This is the wiring for the 2002 maybe the same but make sure to check all connections first...
| 12V|red (x2) |+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|yellow |+ |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|pink |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND IGNITION|orange |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|brown |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|lt. blue |- |16P plug, pin 11, rear of FB|
| POWER UNLOCK|white |- |16P plug, pin 10, rear of FB|
| LOCK MOTOR|gray | |16P plug, pin 12, rear of FB|
| UNLOCK MOTOR|tan | |16P plug, pin 6, rear of FB |
| DISARM DEFEAT|no progressive unlck| | |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|purple | |16P plug, pin 15, rear of FB|
| PARKING LIGHTS -|lt. blue | |light switch,steering column|
| HEADLIGHTS|white |- |light switch,steering column|
| DOOR TRIGGER|yellow |- |12P plug, pin 9, front of FB|
| DOME SUPERVISION|use door trigger | | |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|GREEN/ black |- |20 pin plug, pin 12 in DKP |
| HOOD PIN|lt. blue |- |12 pin plug, pin 2, ETACM *1|
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|green *2 |- |12 pin plug, pin 5, ETACM *1|
| DISARM NO UNLOCK|RED / blu or lt grn *6|+ |ignition harness |
| TACHOMETER|white | |instrument cluster or ECM *3|
| SPEED SENSE|brown | |data link connector *4 |
| BRAKE WIRE|lt. blue |+ |brake pedal switch |
| HORN TRIGGER|yellow |- |steering column |
| WIPERS|green (L), purple(H)|- |steering column |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|blue - brown |A |driver window switch |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|lt. blue - tan |A |driver door harness |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|green - purple |A |16 pin plug in DKP |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|lt. green - purple |A |16 pin plug in DKP |
| SUN RF OPN/CLOSE|yellow - yel/red |A |sunroof relay *5 |
| RADIO 12V|orange |+ |radio |
| RADIO GROUND|BLACK/ orange |- |radio |
| RADIO SWITCH|yellow |+ |radio |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|BROWN / white |+ |radio |
| POWER ANTENNA|gray |+ |radio |
| LF SPEAKER|tan - black | |radio |
| RF SPEAKER|blue - red | |radio |
| LR SPEAKER|white - brown | |radio |
| RR SPEAKER|orange - green | |radio |
*1 The ETACM (Electronic Time & Alarm Control Module) is attached to the fusebox below the fuses. *2 Can also use blue (+) solenoid wire in the 16 pin plug, pin 7 in the driver kick panel. The fuel filler release is green (+) in the 20 pin plug, pin 15 in the driver kick panel. *3 The ECM (Engine Control Module) is to the right of the accelerator pedal. On the 4 cyl models with A/T the tach wire is in the 26 pin plug, pin 3. 4 cyl models with M/T it is in the 12 pin plug, pin 8. 6 cyl models it is in the 40 pin plug, pin 17. *4 The data link connector is under the steering column. *5 Remove the front map light assembly and the relay is visible in the right side of the opening. *6 This is the key sense wire for the ignition switch. Triggering this wire at the same time as both ignition wires will disarm the factory alarm without unlocking the doors.