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Radio install gone wrong

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Posted: March 22, 2015 at 8:14 PM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote tanilanthis
Greetings all,
I have a 1998 Kia Sportage 2WD that was gifted to me. It had a factory radio in it that no longer worked.. well, sometimes it would if you pulled the battery terminal. A lot of the buttons on it didn't work. Anyways:
I went out and purchased a Pioneer DEH-X2710UI and pulled the old stereo. The connectors for the harness in the car didn't fit the back of the new radio, so I guess I went and did something that was...bad? I cut the plastic portion of the harness off and stripped the wires down some, to connect them to the new harness that came with the new stereo. I figured that it would be just matching up colors and good to go.
In doing that, the new radio does not power on or show any signs of getting power. Also, my door locks used to unlock when putting the key into the driver side door and turning it. Now they do not do that, unless the key is in the ignition and I manually depress the knob on the door.
Included is a picture of the new harness for the radio, and the one inside the dash that I was trying to connect it to, using butt connectors.
I'm completely inept with car audio (obviously, else I wouldn't need help eh?) and don't have any specialized tools. Just a screwdriver and pliers. From what I can tell, there are not any blown fuses on the harness, radio, or kick panel box.
Radio install gone wrong -- posted image.
Radio install gone wrong -- posted image.
Thank you all for your time and responses.
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Posted: March 22, 2015 at 8:30 PM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote smokeman1
I'm not much into head units but here is a listing on this site under wiring diagrams.
Could also try for a wiring harness from your radio to your vehicle. I did my own head unit about three weeks ago and the wiring harness made it easier to match up wiring.
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el ranchero 
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Posted: March 25, 2015 at 9:38 PM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote el ranchero
what!!!!!!!!!! not to be mean but next time pay someone if you dont feel competent, you probably burn something,,,if you got the proper harness to adapt the radio to the car, just match the colors,,,not too sure but i think on kias u need to ground the black to the car metal that is grounded, good lk
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Posted: March 26, 2015 at 10:26 AM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote sirhutson
Take that to a reputable audio shop to get it fixed.
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Posted: April 03, 2015 at 9:44 AM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote racerjames76

Hopefully you have learned a valuable lesson in this matter. However I will never fault anyone for trying. As experts we tend to forget we also made many dumb mistakes like this along the way.

Yes cutting the factory plug off is NEVER a good idea. Even if not using the plug you can just t-tap (properly by stripping open the wire, poking the new wire through and then soldering and taping using high quality 3m tape) behind the connector.

Always leave a path back to where you started with audio. What you want may not be what the next owner wants. Always consider resale!

Again I am not trying to belittle the OP just offering some wisdom!

If you want advice on how to learn and properly fix this let us know where the project is and we will try to help. Understand that you have not demonstrated much skill so a lot of the people here will shy away from helping!

To master and control electricity is perfection. *evil laugh*

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