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Finally Got It, 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, Remote Start - FYI

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Posted: December 28, 2008 at 6:59 PM / IP Logged  

Finally Got It, 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, Remote Start - FYI -- posted image. I tell you what, I have been working on a 01 Malibu for two days now. I bought the car in 03 and it already had a remote start installed. It quit working sometime back and I finally got around to looking into it. It would crank but no start. I figured something happened to Anti-Theft Bypass module, and I'm certain it did. It had a Crimestopper Bypass on it and I wanted to replace it with a Bulldog self learning module. Sounds simple enough right?

Well I assumed all was ok as it seemed to be with the remote start system itself. I'm not sure what brand it is, but I'm assuming its' a Crimestopper like the bypass was. I couldn't get the Bulldog bypass to work, all was OK starting with key, but no start no matter what I seemed to do.

Finally someone in this forum suggested to cut the Passlock wire while running. That would disable the passlock, but when I did...still no start. This told me the reason it wouldn't start wasn't because of the Bypass..... I looked into the wiring. Sure enough I found out that the 2nd Ignition wire went to the Crimestopper Bypass and not to the remote unit itself. After redirecting the wire it worked.

I spent hours and hours messing with this and goes to show not to assume. I suppose if I did the original install, Maybe I would have known. But I assumed that the remote system was wired the way it needed to be. Goes to show... And I know this....Never assume. I always hate getting into something that someone else done, especially when you dont know what brand or have any manuels to go on.. Oh well..  all is good now.

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