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multiple sirens need relays?

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Topic: multiple sirens need relays?

Posted By: blatant3
Subject: multiple sirens need relays?
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 12:17 PM

i have a car that a friend wants 4 sirens hooked up to. two under the hood, and two in the car. should i use relays to wire these up, and if so, would anyone have a diagram i coulg use as a guideline?



Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 1:34 PM
If the sirens total current draw is too much for the alarm (most probably is) you will need a relay or two. Extra relays won't harm but too few will. You will have to connect the siren output to the relay coil and connect the relay switch output to the sirens.   But first, make sure you're staying withing the legal stipulated db level or the cops might slap you with a fine or more, I am not too sure.

Posted By: Teamrf
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 1:44 PM
Yea with more than one relay you will need a relay or it will make two sirens sound quiter than one.

~The Rookie~
Rookie of the year that is...
Don't let the smoke out of your doesn't go back in.

Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 3:45 PM
Im just curious but why does your friend want 4 sirens, and that too 2 in the car. I would think the ones under the hood are the ones "outside" the car and their sound would travel furthur than the ones "inside" the car. Or is there something else I am missing?

Posted By: auex
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 6:18 PM
Teamrf wrote:

Yea with more than one relay you will need a relay or it will make two sirens sound quiter than one.
I think he meant more then two sirens. Also, the siren's volume will not neccesarilly diminish with sound if you use two sirens off of the alarm's output, it wouldn't even be noticable if at all. Depending on the siren, you can run up to sixty sirens off of 1 relay. So all you will need is one relay. Interior sirens are used to annoy thieves rather then alert people.

Certified Security Specialist
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Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 13, 2004 at 6:51 PM
A few days ago, this pick up truck was trying to park between two cars and bumped into my car in which I installed a dual zone alarm, remote-start etc etc so my alarm went off upon getting bumped. I was outside and talked with the guy. He said I should not have my alarm go off so easily and threatened me by saying that people will scratch my car with keys if my alarm goes off so easily. I then wondered if HE would be the one to do such things but just stayed cool and let him go. He said that thieves dont care about alarms at all. Is that true?

Posted By: auex
Date Posted: July 14, 2004 at 4:09 PM
For the most part, no, I don't think true thieves care about alarms. After installing for 7 years, there are very few vehicles I feel that I cannot hotwire and no alarm that I cannot get around in less then a minute. You need to know how thieve steal the vehicles to be able to truly protect them.

Certified Security Specialist
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I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 14, 2004 at 4:17 PM
That's true. I guess making sure a thief cannot cut off the power to your alarm is one of the most important factors in order to thwart a car-thief in his(or her) efforts to bypass an alarm, so I would think that keeping a hidden secondary battery that powers the alarm would be something I would think is important; is that right?. Also hiding the alarm brain in the most difficult location would be my second guess as to making the thief's attempt futile or very difficult at least, during which hopefully someone calls gentlemen with handcuffs. If there are more measures to keep thieves at bay, I would like to know and am sure others will benefit from it as well.

Posted By: blackshuck
Date Posted: July 14, 2004 at 7:19 PM
There are, they're just not legal. :d. Seat warmers.....pshhhh. How about hooking those up to the ignition coil. posted_image

Posted By: auex
Date Posted: July 14, 2004 at 8:55 PM
blackshuck wrote:

There are, they're just not legal. :d. Seat warmers.....pshhhh. How about hooking those up to the ignition coil. posted_image

I will leave this as just, shut up or leave.

Certified Security Specialist
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I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 14, 2004 at 10:58 PM
Well if we start talking about illegal ways for protection, is that not a contradiction of the law? Using an "illegal" thing to prevent another "illegal" event? I know its not a good topic to talk about since I don't know who all could be reading this so I'll just not talk anymore about this topic and leave it at that. I did find a few ways (without harming a would be thief) but can't disclose that in a public forum.

