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boat amp and speaker?

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Member - Posts: 20
Member spacespace
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Posted: May 27, 2010 at 7:53 AM / IP Logged  
Hi, I was wanting to put an amp in my boat. The problem is I would like to use the two speakers I have with both my deck while sitting fishing and the amp when driving, skiing, etc. I was hoping to conserve battery power while fishing for long days cause I really don't need an amp running when the radios just on. Is their a way to use releys a switch of some sort to turn the amp off and just use deck power then turn amp on when I want to use the amp power from the same two speakers. I can only use the two speakers and can't add another set. Hope someone can help me out and see if this is possible. Thanks
Silver - Posts: 654
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Posted: May 27, 2010 at 9:40 PM / IP Logged  

you can do this with 4 relays and 2 switches

step 1: put an inline switch on your remote wire as to turn the amp off when u want to.

step 2: you have 4 speaker wires and need to connect 1 relay to each. pin 86 to +12V constant, pin 85 to a switched ground, pin 87 to output from the amp, pin 87a to ouput from the radio, pin 30 to the speaker. hook up one switch to ground all 4 relays. when you want to use the amp turn the switch on. when you want to use just radio power turn the switch off

Copper - Posts: 128
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Posted: May 28, 2010 at 12:25 AM / IP Logged  

Depending on if you had seperates/component system another option is to bi-amp(highs and smaller mids) on deck only with midbass drivers or fullrange on amplifier.

Member - Posts: 20
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Posted: May 28, 2010 at 9:36 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks, That a big help.
Member - Posts: 20
Member spacespace
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Posted: May 28, 2010 at 9:43 PM / IP Logged  

Is there anyway that I could have a switch on that could still send power to speakers from both the amp and beck. I'm looking to fool proof the system so it can't fail and have someone turn on a switch when the shouldn't and send two signals to the speakers. Thanks

Member - Posts: 20
Member spacespace
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Posted: May 28, 2010 at 9:58 PM / IP Logged  
I drew it out and it looks like it won't matter if i have the amp turned off then have the relays going to amp. It just won't have any sound till I turn the amp on. I think thats correct. One other question. Will the relays handle the the amp power going threw it? Thanks
Platinum - Posts: 5,353
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Posted: May 29, 2010 at 12:14 AM / IP Logged  
Use a Bosch relay, they are rated up to 40 amps and most certainly will work for this application.
Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Silver - Posts: 654
Silver spacespace
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Posted: May 29, 2010 at 12:44 AM / IP Logged  
the switch to give ground to the relays will control where the speakers are getting signal from. in the on position the amp signal goes to the speakers. in the off position they get the signal from the radio. it would be impossible to get signal from both at the same time if you follow my original post. the 2nd switch on the remote wire is simply to prevent the amp from drawing battery power when not in use
Copper - Posts: 164
Copper spacespace
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Posted: June 03, 2010 at 3:13 AM / IP Logged  

do like blanx218 said

one small change make pin 85 of each relay to constant ground

make pin 86 of each relay to radios remote output via a toggle switch

this way the only time the relays have power to them if radio and toggle switch are "ON"

may help conserve power and would prevent relays from accidentally being energized if toggle is

flipped "ON" by mistake

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