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best alarm under $200

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Member - Posts: 20
Member spacespace
Joined: May 26, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: April 27, 2005 at 5:35 PM / IP Logged  

   My main reasons for having it done by a shop is I don't want to have to compromise on the install with any visible wires or have to wait to do it over a few days if I run into some problem over the weekend.      

   How was the install of some of those features like the black jax and the wireless immobilizer if you got that?

Copper - Posts: 210
Copper spacespace
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Posted: April 27, 2005 at 8:29 PM / IP Logged  
windowpane wrote:

   My main reasons for having it done by a shop is I don't want to have to compromise on the install with any visible wires or have to wait to do it over a few days if I run into some problem over the weekend.       

   How was the install of some of those features like the black jax and the wireless immobilizer if you got that?

You had better make sure that the shop you chose has some installs for you to view. Every shop is different in the way they do things. Clean install can be optional.. When I install, every wire is loomed, black duct taped or black wire-tied at key points to prevent loom splitting including the start and end points. Holes in firewall are installed with grommets and sealed. Crimp connectors are tested for strength and taped over and then loomed. All fuses are taped off, all sharp points in the car such as dash braces are taped off around the edges to prevent chafing, even when loomed. Starter kill relays are completely oblivious and taped shut and blended in with other wires and/or electronic parts. Sirens are hidden in areas where parts in the engine bay need to be removed to gain access. Alarm is concealed in the car the same way. And I use multiple power sources for the wires accordingly. This kind of install can drag on and cost shops time which is money. It makes a $200 alarm install quite painful to swallow. Then again, I'm not a pro installer like most..just backyard dude with some time and treat every install like my personal car being protected.
Copper - Posts: 156
Copper spacespace
Joined: February 17, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: May 01, 2005 at 4:01 AM / IP Logged  
windowpane wrote:

My main reasons for having it done by a shop is I don't want to have to compromise on the install with any visible wires or have to wait to do it over a few days if I run into some problem over the weekend.      

How was the install of some of those features like the black jax and the wireless immobilizer if you got that?

I didn't get the wireless immobilizer, but I did run mount the alarm brain under the center console (it would take a thief about an hour to get to it unless he's going to tear the seats out and rip through the hard plastic in the center of the car.  I also routed the immobilizer wires up behind the speedometer cluster and cut into the ignition and starter wires there.  He'll have to get his hands high up in the dash or tear out the speedometer cluster to get to the wires he'd need to short to steal the car, then the car also has a factory transponder immoblilizer.  I soldered all the connections and any wire extentions, doubled taped them and lock-tied the tape to the wire to keep it from sliding off on hot days.  On several of the connections, after soldering I'd use heat shrink tubing and then tape and lock-tie over top of the heat shrink tubing.

The alarm has a battery backup just for the alarm brain and clifford's smart siren has it's own built in battery so they can cut all the power wires they want, the alarm will still be screaming the whole time they're trying to accomplish all this.

You'll never get a professional installer to put that kind of time into your install without charging you almost $1,000 or so for the labor and extra parts.

You will NEVER get that kind of install from a professional installer.

2002 Toyota Sequoia Limited 2WD (Clifford G5 Avantguard 5 w/ 2 SmartWindows modules) - IT Engineer - NRA Life Member - LDS Return Missionary - Married for time AND ETERNITY - Eternally sealed family
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