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How would you explain this in court

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Topic: How would you explain this in court

Posted By: completeaudio
Subject: How would you explain this in court
Date Posted: July 08, 2003 at 7:50 PM

Someone has asked me to go to court tomm b/c i mecp certified and explain to the judge why this installation is incorrect.
Some simple background on the case:
2 13.5 JL Audio W7's
2 Pheonix Gold Tantrum 1200.1 (one on each speaker)
Extra battery...
went through 5 blown amps...speakers sounded like cr@p and shop could not solve the problem and wont refund the money... thats why he is in court.

now i havent seen the car or install but this is the diagram of how the speakers were connected when pulled out of the enclosure.

i have my own theories... but i would like to hear others. i want technical and also practical explinations of what would happen to the amp if this was connected like so... and how to explain this to a non electrical orinented person ... like a judge.


Posted By: xetmes
Date Posted: July 08, 2003 at 7:57 PM

umm in that diagram arnt the voice coils going to be working against each other?

Posted By: completeaudio
Date Posted: July 08, 2003 at 8:04 PM
xetmes wrote:

umm in that diagram arnt the voice coils going to be working against each other?



Posted By: xetmes
Date Posted: July 08, 2003 at 8:13 PM

well i dont know how to explain opposing induced magnetic fields to a non-technical person. On that note i think the only thing you could do is state that each coil will produce a force opposite of each other therefore producing very little sound. Also the fact the coils are opposed could have caused a cross-coupling similar to a transformer and dropping the impedence to dangerous levels and overheating the amplifier.

why would anyone hook subs up like that though?

Posted By: aggie altima
Date Posted: July 08, 2003 at 9:29 PM
why in the world did they even connect the positive of the amplifier to the negative terminal of the sub. was it a poor attempt of wiring in series? i don't think current should be entering and exiting the same sign-terminal of the sub.

as for explaining that to a judge, maybe explain a resistor like walking through a house, and the front door as positive and the back door as negative, in which you(the current from the amplifier) SHOULD enter the house through the front and exit the back.

in the drawing, you are entering through the back door, (aka walking backwards), and as you exit the front door, you enter the front door of the next house backwards, which shouldn't occur.

kinda sounds like talking to a child, but hey, it's kinda the same thing in court.

thats my 2 cents, if I'm wrong, anybody correct me so that everybody else and I know that it's incorrect info.

good luck completeaudio!!

Don't like rockford subs? Then don't look at my car =)

Posted By: maximage
Date Posted: July 09, 2003 at 11:19 AM
I would explain it like this- smash your fists together, and that is exactly what the 2 voice coils in each speaker are trying to do. Call me crazy, but I though wired in series, they should have ben + amp to + vc1, - vc1 to + vc2, - vc2 to - amp. I'm half asleep so forgive me if the typing is

Rob Milton
Max Image- 608-269-5655
87 Supra turbo
90 Laser Turbo

Posted By: ViperATC5
Date Posted: July 09, 2003 at 11:39 AM
make your life easy, simply bring in a published manual showing the correct way to wire a DVC woofer and the case will be open and closed. Simply state the voice coils were not energized properly and thus the reasons for poor SQ and performance of the equipment. The only tough thing will PROVING that the shop actually hooked it up this way, unless they openly admit to doing so.

Posted By: Velocity Motors
Date Posted: July 09, 2003 at 11:53 AM

I agree with ViperATC5 on the last comment. Unless there were pictures or the actual enclosure was not tampered with prior to the court date, it will be a " he said, she said " case.

Now, who was it that opened the enclosure and found the wiring to be incorrect ? Your friend or another shop ? This will also affect the outcome of the judge because they will need to nkow if this person who opened the enclsoure to see the wiring was actually an unbiased 3rd party.

If the judge rules in favor of the shop, your friend will most likely have to use warranty to fix the amp correctly and keep the equipment but loose out on the installation money he put into the system.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA

Posted By: jamericaniSS
Date Posted: July 09, 2003 at 7:45 PM

well members i'm the gentleman who filed the suit, i knew there was no way the judge would comprehend. funny thing about it is the left side amp would always blow first, and the bass would come in and out before finally no more bass.
unfortunately he played the "another shop touched ur car" card, which isn't true b/c its common sense that if ur having an electrical problem with anything and u take it to someone else they either won't touch it b/c they become liable or they will rewire the entire thing b/c although then might find one problem there might be more and if not founded could yield the same result, hence them becoming liable.
"u can't prove common sense, u either have it or u don't"
funny thing is the only shop that saw my car was speaker warhouse which is the original jl store from when they first started, and all they did was laugh, take pictures, and laugh some more. just the mere fact that the box was bolted to the floor of the trunk with metal l's was crazy, b/c guess what my gas tank is right below that, spark spark boom boom, duh...when i showed manville smith the pics he shook his head, he even called the owner of the shop for me..........i had pics of everything including the intial wiring, receipts, the only thing i didn't have was the pics of the speaker in the box b/c no one touched them.
but once again its over and now and i must move on

i would like to thank the twin techs that came down today on such short notice, u guys know ur stuff i wish i came their first...

thanks to everyone else


Posted By: MAXST
Date Posted: July 10, 2003 at 5:08 PM
its like they wired it in phase and out the two coils where just fighting each other..hope it goes well for ya man..

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