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garage door opener activated by hi beams

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Gold - Posts: 1,461
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Posted: October 11, 2008 at 12:06 AM / IP Logged  

no problem dude. i knew that you would be, seeing that you didnt get the answer you were looking for last time you were here. incidently, for all you other dudes who keep posting on this thread, but wont help out this fella with an answer, dont you realize that's why he hasn't been here since july?? hmmm...seems kinda obvious to me.

"I think I will just go witht he constant to momentary relay. I do have a question though. Is the cap and resistor wired in parrallel or series? If I am reading the schematic correctly than it is in parrallel."

anyone remember his earlier question?^^ nobody answered that one for him either.

nevermind that though, lets all keep adding to this post anyway but still providing no help to him shall we?

mcannon, i'll be outta town this weekend. sunday night or monday i'll send you that diagram.

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Posted: October 11, 2008 at 5:26 AM / IP Logged  
ckeeler wrote:

no problem dude. i knew that you would be, seeing that you didnt get the answer you were looking for last time you were here. incidently, for all you other dudes who keep posting on this thread, but wont help out this fella with an answer, dont you realize that's why he hasn't been here since july?? hmmm...seems kinda obvious to me.

"I think I will just go witht he constant to momentary relay. I do have a question though. Is the cap and resistor wired in parrallel or series? If I am reading the schematic correctly than it is in parrallel."

anyone remember his earlier question?^^ nobody answered that one for him either.

nevermind that though, lets all keep adding to this post anyway but still providing no help to him shall we?

mcannon, i'll be outta town this weekend. sunday night or monday i'll send you that diagram.


I appreciate your time... I knew someone would be around one day to actually answer my questions..

I Thank you ! ! !

Have a GR8 weekend and I look forward to seeing your post..


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Posted: November 13, 2008 at 8:47 PM / IP Logged  
ckeeler wrote:

for all you other dudes who keep posting on this thread, but wont help out this fella with an answer, dont you realize that's why he hasn't been here since july?? hmmm...seems kinda obvious to me..


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Posted: November 14, 2008 at 8:53 AM / IP Logged  
wysiwyg wrote:
ckeeler wrote:

for all you other dudes who keep posting on this thread, but wont help out this fella with an answer, dont you realize that's why he hasn't been here since july?? hmmm...seems kinda obvious to me..


hmmmm, what? it not posted here if thats what your getting at because it was emailed to him.

let me want to know how to do it as well, dont you?

well.....ask and you shall receieve.

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Posted: February 08, 2009 at 6:31 PM / IP Logged  

Hi folks, i'm not an elctronics guy but i've been looking for a similar solution myself.  After a bit of searching, i came across this site:       You can go to this site where i posted a similar request and got a solution.  Click on the "DISCOVER FORUM" tab, then go to "HOMEMADE GADGETS AND INVENTIONS" look for "BIKER_GUY" (or you might try this link...)  I'm sorry that i can't give you more than this but it might be a start?  I'm currently shopping around for the components......

Here's the original idea i had in mind:

I hope this helps?????

Biker Guy
Big Dog 
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Posted: February 09, 2009 at 8:03 AM / IP Logged  
ckeeler wrote:

incidently, for all you other dudes who keep posting on this thread, ..., dont you realize ... he hasn't been here since july??  nevermind that though, lets all keep adding to this post anyway ....

I guess that's why you added stuff too? garage door opener activated by hi beams - Page 2 -- posted image.

Prepare your future. It wasn't the lack of stones that killed the stone age.
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Posted: February 09, 2009 at 9:07 AM / IP Logged  
Big Dog wrote:

I guess that's why you added stuff too? garage door opener activated by hi beams - Page 2 -- posted image.

Hmmmm.... funny, this is the second or third time you have quoted me BigDog where you have dileberatly changed or modified what i originaly said to make it sound different or out of context. i added to the post, with the solution for the poster. and NOBODY else has asked me for it, that i know of.

Big Dog 
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Posted: February 09, 2009 at 9:19 AM / IP Logged  

just funnin ya

Prepare your future. It wasn't the lack of stones that killed the stone age.
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Posted: April 09, 2009 at 12:23 PM / IP Logged  
ckeeler wrote:
Big Dog wrote:

I guess that's why you added stuff too? garage door opener activated by hi beams - Page 2 -- posted image.

Hmmmm.... funny, this is the second or third time you have quoted me BigDog where you have dileberatly changed or modified what i originaly said to make it sound different or out of context. i added to the post, with the solution for the poster. and NOBODY else has asked me for it, that i know of.

I have noticed that a lot on this site. whenever someone asks a question. people keep talking like they have an answer and noone ever hears it. just a bunch of people with the attitude i know it and you don't.

thats also why this has been my first post. but my questions were answered by me when I figured out what i needed to know by myself. I do have a question though I tried hooking up a Constant to Momentary relay to give another relay power for a certain amount of time.  But it never works I have tried twice. I don't know if I have something backwards or not. can you give me a step by step on putting one together? pleasegarage door opener activated by hi beams - Page 2 -- posted image.

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Silver spacespace
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Posted: April 12, 2009 at 4:01 AM / IP Logged  
Just browsing around in this forum to see if there was anything interesting going on, but if anyone's still looking for a solution for the high beam on/off trigger for the GDO, it can be done with two relays, four diodes, a transistor, one capacitor, and a resistor.
One relay is controlled by the transistor/cap/resistor and set up to convert a constant input trigger into a momentary pulse output.
The second relay takes the pulse output and closes the contacts if the high beam is switched back off within the time interval that the first relay is closed, and briefly closes before opening back up again.
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