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Car Audio / Passive Crossovers, 2 Ohm Reference Charts

If you need a 16 mHy coil, you can series a 12.8 mHy coil and a 3.2 mHy coil. If you need a 70 µfd capacitor, you can parallel two 35 µfd capacitors. When the exact value of a coil or capacitor is not available, you can substitute values of ± 5% . To get the needed values for desired crossover frequencies not listed, use these formulas & calculators

2 Ohm Reference Charts:
High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass
Narrow Band Pass

2 Ohm Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass Reference Chart

top of pageLow Pass, High Pass, Band Pass for 2 Ohm Load
Crossover Frequency 1st Order 6dB 2nd Order 12db 3rd Order 18dB
Hz L1 C1 L2 C2 L3 C3 L4 C4 L5 C5
50 6.37 1592 9 1125 9.55 2117 3.18 1062 4.77 3183
60 5.31 1326 7.5 938 7.96 1764 2.65 885 3.98 2653
70 4.55 1137 6.4 804 6.82 1512 2.27 758 3.41 2274
75 4.24 1061 6 750 6.37 1411 2.12 708 3.18 2122
80 3.98 995 5.63 703 5.97 1323 1.99 663 2.98 1989
85 3.74 936 5.3 662 5.62 1245 1.87 624 2.81 1872
100 3.18 796 4.5 563 4.77 1058 1.59 531 2.39 1592
120 2.65 663 3.75 469 3.98 882 1.33 442 1.99 1326
125 2.55 637 3.6 450 3.82 847 1.27 425 1.91 1273
150 2.12 531 3 375 3.18 706 1.06 354 1.59 1061
200 1.59 398 2.25 281 2.39 529 0.8 265 1.19 796
250 1.27 318 1.8 225 1.91 423 0.64 212 0.95 637
275 1.16 289 1.64 205 1.74 385 0.58 193 0.87 579
300 1.06 265 1.5 188 1.59 353 0.53 177 0.8 531
400 0.8 199 1.13 141 1.19 265 0.4 133 0.6 398
500 0.64 159 0.9 113 0.95 212 0.32 106 0.48 318
600 0.53 133 0.75 94 0.8 176 0.27 88 0.4 265
800 0.4 99 0.56 70 0.6 132 0.2 66 0.3 199
1000 0.32 80 0.45 56 0.48 106 0.16 53 0.24 159
2000 0.16 40 0.23 28 0.24 53 0.08 27 0.12 80
2500 0.13 32 0.18 23 0.19 42 0.06 21 0.1 64
3000 0.11 27 0.15 19 0.16 35 0.05 18 0.08 53
3500 0.09 23 0.13 16 0.14 30 0.05 15 0.07 46
4000 0.08 20 0.11 14 0.12 27 0.04 13 0.06 40
5000 0.06 16 0.09 11 0.1 21 0.03 11 0.05 32
6000 0.05 13 0.08 9.4 0.08 18 0.03 8.8 0.04 27
7000 0.05 11 0.06 8 0.07 15 0.02 7.6 0.03 23
8000 0.04 9.9 0.06 7 0.06 13 0.02 6.6 0.03 20
9000 0.04 8.8 0.05 6.3 0.05 12 0.02 5.9 0.03 18
10000 0.03 8 0.05 5.6 0.05 11 0.02 5.3 0.02 16
Capacitor (C) values = microfarads (µfd) Coil (L) values = millihenries (mHy)

2 Ohm Narrow Band Pass Reference Chart

top of pageNarrow Band Pass for 2 Ohm Load - Mid-Bass Loudspeakers
Crossover Frequency 1st Order 6dB 2nd Order 12dB 3rd Order 18dB
Hz L1 C1 L2 C2 L3 C3 L4 C4 L5 C5 L6 C6
100 - 250 2.1 478 2.7 375 3 338 3.2 321 1.42 713 1.06 955
100 - 300 1.59 531 3 281 2.25 375 2.37 356 1.59 535 0.8 1061
100 - 400 1.06 597 3.38 188 1.5 422 1.5 401 1.8 356 0.53 1194
100 - 500 0.8 637 3.6 141 1.13 450 1.13 428 1.9 265 0.4 1273
60 - 200 2.27 929 5.25 402 3.22 656 3.39 624 2.76 764 1.14 1857
60 - 300 1.33 1061 6 234 1.88 750 1.97 713 3.16 446 0.66 2122
70 - 200 2.5 739 4.2 433 3.46 523 3.6 496 2.2 823 1.27 1478
70 - 300 1.38 872 5.1 245 1.96 616 2.1 585 2.5 468 0.69 1743
70 - 400 0.96 938 5.3 170 1.36 663 1.5 630 2.79 324 0.48 1876
80 - 200 2.65 597 3.38 469 3.75 422 3.95 398 1.8 891 1.33 1194
80 - 300 1.5 730 4.2 256 2.1 516 2.1 490 2.1 486 0.72 1459
80 - 400 0.99 796 4.5 176 1.41 563 1.5 535 2.37 334 0.5 1592
85 - 200 2.77 538 3 489 3.92 381 4.2 362 1.59 930 1.38 1077
85 - 300 1.5 671 3.8 265 2.1 474 2.2 451 2.1 497 0.74 1342
85 - 400 1.06 737 1.43 521 4.2 179 1.5 495 2.1 339 0.51 1475
Capacitor (C) values = microfarads (µfd) Coil (L) values = millihenries (mHy)

Passive Crossovers:

Low Pass Filters
High Pass Filters
Band Pass Filters
Narrow Band Pass Filters
Zobel Filter
Acoustical Output & Power
First Order Filters
Second Order Filters
Third Order Filters
Formulas & Calculators
2 Ohm Reference Charts
4 Ohm Reference Charts
8 Ohm Reference Charts

Car Audio and Mobile Video:

Glossary of Terms
Passive Crossovers
Passive Crossover Calculators
Recommended Wire Sizes
Subwoofer Enclosures
Subwoofer Enclosure Calculators
Thiele - Small Parameters

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