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is this amp good enough?

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Posted: July 23, 2008 at 11:22 PM / IP Logged  
dragon51 wrote:

Thats correct! Like I was explained in my other post and it's the perfect load for the amp and it's not over working your amp. Then just read the sticky on how to set the gain and leave it.

awesome, thanks for you help I really apperciate it. 

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Posted: July 24, 2008 at 1:36 AM / IP Logged  
The factory recommended ported enclosure will sound like crap and have major port noise
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Posted: July 24, 2008 at 5:34 PM / IP Logged  
aznboi3644 wrote:
The factory recommended ported enclosure will sound like crap and have major port noise
so should I do a sealed box instead?  What should the cu ft. size be?
Copper - Posts: 283
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Posted: July 24, 2008 at 6:08 PM / IP Logged  

Two ways to do it one have good local shop build it. Or if you have the tools there are a few progams you can use to buid the right box to the specs of your speaker. Once you recive your sub it will have a list of number that tell you what your speaker wants for air space. Those number plug into the program some one here I know has a link I dont have it I have not built a box in years.

Your manual might even have a general sealed box design for that sub.

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Posted: July 24, 2008 at 8:45 PM / IP Logged  
dragon51 wrote:

Two ways to do it one have good local shop build it. Or if you have the tools there are a few progams you can use to buid the right box to the specs of your speaker. Once you recive your sub it will have a list of number that tell you what your speaker wants for air space. Those number plug into the program some one here I know has a link I dont have it I have not built a box in years.

Your manual might even have a general sealed box design for that sub.

I think it recommends 1.25 cu ft. for a sealed box. 

Here's what I came up with 16"W x 14" H x 13.5" D which would equal and interior volume of 1.25868 cu ft. if I make it with 3/4" MDF.

Does that seem a little too small, even though thats what it recommends?

Copper - Posts: 283
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Posted: July 25, 2008 at 12:00 AM / IP Logged  
If that is what it comes out to be then not really its a decent size box. Like I was saying you could always plug in the numbers in a program to see if they change once you get all the specs on the sub.
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Posted: July 25, 2008 at 1:58 AM / IP Logged  
some shops just look at the factory recommended enclosures and build that...Not all shops have good enclosure designers
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Posted: July 26, 2008 at 1:14 AM / IP Logged  
dragon51 wrote:
If that is what it comes out to be then not really its a decent size box. Like I was saying you could always plug in the numbers in a program to see if they change once you get all the specs on the sub.
well i checked the specs on pioneers website for the sub i'm getting. and 1.25 cu ft. is what it says.. i used the subwoofer enclouser calculator on this site to calculate the box design and volume that i mentioned earilier in my other post. so hopefully it will sound good..
Copper - Posts: 283
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Posted: July 27, 2008 at 10:54 PM / IP Logged  

Sweet! Now just get it rocking!

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