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Relays / Starter Interrupts

Starter Interrupts:

Normally Closed Starter Kill Relay
Normally Open Starter Kill Relay
Passive Starter Kill Diagrams (3)

Normally Closed Starter Kill Relay

top of page Normally Closed Starter Kill
The basic starter kill relay diagram shown below, breaks continuity of the wire from the ignition switch to the starter motor (or in some cases i.e.; Ford, to another relay), when the alarm is armed and the ignition is turned on. This is the most commonly used application for disabling the starter. Click here for another starter kill diagram.
Basic Starter Kill Relay Diagram

Normally Open Starter Kill Relay

top of page Normally Open Starter Kill
This normally open starter kill relay application below relies on a ground from the alarm when disarmed and 12 volts (+) from the ignition to enable the driver to start the vehicle. * Note: most alarms with this feature will not provide this grounded output when power ,12 volts (+), to the alarm is not present, even if the alarm is grounded.
Normally Open Starter Kill Relay Diagram

Passive Starter Kill Relay Diagrams

top of page Passive Starter Kill
This is a stand alone starter kill. It does not rely on an alarm or keyless entry for it to work, only a simple momentary contact switch (normally open) to deactivate it. Every time the ignition is turned off, continuity is broken on the starter feed wire. To disable (or start), turn ignition on, then press the hidden switch, then start as normal.
Passive Starter Kill Relay Diagram
You can substitute the switch with a number of others devices such as the amp turn on wire of your head unit. Be sure to isolate it with at least a 1 amp diode. Turn the key to the run position. Allow the head unit to come on or turn it on. Now start the vehicle. If you connected to the power antenna wire, make sure the tuner is on. If you have a pullout or detachable face head unit, your vehicle will not start without it.
passive starter killPassive Starter Kill Relay Diagram with any 
        (+) 12 VDC output
If you wish to use a device such as your horn, but do not want the horn to sound when you deactivate the starter kill, yet still work when driving, you can use the same configuration above on both the horn and the starter wire as shown below. The starter kill is deactivated by the positive output of the vehicle's horn relay and the horn's interrupt is deactivated by the positive output of the starter wire from the key. You could substitute the horn with other devices such as parking lights, brake lights, etc. where you do not want it to be obvious that you used the device to disable the starter kill.
Passive Starter Kill with Horn Relay Diagram

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