FORD / TAURUS / 2012 / Remote Start
12volts blue/red (20A) + ignition switch, black 7 pin plug, pin 4
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Starter blue/white + ignition switch, black 7 pin plug, pin 7
Second Starter N/A
Ignition GREEN/ purple + ignition switch, black 7 pin plug, pin 1
Second Ignition N/A
Third Ignition N/A
Accessory PURPLE / green + ignition switch, black 7 pin plug, pin 6
Second Accessory N/A
Keysense blue/gray + ignition switch, black 7 pin plug, pin 5
Power Lock blue/green (test with pass sw on models w/memory) - SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 17
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Power Unlock yellow/purple (test with pass sw on models w/mem) - SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 4
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Lock Motor PURPLE / green 5 wire SJB, black 32 pin plug (D), pin 6
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Unlock Motor blue/green (models without memory) 5 wire SJB, black 32 pin plug (D), pin 28
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
On models with memory, it is blue/green (5 wire) at the Driver Door Module, black 24 pin plug, pin 10.
Parking Lights+ PURPLE / white + SJB, gray 13 pin plug (E), pin 6
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Parking Lights- gray - headlight switch or SJB, black 52 pin plug (B), pin 31
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
May need to interrupt the headlight switch ground wire when triggering this wire. It is BLACK/ purple at the headlight switch, gray 10 pin plug, pin 3. See Tech Doc 1096 for wiring information.
Hazards BROWN / yellow - hazard switch or SJB, black 52 pin plug (B), pin 48
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Turn Signal(L) blue/green (F); gray/orange (R) + SJB, black 26 pin plug (F), pin 21; gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 21
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Turn Signal(R) yellow/purple (F); GREEN/ orange (R) + SJB, black 26 pin plug (F), pin 23; gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 19
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Reverse Light GREEN/ brown + driver kick, harness to rear
Door Trigger GREEN/ purple - N.C. SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 14
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Dome Supervision gray/purple (dome lamp); purple (puddle lamp) + SJB, gray 14 pin plug (A), pin 9; gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 12
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Trunk/Hatch Pin gray/orange - N.C. SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 16
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Hood Pin blue/orange - N.C. hood switch or SJB, black 26 pin plug (F), pin 10
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Trunk/Hatch Release BROWN / yellow - release switch or SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 20
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm arms on lock with door open
Factory Alarm Disarm see disarm no unlock
Disarm No Unlock Transponder and ignition
Tachometer grn/blu, gry/yel, pur/gry, yel/org, brn, or grn/wh ac any fuel injector, gray or black 2 pin plug, pin 1
Wait to start N/A
Brake Wire PURPLE / white or YELLOW /GREEN + brake switch or SJB, black 52 pin plug (B), pin 40
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Parking Brake WHITE/ purple - parking brake switch or SJB, gray 26 pin plug (C), pin 1
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Horn Trigger blue/white - horn switch or SJB, black 52 pin plug (B), pin 41
Notes: The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is the fuse box, under the driver dash.
Memory Seat 1 PURPLE / white - memory seat switch, black 8 pin plug, pin 2 or 7
Memory Seat 2 yellow - memory seat switch, black 8 pin plug, pin 6 or 3
Memory Seat 3 N/A -