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Viper Trunk Open Issue Solved

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Member - Posts: 1
Member spacespace
Joined: May 31, 2014
Location: California, United States
Posted: May 31, 2014 at 4:06 PM / IP Logged  
Just want to put it out there because I have spent so many hours trying to fix this issue that others seem to be having also. There is a problem where Viper alarms are reporting Trunk Open status when armed and both show the trunk open indicator on the remote and will beep to alert that zone is open.   Well after testing every wire over and over, checking all connections, repeatedly going to the authorized dealership to have the install tech diagnosis. I have researched and researched the internet for solution....all with no success. Well I can say now I have finally got the directed techs to cough up the answer after they have sent me round and round with their super top secret information that they will not share with anyone but a install tech.   Even then most of the install techs have no idea this is happening or the solution to fix the problem.   
If you are using a DBAll here is what needs to happen,
Plug the Dball into the computer to access the flash options, uncheck Trunk status reporting, this will no longer have the d2d report trunk open status. Then install the module and before doing anything else you want to analog pulse the trunk sensor wire off the viper brain. (blue)   give it a ground pulse and the brain will no longer take any reports from the dball with regards to trunk open reporting unless it sees the analog signal.   
Thanks a lot directed for making everyone who uses your products a living nightmare to try and have them work correctly. Your super top secret info should be available to anyone and everyone. Specially end users that support your products and without these people your company we not be in business.   I am disappointed at their need to protect information that will make their products work the way they are supposed to because of their internal glitches. They should state these fixes and solutions in the install guide and offer service bulletins to authorized dealerships so these problems can be easily remedied..   Hope this helps others
howie ll 
Pot Metal - Posts: 16,466
Pot Metal spacespace
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Posted: May 31, 2014 at 5:20 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks one of my customers with a 2010 Seat Leon (=Golf V) had exactly the same problem. 5704 + DB-ALL2 wired D2D, I convinced him it was part of a long running problem with VW hatch switches going back to the MklV.
Copper - Posts: 211
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
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Posted: December 19, 2014 at 12:14 PM / IP Logged  
its reaasons like this makes me happy i switched from directed bypasses and only use idatalink modules instead.

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