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sound processor, eq, line driver?

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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 12:26 PM / IP Logged  
lol... ;)
sound processor, eq, line driver? - Page 3 - Last Post -- posted image. the12volt • Support
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 1:05 PM / IP Logged  
First of all, donpisto, I'd like to personally thank you for being concise, and your use of proper grammar and punctuation in your posts, and your complete lack of internet slang - "ur", "r", "l33t", et cetera. It it refreshing to see a newer member to our forum do so. One of the pet peeves of many of our senior members (and most especially me, I think... I've been known to actually re-write a really poorly written post.) is run-on sentences, turning into 87 line paragraphs with no commas or periods or any other punctuation.
I'm going to address these one item at a time, and it might involve several posts.
donpisto wrote:
Turning up the gain IS asking for the amp to do more. In turn, when asking the amp to do more work, it will heat up. Turn up the volume on your HU, it will heat up more. Turn up the bass, it will heat up more. Why? Because it's requiring more out of the amplifier. What you are saying doesn't make sense. It's like saying if you run a lot of programs on your computer, it's not gonna slow it down, but asking it to do more will slow down.
JUST BECAUSE you turn the gain up, when moving from an 8V deck to a 2V deck, you are NOT asking the amp to do more. You are matching the gain stages to get the SAME OUTPUT with a lower input voltage. Input voltage, no matter WHAT it is, on any one given amplifier (8V vs. 2V) will not cause the amplifier to run hotter, if the output power is the same. You are NOT asking the amplifier to do more, if the output is 500 watts, whichever input voltage you choose. 500 watts out, is 500 watts out whether it is a 23dBV gain or a 200dBV gain. The amplifier will make the same amount of heat, no matter WHERE the gain is set, as long as the output power is the same. I also would like to mention here, that when I say "the output power is the same", I should also specify that I mean the same voltage and current, necessitating the SAME LOAD. Lowering the impedance will change the V/I ratio, changing the efficiency. Higher voltage is easier to make efficently than higher current. THIS is why amplifiers loaded with lower impedance loads get hotter than an amplifier loaded with a higher impedance, making the same power.
jmelton86 wrote:
What amps do you know of that won't accept less than 2v input? I walked outside and checked my sub amps. They accept from 8v - .003v. Meaning, even 3/1000 of a volt will still give the amp enough to reach full power. My front stage amp goes from 5v - .2v. Do you see what we're saying?
Even the new Alpine PDX amplifiers accept from .1V to 2V. My old "new generation" Eclipse amplifiers were rated (and mind you, they were SUPPOSED to match with 8V Eclipse head units) from .05V to 8V.
donpisto wrote:
Steven Kephart wrote:
Actually 10 dB is double the loudness.
From what I have seen and heard many people say, including manufacturers is that to acquire a 3dB gain, you would need to double the cone area, or double the power. Here is one link that specifically states that 3 dB is twice the loudness:
Speaking to anyone who competes in SPL will also tell you 3 dB will be twice as loud. How do you figure 10 dB?
10dB is twice as loud to the human ear, due to our non-linear responses. 3dB IS a doubling of volume, but we do not perceive it that way. 1dB is the smallest difference we can hear, 3dB is a noticeable difference, and 10dB is twice as loud. True, that 3dB *is* twice as loud, but only in the most literal of senses, not when referring to our sensitivity to sound.
tcss wrote:
Couple of quick notes before this thread gets locked. 3 db requires twice the power, it is not twice as loud, 10 db is. The definition of a db is " the smallest differance in volume the human ear can detect". So how again can anyone hear .5 db?
