange.

Point being there are a trillion ways to do one thing in best buy and I'm finding that it depends on how long your superior has been with the company.  So I guess find a process that works for you but if in doubt check SOP online just to cover your a@* because every keystroke is monitored.

Posted By: Silvrefox
Date Posted: October 17, 2006 at 7:08 PM
I have noticed things seem a little more unorganized. It seems to me that our sales team doesn't have the same passion that my team at CC did. I'm like you, nouseforaname, because of a manager that had it out for me, I lost my job and can't get rehired. The other thing that bothers me is that it seems like car-fi (weird name!) is the last thing on corporates mind. No disrespect, but come on, our display boards don't work right (yet, gonna fix that ASAP), looking up parts and wiring info for installers is a pain, much less for a salesperson (CCroadshop is seriously missed by me!), and right now with the Holidays coming on, it's hard to find a manager to get help on day to day stuff. I'm going to be talking to my manager in the next couple of days bout this stuff, so maybe it'll get better, but gotta be honest, getting homesick for my old shop...   

Posted By: master5
Date Posted: October 17, 2006 at 10:11 PM

Ahhhh....I think nouse does know who I am....its only fair nouse, tell me your store number.

Anyhow, everything nouse says is true. I started as a Supervisor and did MECP training for the district at bestbuy.

I switched to part time install because the sup. of mobile now has to run cell phones and digital imaging as well. I'd rather shove hot nails into my eyes then sell cameras and phones. It's a mess.

When I was sup. everything was about numbers and you are under constant pressure to perform and get your salesteam to perform. Best of luck getting a 7 dollar an hour part time student to have some passion about selling stuff at a large retailer. Some are ok, but not most. Now I just install, play on the computer, and go home broke. I work closing shift so my days are free which is not bad.

I have been focusing more on side work and looking for a high end shop to work for. Bestbuy was good for me because I also play in a band so I needed to have flexible hours, which BB offers.

But even though I am at the top of the payscale for an installer there, I am starving. I need to set my priorities straight and make some money. I will miss the people I work with but need more money and a shop that will allow me to do what I love most...custom work. I get away with small enclosures and occasional fiberglassing but it is not "SOP" and they won't let me set up a tablesaw there.

But it can be a good place for novice installers to get experience, and there is opportunity to move up in the company (most of our managers were cashiers not too long ago) if you don't mind leaving the bay and selling dishwashers and Plasma TV's etc.  Not for me.


Posted By: s_p_n_k_r_07
Date Posted: October 17, 2006 at 11:59 PM

If you are who I think you are then I enjoy reading your feedback to our tips.  Actually its sorta funny because your usually the first to.  I beat you to the punch on the 98 Bose bypass tip though. haha  

anyway.....I really do love working at best buy and I've learned alot there I started not knowing my a$@ from a hole in the ground and now I can confidently do my job day to day and I'm even training new installers which is still sorta weird for me.  but I'd love to get back to learning the custom side of it. Like I said in another post I worked at another small local shop for about a year and if they didn't move a little over an hour from my house I would have stayed with the company.  We've done light fiberglass out of our best buy bay but another tech and I had to take it home and finish it there due to management whineing about SOP and OSHA.  But I have friends in other states that work for best buy and they have a table saw in their bay.  And, they can hand in time edits for building enclosures at home. 

Just more of the different managers doing things differently.  But I agree that if you know SOP then noone can tell you your doing it wrong.

Posted By: Fastlearner
Date Posted: October 26, 2006 at 5:00 PM
I to am looking to jump ship from Best Buy. I am currently a senior at a store in IL and it is nothing but garbage. My sup doesn't know anything about car-fi so basically I'm the sup on senior pay. Also the services manager doesn't do crap for my bay except harass us on leaving product on the bunch. I think he gets off on it. Well any ways I won't be leaving to go to another mobile probably going to focus on cards.

Posted By: doibuy
Date Posted: October 27, 2006 at 11:59 AM
I'm glad to see you BBY honks actually being honest for a change instead of saying that it is the best place in the world to work.  I've worked at BBY and CC and they both have their flaws and perks, it all depends on the people you work with.  I'll give you all a tip, get out of the retail big box if you want to be an "installer" rather than an assembly line worker.   Direct dealer work or smaller, non-big box (CC or BBY) shops without the corporate B/S are the way to go.

Posted By: 1994chevy
Date Posted: December 04, 2006 at 12:19 AM
nouseforaname, D.G .hmmmmm if your who i think you are then youll know me by the last post about the 556u. i left a comment about your statement.

1994 Chevy

Posted By: philaf
Date Posted: December 09, 2006 at 8:23 PM

best buy blows... but then again, so did circuit.. and so did good guys... and so did future shop... and so did the smaller shops i worked at. every store has it's ups and downs.. you just gotta make do with what you have. but i can definately say that i'd rather have a frustrating job at bby, with benefits and a guarenteed check, than pray for work at a smaller commission place.  been there before and i never want to deal with that again..

as for getting cool stuff in the bay, you just need to know how to talk to your managers. at my store i have a decent tablesaw and a router table... just had to show the managers the benefits of being able to build. first couple customers that walked on an entire system due to not having a 12" truck box took care of that.

of course, there is still a bunch of stuff i'd love to get.. (like having mdf and carpet on-hand for one) but that will come with time. for now i'm perfectly content on running to home depot to get the supplies for each job..

sidenote.. you're sorely missed on tech tips ron (master5).. hope everything is going well for you and yours

Posted By: mysticsvt
Date Posted: January 20, 2007 at 12:37 AM

nouseforaname wrote:

oh, you'll love the holiday season.posted_image i agree, best buy has no passion for the mobile department like cc. cc having the roadshop is a huge advantage to them. when i was at cc, our salesmen would get in trouble if they even sold a tv. bby's salesmen have to sell home products as well as mobile, and i don't think i have to say which one is more important to them. regardless of what corporate says, mobile isn't even on their mind. i think most stores could care less if they even had an install bay. we have alot of problems with our display boards too, but obviously not important enough to send someone to fix it. man, i'd love to be back at circuit.

Completely opposite for me.  I was at Circuit for over 3 years in the install bay.  You are right about the salemen getting in trouble for sales of tv's and stuff.  But as far as recognition as an installer at Circuit.  Yea right!  They could careless about me.  Now I've been at Best Buy since last Sept. and it was a smart move.  I make more money and actually get recognition here. 

The really funny thing is when I quit CC the S&I manager was like you realize this means the whole Install Bay just  left right?  (I did EVERYTHING) I just told them, they shoulda gave me the raise I wanted.  Best Buy started me at more money an hour and has already given me more since I went to them.

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