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looking for switch panel for my bike

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Member - Posts: 2
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 18, 2010 at 11:40 PM / IP Logged  

I have a 2006 Suzuki Katana

I want to add on some aftermarket mods but I still need a few things.

The main one being a multi switch panel.

I have found a bunch of them online, but not what I am looking for.

I am looking for a really small one that i can mount above my gauge cluster under my windscreen.

kind of like this one. But way cheaper!Way-Rocker-Switch-Panel/p_793802.a_1

Does anyone know where I can find this?


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Gold - Posts: 4,913
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Posted: July 22, 2010 at 8:02 AM / IP Logged  
I was hoping for others to reply, but before this disappears off the last-100....
Switches are expensive. And bikes need quality (vibration) and weather protection.
If only some bike or other outdoor vehicle or watercraft has the switches you require.
Otherwise single switches can be bought in various types and weather/ingress ratings (eg IP65). Probably cheaper than that panel (which doesn't say much about IP-type rating other than they are sealed), but then you'd need to mount them...
The switches you linked are also high-current (15A), hence expensive. And hence requiring heavy cabling if using that current.
I much prefer low-current switches which then control remote relays or MOSFETs. (THat also keeps hi-current wiring short, hence lower voltage drops.)   
Not only such switches cheaper, they have a much wider selection (spunky PC & audio switches). A single or two 8-core screened cable/s could be a tidy interconnection (common CAT-5 cables etc). Else more cores if the switches require individual poles - ie, four 2-way (single pole, ie SPDT) switches require a max 12 cores, though maybe as little as 9, or 8 if ground switching is used (it won't matter for relays, and it's often usually easier for MOSFETs).
You can even get fancy and use momentary NO & NC (normally open & closed) push buttons that control normal relays wired to self-latch (the NC switch is used to unlatch)- it all depends on what your are controlling.
I usually look at the available switches, consider their price, overrule with spunkiness (meaning how the switch looks) whilst keeping in mind the environment (IP rating), lighting, and gloved hands etc. I then decide what method I'll use (remote relay switching etc).
That's all for what it's worth....
Good luck!
[ FYI only: I recently went through the pain of designing a method of controlling my headlamps individually for alignment (and other) purposes. (All lamps are on individual relays.)
A two-way selection switch was essential.
Then I thought a rotary switch for individual selection. But 4 positions for now? Or 6 if I return the outer 2 dual-filament (H4) beams to normal hi-lo use (they are currently dedicated low beams). Or 8 if I add driving lights?
Then it hit me. A single cheap push button that clocks a 4017 "one of ten output" counter IC - ie, Integrated Circuit; ~$4?). Output zero is no lights. 1 is for left low beam, 2 for high, etc etc. Spare outputs can be diode-OR'd to do both low or both high or all beams etc. It'll be wired to reset to 0 (zero) output (lights off) after the last output (whether 4, 6, 8).
Maybe an optional reset button in-case I dazzle someone.
It will fit in a real small box.
I even thought I might make it permanent and add another switch to configure dedicated low or normal high-low outer beams.
And then when I add my other flashing blue & red lights, and have flashing main beams..... ]
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Member spacespace
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Location: New York, United States
Posted: July 22, 2010 at 11:43 AM / IP Logged  

Thanks alot man that is a very thorough reply.

For what I understood of it. I get what you are saying.

I might end up having to use single switches. which I do not want to do.

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Gold - Posts: 4,913
Gold spacespace
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Posted: August 07, 2010 at 12:03 AM / IP Logged  
FYI - Jaycar have just added new IP56 & IP65 rockers rated at 10A-21A from AUD$5 (unlit 10A pictured below) to $13 with illuminated red or center-off illuminated red & green arrow-heads.
Not that I like high current through switches, but these felt good for naked or gloved hands, though I'm unsure what a heavy-hander might do.... (small pivot pin??)
I can only find the boring pic below. (From for the lit green & red rentre off 21A SPDT).
looking for switch panel for my bike -- posted image.

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