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2004 Toyota Sienna Alarm/RS/Stereo Wiring

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Member - Posts: 3
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Posted: July 16, 2003 at 12:45 PM / IP Logged  

Does anyone know where I can obtain the wiring codes for this vehicle?

Copper - Posts: 150
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Posted: July 18, 2003 at 8:49 PM / IP Logged  
Here is the 02 info hope it helps.
|       ITEM      |     WIRE COLOR     |POL|       WIRE LOCATION        |
|              12V|wht/red & wht/blue |+ |ignition harness            |
|          STARTER|red                 |+ |ignition harness            |
|        IGNITION|BLACK / YELLOW        |+ |ignition harness            |
| SECOND IGNITION|BLACK/ red           |+ |ignition harness            |
|        ACCESSORY|blue               |+ |not required for r-start    |
|       POWER LOCK|blue/white          |- |passenger kick panel *1    |
|     POWER UNLOCK|blue / YELLOW        |- |passenger kick panel *1    |
|       LOCK MOTOR|blue/red            |   |integration relay *8        |
|     UNLOCK MOTOR|blue/black          |   |integration relay *8        |
|    DISARM DEFEAT|blue/red            |   |integration relay *8        |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|green               |   |bottom of fuse box          |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|GREEN/ orange        |   |combination switch harness |
|       HEADLIGHTS|RED / green           |- |combination switch harness |
|     DOOR TRIGGER|RED / white           |- |top right side of fuse box |
| DOME SUPERVISION|RED / black           |- |right side of fuse box      |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|GREEN/ black        |- |top right side of fuse box |
|        HOOD PIN|black               |- |at light or theft ECU *2    |
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|GREEN/ YELLOW *9     |- |switch on dash below radio |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|arms with lock      |   |                            |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|disarms with unlock |   |                            |
|       TACHOMETER|*3                  |   |*3                          |
|      SPEED SENSE|violet / YELLOW       |   |at ECM below glove box      |
|       BRAKE WIRE|GREEN / WHITE        |+ |brake switch or fuse box    |
|     HORN TRIGGER|GREEN/ black        |- |steering column             |
|           WIPERS|blue/blk, blue/org |+ |wiper switch *4             |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|green   -    red    |A |in drivers door at switch   |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|grn/wht - RED / blue|A |in drivers door at switch   |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|red   -   yellow *5|A |must go to motor (rear vent)|
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|red   -   yellow *5|A |must go to motor (rear vent)|
| SUN RF OPN/CLOSE|red   -   green     |A |at motor or sunroof relay *6|
|   SUN ROOF LIMIT|RED / blue or grn/wht |- |at sunroof relay *6        |
|        RADIO 12V|blue / YELLOW        |+ |stereo or amp *7            |
|     RADIO GROUND|brown               |- |stereo or amp *7            |
|     RADIO SWITCH|gray               |+ |stereo or amp *7            |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|WHITE/ green        |- |dimmer switch               |
|       LF SPEAKER|pink   -   violet   |non|stereo or amp *7            |
|       RF SPEAKER|lt. green -   blue |non|stereo or amp *7            |
|       LR SPEAKER|black -   yellow   |non|stereo or amp *7            |
|       RR SPEAKER|red   -   white     |non|stereo or amp *7            |
NOTE: Some models have an immobilizer system that needs to be bypassed during remote start. Use DEI module 555F or 555U to bypass. *1 they will test only by operating the key in the passenger door lock cylinder, not the rocker switch on the door itself. *2 door lock ECU and theft ECU are in the center console. *3 located at one of the coils on top of the valve cover, use the wire that is NOT BLACK/ white, WHITE/ black, or black *4 rear wiper pink/black(-) at wiper switch *5 rear open & close motors are common through the switch *6 sunroof relay located front center under headliner. *7 stereo amplifier in center console below doorlock and theft ECU. *8 the integration relay is at the bottom of the fusebox. *9 This is for the power sliding side door.
Chris Luongo 
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Posted: July 27, 2003 at 9:15 AM / IP Logged  
Those and the 2003-and-below colors, and they are wrong.
lburrowes: You already asked this same question in another recent post.
--Someone there already answered you, although the information he gave is very basic.
--I answered you too, and reminded you that you could do a search. And the rules here say to always do a search first. And you still apparently haven't done a search. If you had, you'd find that this same question was already answered a week or two ago.
Sorry if I seem grumpy, but it makes me not want to come here anymore if it's only to answer the same questions over and over.
But anyway, I have fully researched a few of these Siennas myself. Here are the results:
2004 Toyota Sienna wiring information

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