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howie ll 
Pot Metal - Posts: 16,466
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Posted: November 24, 2009 at 2:09 AM / IP Logged  

To those of you who are installing and are confused or not sure, do the following:-

Read up on your vehicle. If your year isn't listed go to the years either side. Print the cribsheets from here, the manufacturer's sites etc.

Find the wires and test everything to confirm.

Keep your cable runs short and neat, solder ALL joints, properly insulate, don't wrap or box up until everything is working and testing.

Also please read this excellent post from 2 years ago.

i am an idiot 
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Posted: November 24, 2009 at 4:36 AM / IP Logged  
Howie, you have Big Dreams.  I like that.
howie ll 
Pot Metal - Posts: 16,466
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Posted: November 24, 2009 at 4:40 AM / IP Logged  
Dreams are the only big thing left to me.......Just noticed the time, you should be waking up soon!!!
i am an idiot 
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Posted: November 24, 2009 at 4:47 AM / IP Logged  

I plan to wake up in about an hour.  I hope I remember to do that.

Gold - Posts: 1,661
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Posted: November 24, 2009 at 3:51 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks for saying it Howie!
C Renner's Auto Electronix
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i am an idiot 
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Posted: December 02, 2009 at 9:45 PM / IP Logged  

Maybe we can add this link to Howie's initia post.

Member - Posts: 14
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Posted: December 18, 2009 at 10:11 PM / IP Logged  
Howie is correct. I'd never done an install before today, and I'd bought a Viper 5002 several weeks ago, to install in my '02 Civic. I read everything I could about that install over the past three weeks, jumped in this morning and it went without a hitch, mostly because I had photos, diagrams, the right tools, and the time to do it right. I did not do a remote start on it, since it's a 5 speed, but I know I could have if I'd really wanted to.
If you don't know how to use a digital multimeter or a soldering iron, study up! This is not brain surgery, and there is a wealth of information right her on, not to mention some folks who are very experienced in these installs and willing to help you out.
Dan L
Dan L
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Posted: December 30, 2009 at 8:54 AM / IP Logged  
Also if anyone needs free vehicle wiring info, a good source is bulldog security's website.
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Posted: January 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM / IP Logged  
agreed on reading up and doing research.
what about multiple colors?
i have come across a wiring harness that has more than one of a color.
i mean aren't wiring harness supposed to have a manin color with a stripe in ny one harnes location?
Gold - Posts: 1,661
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Posted: January 21, 2010 at 12:03 PM / IP Logged  
I'm not sure where you ever got the impression that wiring harnesses would never have duplicate wire colors - it's simply not the case at all.
The car manufacturer is undoubtedly concerned that their color choices don't tend to a)result in defects during the manufacturing process or b)make warranty repairs excessively difficult. They couldn't care less if you have to actually break out the DMM to figure out which wire to connect to, however.
C Renner's Auto Electronix
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