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Car Com

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Copper - Posts: 140
Copper spacespace
Joined: July 09, 2002
Location: United States
Posted: June 26, 2003 at 8:38 PM / IP Logged  
Does anybody know where I can find information on the car com system for DEI alarms? I'm thinking of purchasing one but not sure if it's what I want. Also does anybody know right off how it is installed and how it works?
Copper - Posts: 116
Copper spacespace
Joined: June 02, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: June 27, 2003 at 8:12 PM / IP Logged  
You want to get the viper track unit. I replaced the car*com unit that they had.
-Clifford/Directed/Alpine-Audio & Security-
New York InstallerCar Com -- posted image.
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Silver - Posts: 711
Silver spacespace
Joined: March 09, 2002
Location: United States
Posted: June 27, 2003 at 11:21 PM / IP Logged  
the car com is very similar to the pager system. Only the car com works off a satelite signal. wiring it in is very easy and there is a charge per year for the use of this unit. I think it's like $20-30. Not sure. Once you call the number and put your pin number you can access your controls through any pay phone cell phone or house phone and give it a command. I mostly had my truck started and door popped open. It's really nice especially if you lock yourself out you have your own locksmith at the touch of a couple buttons.
Sound Pressure
You know you have the right amount of pressure when your eyes start to water! Now you've got Juice!
Copper - Posts: 116
Copper spacespace
Joined: June 02, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: June 28, 2003 at 9:57 AM / IP Logged  
the only way to get a car com unit still is to goto a company called seaguard they use to be the one viper use to use for that feature. DEI doesn't support that unit anymore. goto http://www, for the unit. I personally think that the car-com is not worth it. I use to have it, but now that viper track does all of that plus more i went with that. i can call my car, find my car and get confirmation that it was started or locked and unlocked.
-Clifford/Directed/Alpine-Audio & Security-
New York InstallerCar Com -- posted image.

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