I was going to mention that as well. Generally speaking, I was going to say that I cannot believe that you were able to hear the difference of a mere .5dB on TL. Impossible. I have been listening to systems for YEARS, and I have heard some of the finest systems that money can buy, and I mean that EXCEPTIONALLY literally, I pride myself on my ear, I am often used in my circle of friends as the golden ear when tuning systems, and *I* can't hear even 1dB, in most sections of the audible spectrum. At the critical mid-frequencies, I can hear as little as .75dB (at least in my own mind), I can hear even a 320kbps MP3, I value my hearing VERY much, but below about 250 to 300Hz, I cannot believe that you can hear .5dB, and most especially in a car. I do believe that (and this points back to Steven's post) you are hearing TONAL differences between the decks, on possibly tonal differences due to interactions with the outputs and cables, or outputs and amp inputs, but I can't believe that you are hearing (IN A FLAT CURVE) .5dB!
donpisto wrote:
Oh really? So tell me, I guess I should be able to fine tune my system by adjusting the bass and treble from -7 to +7? That is enough? I think not. It has no EQ that is usefull without the H701 processor. Do you see any SQ guys running the W200 or W205 without the processor? Can you do time alignment and set your soundstage without the processor? The deck, is really useless without the processor if you want the audio to sound right. I'm currently using it without the processor and it sounds okay.... and please don't tell me adjust the bass and treble is because I am not setting it right, you need more than that. You need to set crossover points and adjust the slope on them as well.
Here again, we are looking to TONAL differences, not sheer output differences. I also think you are placing FAR too much emphasis on the importance of the 701. OK, sure, it offers 4V outputs, but I personally think it's a bit overpriced for what it does. The processors I have in my car smoke the H701 for the same amount of money. OK, so really they are priced in unobtanium, but when you COULD get them, they were actually the same amount of money. 2 in, 6 out, up to 6 way crossover capabilities (in mono mode), up to 48dB slopes, TRUE parametric equalization... and guess what? Up to 8 Volt input, but only a 2VRMS output! Hmmm... Why is that, I wonder? Because EVERY AMPLIFIER IN THE WORLD will have a 2V range on the gain control, meaning that these 800 dollar processors will be able to drive to full output any amplification device attached to it's output. High RCA voltage is not mandatory.
donpisto wrote:
Again, do a little research and get some experience before you blab your mouth. Having a higher post count doesn't mean you know more ;)
I have done research. LOTS of research. TOO MUCH research, some might say. I have built Tesla coils, Flame speakers, ribbon drivers, planar magnetic drivers, transmission lines, quarter shrinkers, Class D amplifiers (from kits, sure... but still.) analog and switching power supplies, crossovers (both active and passive, (both parallel and series types)). I have in my garage two 50kV discharge capacitors from Shiva - the laser built early on in the quest for fusion energy. My shed it littered with all of the electrical and audio experiments I have tried... some failed, some quite successful. I assure you, I don't "blab". There are (I think) two members on this forum that have actually BEEN to my house, and at least one more that has met some of the people I hang out with.
Steven Kephart wrote:
Actually Dave is highly respected around here because of the extensive research he does and the experience he has. It helps having friends who happen to be engineers at Harman Kardon. You really need to pick your fights more wisely. This forum isn't like many of the others, with teenage kids blabbing their mouths trying to sound like they know something. Many of the people here have extensive backgrounds in this field.
tcss wrote:
Rule #1, don't argue with Hamfist. Rule #2, see rule #1.
BWAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the votes, both of you!! I appreciate that, but I have learned many things here... I am NOT infallible, much to my own chagrin! sound processor, eq, line driver? - Page 3 - Last Post -- posted image.
the12volt wrote:
No reason yet for locking this thread tcss, so please try to keep it that way. BTW, Rule # 3, rules created by tcss should be taken with a grain of salt ;)
Indeed.! sound processor, eq, line driver? - Page 3 - Last Post -- posted image.
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
Member - Posts: 49
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 2:39 PM / IP Logged  

