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Multimeter Recommendations?

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Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: General Mobile Electronics Questions and Answers
Printed Date: June 10, 2024 at 7:10 AM

Topic: Multimeter Recommendations?

Posted By: sedate
Subject: Multimeter Recommendations?
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 1:05 AM

Hi guys,

I need to test a pair of midbasses I have and I think its a really good excuse to pick up a multimeter as I uhh... don't have one.

It seems to me I've heard anything decent in this realm would usually cost somewhere in the $100+ range.... a quick perusal over at homedepot reveals some nice looking Fluke's for 130ish. Of course, the good 12Volter I am, I searched the archives for other recommendations and the only thing I could find was ehh.. actually this guy, which actually does look quite adequete for car audio.

What kinda multimeters do ppl here use/recommend?

"I'm finished!" - Daniel Plainview


Posted By: dwarren
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 1:21 AM

I am happy with the Sears brand products. If you do not use it in a professional setting (although I do and get crap from others) you can't beat a lifetime warranty!

They are priced right, and have more features than I ever use. Take this one for example, how can you go wrong?

What are you doing up so late, eh? Haven't you got class in the morning?posted_image


Posted By: sedate
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 1:57 AM
Huh that looks about right I think. I actually have a Sears across the street. I guess I'm overthinking this multimeter thing.

What do you think of this page?

Wha.. how you know I'm a student?!

Actually, finals week kinda has my sleep schedule all weird... I'm trying to learn like 4 chapters of Calculus in like the next 10 days... its actually going pretty well. I didn't show up or call in to work on Sunday though and I'm not sure how thats gonna go over tommorow. posted_image

Good call tho if I don't get to bed soon I won't have anything left of my day tommorow..

"I'm finished!" - Daniel Plainview

Posted By: menace2sobriety
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 2:33 AM

umm i could be wrong but sears dont give lifetime warrantys on electronics or power tools. only hand tools.

you might wanna double check your warranty. 2 main problems lie with the cheaper dmm's accuracy and cheap probes you will replace them with in a week.   and i use a U.E.I. dmm i bought for $45.00 and up against five different flukes it was only 1 percent off of some settings which is nothing. and some were right on.


Posted By: sedate
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 11:09 AM
Are Flukes like the high-end sought after DMM's or what?

"I'm finished!" - Daniel Plainview

Posted By: sk8ingsmurf
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 11:30 AM

Yeah flukes are generally considered "the best" by a lot of professionals.  They are a good meter, very accurate, and the autoranging, on those equipped, works very well.  That is actually my biggest issue I have ever had with the craftsman meters, their autoranging gets really flaky after about 2 years (not always just once to me and once to a good friend).  I used to work at sears a few years back and they are right, lifetime warranty applies only to handtools, no electrical, powertools, tap and die sets, or drill bits.  I would personally say go for a craftsman if you have a sears close (although they sell fluke as well), and if you dont really want to spend another $100 for the fluke, both good meters, sure the fluke is better, but is it really necessary?

Hope this helps,


Posted By: dwarren
Date Posted: December 06, 2005 at 4:49 PM

I suppose there isn't a life time warranty, but it is still sears. They tend to have a very lax environment there. I must agree with sk8ingsmurf there, is it really necessary? Probably not. But will admit that my one of probes has already lost a tip, I am going to exchange it for a clamp style.

I prefer to buy things like this from stores locally rather than dealing with online distributors, less hassles and time spent mailing things.

Oh man, finals next week. I was up way too late last night as well. The zombie effect has hold of me.


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