Posted By: maglin
Date Posted: July 15, 2004 at 8:35 AM

ah phoo... i'll install the biggest sirens i can find in the headrest of my car if i ever see more than 3 people looking at it cross ways... if they sit down in the seat, and the alarm is enabled, therell be a switch that turns the damn thing on.  if his ears don't bleed, i'll go bigger.

The law rarely protects a person... i assuem in that incident with the truck in teh parking lot, no cop showed up?  *chuckles*  Car alarms don't alarm the cops... unless you're in beverly hills... they just alarm the owner to come running with a big fookin stick, and come prepared to issue the law himself.

and the first 'officer of the law' to ask about my system, i'll invite to have a seat.  haha.

Posted By: auex
Date Posted: July 15, 2004 at 4:13 PM
maglin wrote:

The law rarely protects a person... i assuem in that incident with the truck in teh parking lot, no cop showed up?  *chuckles*  Car alarms don't alarm the cops... unless you're in beverly hills... they just alarm the owner to come running with a big fookin stick, and come prepared to issue the law himself.

and the first 'officer of the law' to ask about my system, i'll invite to have a seat.  haha.

What the hell are you talking about? The other post was referring to the stupid comment about electrifying your seats. Also technically if you were to " invite an officer into your car" and then panic the alarm with sirens in the headrest, you can and probably would be arrested for assualting an officer.

Certified Security Specialist
Always check info with a digital multimeter.
I promise to be good.
Tell Darwin I sent you.

I've been sick lately, sorry I won't be on much.

Posted By: jc18750
Date Posted: July 24, 2004 at 3:19 PM
wow, you need anger management. don't get so pissed off at people for having ideas. all you'd need to do is put a "caution- harmful shock" sticker on your window. a disclaimer puts the responsability on the dumbass who gets hurt. that's why you see wet floor signs in resturaunts when they mop the floor. if they fall, they wont get far in court. without the sticker, you would be liable for setting a "man trap". i've got some other ways that i have done legally if you want to send me an email, ill tell you all about them.

Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 24, 2004 at 10:13 PM
hey justin, I think electrifying someone is really not something lawful even if you put a sign that says "caution harmful shock" unless you are running a power plant, but I am sure there will be people for and against this subject. Besides that, the bigger problem would be the possibility of jeorpatizing your own safety in the case of accidentally having the switch on and the owner of the car sitting and harming themselves. Any case, if you have other means that aren' harmful, thats great. maybe you can even post them here, unless they're illegal of course.

Posted By: jc18750
Date Posted: July 25, 2004 at 1:55 AM
i wouldn't do it to my car, but it would be funny to see. my girlfriends dad worked as a technician for BMW for 25 years, he grabbed a coil once during enging crank and lost his large tea on the side of the car. He had to go home and change. but for extra security, on most newer cars the power lock actuator is built into the door mechanism that keeps the door shut. with this, you can get duplicate handles from the rear doors to the front doors and eliminate the key holes. You can also get duplicate door lock mechanisms from the back doors to the front. this will allow you to to eliminate the lock bars from the tumbler to the door and if you like, the lock bars from the lock to the inside lock/unlock switch. this way you can only lock/unlock the doors with the remote. you can't even unlock the front doors by pulling on the handles or flipping the locks. with no lock bars inside the doors, it is impossible to "jimmy stick" the doors. Even if they break a window, they have to climb through the glass. just make sure you wire a fused 8 guage wire between the front of the car and the battery. cause if your batt goes dead and you didn't do that, you're screwed. it's a lot of work, but i have done it to two different cars and it works great. i also shaved the trunk on one and hooked it up to the alarm only. this way no one can get into the trunk without the remote. i can post pics if you need them.

Posted By: markcars
Date Posted: July 25, 2004 at 7:35 AM
I personally won't need the pictures as I have seen that done before on a few cars. The only problem, like you mentionned, was if the battery goes dead. To solve that we put wires from the battery to a secret spot under the car that can be reachable relatively easily and in the even that ever happens, the owner(or whoever knew the secret spot) could go there, place jumper cables and unlock the car (with the remote).

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