Things are being blown way out of proportion. It seems as though I may be stepping on some toes and playing with fire.

As mentione by 12volt. 3 dB is theoretically doubling the power. That was my intent. I also assumed it would be twice as loud. Here is where I failed and I think even 10 dB being twice as loud may not be appropriate to go by. What humans hear is very subjective. What person A finds to be loud, say on a scale of 1 - 10 (rating loudness of the vehicle at say 9) can be different from Person B, who rates loudness at say 6 on the same scale. Could be many reasons for this. Person B may have heard louder stereos before than Person A, for instance.

I'm sure the frequency at what we hear and feel can be perceived differently as well. What the human ear perceives as loudness is difficult to compare for everyone.  When I stated that 3 dB will be twice as loud, it should have been referenced to the mic, or meter.

Also, my experience of noticing a 0.5 dB difference was done quite some time ago. Another fault to this is more of what I felt rather than heard. I can state that it is highly possible that I highly felt the difference rather than heard.  I will, however, state that 3 dB is noticeable in my experiences. To truly put that to a test, one would need to be listen to the exact same setup, just one having double the power than the other and simply just listen. That means no adjust the volume, just sitting back and listening. I don't know if it is possible to state how much louder one system would be over than the other, but a difference will be noticed.

As for the H701, it isn't the best processor out there, but it is still a good one. I have been using the W200 in my vehicle for a few months now without it and can't really do much without the processor. For a common person that just wants sound, it would be fine, but if you want to set the soundstage, the processor is a must. There several other processors to consider besides the H701, such as the F1 Status processor, the RF 3sixty.1 and .2, PPI has a pretty sweet one and I'm sure I'm leaving others out.

I'm sure I came off rude and jerk-like, making insults and whatnot. I apologize for my childish actions and bickering back and forth doesn't answer the original poster's question. I do believe a better enclosure is recommended since it is currently in I believe 2.5 cubes sealed, and he is looking for more output. Going ported and revising the enclosure specs and tuning frequency will make a huge difference. That sub will also take more than 1.2k, so giving it 2k or a tad more is completely fine. A new enclosure would always be the cheapest route and I would recommend it first as well. If he is still unsatisfied, then giving the sub more power is what I would recommend. However, if 1.2k is reaching near the driver's limitations, then I would not advise more power to the sub.

I hope this clears things up a bit.

Copper - Posts: 76
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 2:45 PM / IP Logged  

donpisto wrote:
Steven Kephart wrote:
Why wouldn't you go past 3/4 if the amplifier never clips? I set my gains with an oscilloscope and found I could turn the gains all the way up and never get clipping. What do you think will happen by doing this?

I don't recommend it, because there are many people who don't know what they are doing...even them turning it up beyond 1/2 gain can damage the amp. But you're right, if you know what you're doing you can run full gain and be fine, however, some people like to turn up bass boost. All the bass boost is, is pretty much an EQ. It boosts a certain frequency dependent upon how much you turn up the bass boost. I personally don't use it and don't think it is really necessary. Just that people who dont know much turn it up, and run full gain, and wonder why their equipment gets damaged.

Education is part of you giving an answer. let us use your recomendation and your example. I have a 4V output deck and an Amp that will accept .1V to 8V. 1/2 way would kinda works since 4V is 1/2 the scale. But what if the Amp's range is .1V to 4V? Then by your blanket setting you have set the amp up impropperly likely cuasing the amp to clip easily. 

Addressing the Bass Boost: If you encounter someone doing this then explain to them how to properly get more bass. People use the gains to boost the bass because it is easier or a lot cheaper or..... (They use Equalizers / Processors for the same reason.) Clearly this in not what the gains are for nor is it the proper use of an Equalizer/ Processor. If the gains are set up properly and they do not have enough bass then they need to upgrade or buy more "Stuff" (yes that is a techniqual term) otherwise they risk damaging their equipment.

donpisto wrote:
Steven Kephart wrote:
Actually 10 dB is double the loudness.
From what I have seen and heard many people say, including manufacturers is that to acquire a 3dB gain, you would need to double the cone area, or double the power. Here is one link that specifically states that 3 dB is twice the loudness:
Speaking to anyone who competes in SPL will also tell you 3 dB will be twice as loud. How do you figure 10 dB?

I think this has now been covered by both TCSS and THE12VOLT...I like rule #3 Hehehe

donpisto wrote:
Steven Kephart wrote:
Actually Dave is highly respected around here because of the extensive research he does and the experience he has. It helps having friends who happen to be engineers at Harman Kardon. You really need to pick your fights more wisely. This forum isn't like many of the others, with teenage kids blabbing their mouths trying to sound like they know something. Many of the people here have extensive backgrounds in this field.
I'm not trying to pick any fights, but I'm trying to get facts out rather than someone misinforming another person. I dont understand how he states that if an amp "is running hotter", it ISN'T because you turned the gain up, it's because you are asking it to do more. That does not make ANY sense whatsoever. It's contradictory.

This is thier point to you. You have been making contradictory statements getting your theories a bit mixed up in your explainations and they were correcting what you said. They encourage all to jump in as no one person "knows" everything about this audio world nor can one person have enough time to answer all the questions. A lot of these guys here are real world installers.

I have MAD respect for these guys running around with the yellow symbols under there names. What they are telling you is accurate and well researched. If they don't know they will find out.

A side note;  I have Met Heamphyst in the real world and listened to his system and can tell you he has put theory into practice!

Silver - Posts: 1,623
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 2:46 PM / IP Logged  
Good post. Glad to have you on the forum donpisto.
There is no such thing as free installation!
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 4:27 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks tcss. Glad to be here and sorry for offending anyone.
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Posted: December 12, 2007 at 9:49 PM / IP Logged  
donpisto wrote:
Thanks tcss. Glad to be here and sorry for offending anyone.
No offense taken... Gotta get up pret-ty early to offend THIS sailor! Welcome!
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
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