Does anyone know how to make a delayed accessory output using relays?
Neither my alarm nor my car offer this feature and I was wondering if there was anyway I could make one myself using relays... I noticed there are different diagrams such as momentary to constant (latched) output wiring, which made me wonder if I could just make my own delayed accessory output.
One problem I forsee is the fact that most delayed accessory outputs on cars stop after a few minutes. (And also if a door is opened or opened and closed.)
Perhaps a time-delay relay would be required? (Or is that all that is required?).
Anyone have any ideas or diagrams for such an application?
how long are you looking at for keeping it on? and do you even want the door shutoff? What is the application?
I dunno about 10 minutes maybe 5? The door shutoff would be nice. Application is a Pontiac Grand Am but I don't know why the car type would matter...
well, i didnt mean car type..I meant what did you plan to use this for? .......if you planned to keep one item (IE: A Stereo) on or all the accessories in the vehicle for that long period of time.
Well, if you can find yourself a 12v time delayed relay with the time that you are looking for, then you'll be in luck.
Now, one problem that I have is that I have no clue what pins are on a time-delayed relay. So, if you can find this relay, please let us know the diagram of the relay and we can gladly help you incorporate it into your application with the features you would like, such as door shut off.