| 12V|yellow & lt. grn/pur|+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|RED / lt. blue |+ |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|dk. blue/lt. green |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND IGNITION|gray / YELLOW |+ |ignition harness |
| THIRD IGNITION|lt. blue/pink *1 |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|RED / black |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|BLACK/ green |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|pink / YELLOW |*2 |passenger kick panel |
| POWER UNLOCK|pink/green |*2 |passenger kick panel |
| LOCK MOTOR|pink/black | |driver kick panel |
| UNLOCK MOTOR|RED / orange | |driver kick panel |
| DISARM DEFEAT|pink/orange | |passenger kick panel |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown | |light switch *3 |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|lt. GREEN/ YELLOW | |light switch *4 |
| HEADLIGHTS|RED / yellow |+ |light switch |
| DOOR TRIGGER|blk/yel & blk/pnk |- |*5 |
| DOME SUPERVISION|BLACK/ lt.blue |+ |passenger kick panel |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|*6 | | |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|dark GREEN/ purple |- |drivers kick panel |
| TACHOMETER|WHITE/ pink | |PCM *7 |
| BRAKE WIRE|light green |+ |at switch *3 |
| HORN TRIGGER|dk. blue |- |steering column |
| WIPERS| | | |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|org/wht - wht/blk |A |in drivers door |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/yel - tan/lt.blu|A |drivers kick panel |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN| | | |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN| | | |
NOTE: Some models of this vehicle are equipped with PATS (Passive Anti Theft System). Use DEI module 555F to over-ride during remote start. *1 Power this wire if vehicle is equiped with only rear anti-lock brakes. Vehicles with all wheel anti-lock brakes do not have this wire. *2 Negative pulse, type 'B', on keyless entry models. Five wire, type 'C', on non-keyless models, mastered from the driver switch. *3 May also be found at trailer connector next to diagnostic connector under dash. *4 If equipped with autolamps. *5 The BLACK / YELLOW catches the drivers door and the BLACK/ pink catches the passengers door. Use both wires and diode isolate each. See direct fax document #1076 for wiring information. The wires are found in there respective door harnesses. Both wires may also be found at the GEM module located above the fuse box. On models without a dome light delay use ORANGE / lt. green (-) at the light switch. *6 Arms when locked with the door open. To simulate, send a negative trigger to the lt. blue/white wire at the RAP module, located behind the light switch, while locking. *7 The powertrain control module (PCM) is located on passenger side of engine compartment, to the passenger side of the battery, below the hood stay. It has a single 104 pin connector on it. Locate the WHITE/ pink at pin number 48 of the connector.