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new to glass help please

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Forum Name: Fiberglass, Fabrication, and Interiors
Forum Discription: Fiberglass Kick Panels, Subwoofer Enclosures, Plexiglas, Fabrics, Materials, Finishes, etc.
Printed Date: June 10, 2024 at 9:29 AM

Topic: new to glass help please

Posted By: thkidshorty
Subject: new to glass help please
Date Posted: June 20, 2004 at 10:01 PM

im new to the art of fiberglass so just let some of these noobish questions slide please. i am considering doing a BIG project. 3 audiobahn ALUM10Q's in the back of a standard cab s-10. now, i know that cubic feat/depth wise they will fit but ill have to go with glass to make the room otherwise id just use MDF ( i know how to do that). well after serching the web for some how-to's ive noticed that now where does it explain how to glass a verticle base. as in how to i make the back, sides, and bottom edge in one big piece without the resin runing down? this is going to be critical part of where i get the needed volume for my set-up so i need to mold it as best as i can.   also i know this i a HUGE project for someone who "knows how but has never done it". can you recomend some smaller projects to practice with? i was thinking about trying my hand at some kick panels. anything else?  thx a bunch in advance




Posted By: thkidshorty
Date Posted: June 20, 2004 at 10:18 PM
oops... forgot to mention, the main reason i am worries about the resin running is the box will be aprox 20 in. tall at its highest pointposted_image.  also , i am going to be removing the carpet from the back wall of the cab, i supose i should dynamat this area huh?

Posted By: satfrk32
Date Posted: June 21, 2004 at 2:09 AM

well for practice, i'd just make a small kick panel but even those can be tricky from what i've seen. anyway...heres a link to help you get started

its a good website to know the basics. and if you look in one of the fiberglassing projects, the fiberglass verticle wall he did is probably more than 20 inches, if not very close.

Posted By: iceknights2000
Date Posted: June 21, 2004 at 1:44 PM

When learning how to fiber glass it is all about practice and patients and that brings in to thought about mixing the resin properly.  If you mix too much it turns into this nasty goop that gets really hot and hardens into a little pile of useless crap.  And if you don’t put in enough the glass takes forever to harden, if it ever does.  When doing such a project, there are a few things to do.  Like the link above shows, you have to cover everything off so there is no leaks, that can make a big mess.

After you have every thing covered up and ready, something I do, most people don’t is use something called mold release wax and rub it over what you are going to be covering in fiberglass.  This will allow you to remove the mold easier and there will be none of the tinfoil plastic or tape stuck to the back.

Some thing that will help is also the type of fiberglass mat you use.  If you can find what is called stitched mat it will make your life 10 times easier and cleaner.  This mat is, well what is says, all stitched together and will not fall apart when you applying the resin.  Something that I have done be for is cutting the sheet of glass a little long and taping a part of it up that will not be getting covered in resin to give it support so you don’t have to have it falling on you while its trying to dry.  The first layer is always the hardest.  After you get it done you can take it out of the car and work with it.  Try to avoid air bubbles when applying new layers.  If you can, find a type of roller or even a razor blade to cut a small slice to let the air out or push it out.  This will make for a much stronger box. 

Ok well I have been blabbing on for long enough.  If you have any questions just ask. 

You can check out my work that I have done on my own car here


Hope this helped some what.


Posted By: iceknights2000
Date Posted: June 21, 2004 at 1:47 PM

Sorry about the above, i dont know why it looks like that.  It is showing all the code for the type of font i am useing. 

Check your pm's


Posted By: thkidshorty
Date Posted: June 21, 2004 at 3:07 PM

got it... thx for the link. i guess its no diffrent that aplying body filler ti a large verticle area. just dont use to much, i think i can pull this off. now i just gota get the subsposted_image.

  thx agin       regards


Posted By: thkidshorty
Date Posted: June 21, 2004 at 4:11 PM
i just realized that i have 2 kenwood tornado type 10's lying around, think i should try to make a glass box for these crappy ahhh hemm subs.....snickers..... just for practice? the cutouts will be diffrent so i guess i could just sell them when there done, that is if they look like anything. i think making some kick panels might be harder than a sub box. the one for the 3 10's willl be a complex design. the one for the torandos will be simple.

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