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The Worst Install You Ever Came Across?

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Copper - Posts: 244
Copper spacespace
Joined: September 21, 2014
Location: South Africa
Posted: June 22, 2015 at 3:26 PM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote chassis
I received a call from an oldman who desperately needed my help today.He arrived here with a tow truck towing his car.According to him his alarm packedup and left him stranded on the freeway.I dicided to remove his driver side lower dash panel (honda civic 1998)Boom a snake fell down,almost got a heart attack (it was actually his alarm)They have used black insulation tape,nearer to the module they have used sello-tape.No fuses used for ignition or powersupply to the alarm.I figured out when I hold the wires together the dash lights comes on with ignition on.Ok so it took me sometime to put fuseholders in,solder all wires as none of them were soldered,and I also had to use loomtape to link it in with the original loom and hide the module..shuew and they are still advertising their shop name on the car.So my new friend drove back home with a smile on his face.The Good news was the alarm still works and the car can drive away,this could have turned out much worst for the poor oldman.I did not ask for any money and I've also payed his TOW bill.
Do it once,do it right - This means no short cuts. You never get paid twice for having to do the job twice because it wasn't done right the first time.
Copper - Posts: 244
Copper spacespace
Joined: September 21, 2014
Location: South Africa
Posted: June 22, 2015 at 3:50 PM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote chassis
Oh yah! My girlfriend screwed the panel back on and replaced the remote batteries with new ones.
Do it once,do it right - This means no short cuts. You never get paid twice for having to do the job twice because it wasn't done right the first time.
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Joined: February 14, 2017
Location: Nevada, United States
Posted: March 01, 2017 at 12:37 AM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote nastytones21
Poor old guy. Good thing a good samaritan like you came by to help.
jasons mobile i 
Member - Posts: 6
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Joined: February 06, 2017
Location: Washington, United States
Posted: April 10, 2018 at 1:19 AM / IP Logged Link to Post Post Reply Quote jasons mobile i
I was up in the Seattle area doing a Lo-Jack install on a 2000 Trans-Am. I went to use the constant power for the radio and noticed the nice stereo the customer told me he just had installed. As I was removing the radio, it literally fell off in my hands. It wasn't secured and the trim was the only thing holding the radio in. I pulled the radio expecting to see a harness adapter but instead, I found spaghetti and lots of it. I let the owner see it and as I did, some of the wires came loose. I taped them back up so they wouldn't short out and put everything back. The owner said he was going to take it back to the shop and tell them to fix it right. Guessing they figured he'd never see the wires so they did a crap job. I did find my wire to tap elsewhere in the car.
Jasons Mobile Installation
Tacoma-Seattle, Washington

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