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book ideas, car security guide?

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Topic: book ideas, car security guide?

Posted By: chriswallace187
Subject: book ideas, car security guide?
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 12:36 AM

I've decided that I'm going to write a book or maybe two as an all-purpose reference for Car Security/Remote Starts/Convenience, and since this forum is full of people who care about the subject I think you guys and gals would be able to help me out with some ideas.

Right now I'm thinking 3 sections - one for customers (trying to learn a bit before going shopping), one for sales people (enough detail to help converse intelligently) and of course one for installers (I'd like this to be regarded as a good complement to MECP guides).  Levels of detail naturally increase with each section.

What would everyone like to see in such a book? There's not a stupid idea you can post here, honestly.  New installers especially I'd like to hear from since the technical section would be mainly towards you all.

Weird questions customers always have? Things that you think are lacking in product manuals? Vehicle/brand specific info? I'm planning on making at least part of this book(s) long enough to get really gory.

Thanks a bunch in advance as always.

C Renner's Auto Electronix
My service is cheap, quick, and good - pick any two


Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 8:50 AM
I'd like to see pictures posted_image A picture says a thousand words so the more pics the more words are said.I'll think about it for a while and see what I can muster up for you as far as relevant information.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

Posted By: KPierson
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 9:16 AM

Just stress that in most cases you get what you pay for.  If you purchase a $29 remote start unit and pay $29 to install it I can almost guarentee it will have shortcomings.

It would also be beneficial to explain to "customers" that every car is different, and as such, will require different parts.  It is a GREAT idea for the consumer to research THEIR vehicle so they know EXACTLY what parts are needed.  This will prevent shops from nickel and diming the customer who has no idea what all is needed to make things work correctly.

How will you be handling royalties?   :)

Kevin Pierson

Posted By: tedmond
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 3:39 PM
i would be glad to chime in on this, even though i only been installer for a short period of time and still young, having pictures less text and a application guide would sure be helpful for those new installers or self DIY.

Posted By: chriswallace187
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 3:50 PM

Royalties haha...that'd be a little presumptuous of me at this point.

I'm definitely going to stress install quality - and not buying "direct from Hong Kong distributors warehouses" on eBay.   

C Renner's Auto Electronix
My service is cheap, quick, and good - pick any two

Posted By: howie ll
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 5:00 PM
But Chris surely that's what DEI does now? Damn, there go my next batch of T shirts, I know DEI here read this Forum from a proud owner of G 4 alarm Intellistart IV and Intellivoice IV all made in the USA. I'll email you directly on the bok including some whoppers I've photographed. I'll leave you with this thought about sales staff:- Arrive at a store to install an alarm for them, manager hands me the keys with the comment check it out and see if it needs a door motor. No it doesn't  need it I say. How do you know? Well I'm looking at the bunch of keys and I can see lock unlock and (boot) trunk release buttons on the ignition key. MORON!!!

Posted By: chriswallace187
Date Posted: March 06, 2008 at 10:12 PM
Definitely the pictures will be a key part - probably some cool diagrams too since I've started playing around with Visio a bit.

C Renner's Auto Electronix
My service is cheap, quick, and good - pick any two

Posted By: tedmond
Date Posted: March 07, 2008 at 2:12 PM

this is sure going to be a long task, but in the end it pays off to know you helped some individual.

Posted By: kassdog
Date Posted: March 07, 2008 at 2:24 PM
I don't know about the installing portion. With how much cars are changing on a year to year basis. If your a really good writer then I would suggest maybe trying to write a monthly column instead for a car audio magazine.

Posted By: tedmond
Date Posted: March 07, 2008 at 2:40 PM
that is true that cars are changing but data modules are here to aid us in the installs, so dont forget to mention differant ways to save time, increase profit etc.

Posted By: chriswallace187
Date Posted: March 08, 2008 at 12:50 PM

I've thought of it...I don't know if you guys get ME mag at all, but they have a feature where they'll review a couple brand new vehicles...sometimes the DEI techs are supplying info for it, among others.

The thing there is that I'd like to get into more detail - for example, how much easier would it have made things if when the 2003 Saturn Ion or 2001 Chrysler minivans were introduced, someone in the industry wrote a thorough explanation of multiplexed ignition harnesses and how the automakers were starting to use them. Or of multiplexing in general, really.

Granted that those aren't exceptionally difficult vehicles to install on - but for those who were in the industry at the time it would be nice to have a detailed explanation to give to our customers, rather than 'the book says we need this extra part'.  And that's more info than I think could be put in a magazine article...however I could see publishing an annual update, or a detailed vehicle analysis for new models.

Immobilizers are another big thing for sure - how many customers and installers do you know who have no idea whatsoever about how they work, what cars have them, what the keys look like, and what it takes to bypass them?

C Renner's Auto Electronix
My service is cheap, quick, and good - pick any two

Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: March 08, 2008 at 1:18 PM
Your going to have to work in conjunction with the bypass companies on this one. They are the ones that are on the front lines as far as what is required to get a vehicle started that has new immobilizer technology , so I would start there. The only thing is the redundancy of the information being available on the bypass companies site as well as information that is to be available from this publication.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

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