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i am an idiot 
Platinum - Posts: 13,703
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Posted: April 11, 2009 at 8:51 PM / IP Logged  

Is there a clear path between the alt and the battery.  There really is no need for the starter to be between the battery and the alternator.  While starting the vehicle the alternator is no help at all.  As long as they are not using the starter as a distribution block for fusible links or the other wires going to the fuseboxes, I really see no need for the wire between the alt and the starter.  Unless you are having trouble starting the car and think more current would help it to start easier, I really think adding a wire between the alt and the battery would be your best bet. 

Copper - Posts: 293
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Posted: April 12, 2009 at 8:09 PM / IP Logged  
Theres a clear path yes, and I don't know yet if it runs to a block of any kind on the starter..... but I think it comes back from the starter to the distribution block.
So I'm thinking here, Could I rewire the entire thing? Run the cable from the alt to the battery, then from battery to starter, completely removing the existing wiring, and another from the battery to the distro block which are right next to each other.... or should I go alt to distro box?
To properly do this, what type of hardware would I need.?
I'll be running 1/0 from alt to battery, probably 4 gauge from battery to starter, 8ga from battery(or alt) to cars distro block (changing the alt>starter>battery>distro block thats already wired)
Is it hard getting into the stock distro block to rewire the main power in?
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