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need advice on amp enclosure/rack

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Member - Posts: 5
Member spacespace
Joined: January 03, 2013
Posted: January 03, 2013 at 1:06 PM / IP Logged  
2007 Avalanche (Pic Attached)
As you can see in the photo, my amps, EQ and power block are a mess. I really want to clean these up and make it look a bit more presentable. I had considered a wood solution, but I'm not a big fan of the amateur look of carpeted wood, even though it would be a huge improvement. So I'm thinking FG or CF. But I have a few questions and I hope you fine people can help me arrive at a decision.
1. What part of the amps should be vented? I see installs that often only appear to vent the lid of the amp where the heat fins are located, but I have a hard time believing that this is the proper way to cool. I was trying to figure out if I should vent the box with a cooling fan even if the fins are exposed on top?
2. Am I on the right track with fiberglass or carbon fiber? Any reason why there would be a disadvantage or advantage to either? Or an advantage to sticking to wood and carpet?   I have limited space under the rear seat, so I was trying to keep it low profile which lends itself to the flexibility of a fiber solution.
3. Any suggestions on the arrangement in the photo? Any amateur mistakes or suggestions? I didn't consult anyone when hooking this up, I just did what came naturally, so I have no idea if there is something I'm overlooking here.
Thank you in advance for your advice!
Member - Posts: 5
Member spacespace
Joined: January 03, 2013
Posted: January 03, 2013 at 1:11 PM / IP Logged  
Sorry, here's the photo.
need advice on amp enclosure/rack - Last Post -- posted image.
Member - Posts: 5
Member spacespace
Joined: January 03, 2013
Posted: January 03, 2013 at 1:13 PM / IP Logged  
3rd time's the charm?
need advice on amp enclosure/rack - Last Post -- posted image.
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Posted: January 05, 2013 at 8:20 PM / IP Logged  
fiberglass wouldnt be too hard to pull off. i have made regular wood amp racks under those seats before with no problems, the clearance might be tight but it should work. if i made am amp rack obviously i would turn the amps all the same way other than that the way you have it looks ok. keep your rca's as short as possible to eliminate clutter.
you can hide the amps completely if you want by adding a fan(s) and keeping about an inch or two of clearance between the cover and the top of the amp.

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