| 12V|green |+ |ignition harness *1 |
| STARTER|BLACK / YELLOW |+ |ignition harness *1 |
| IGNITION|WHITE/ green |+ |ignition harness *1 |
| SECOND IGNITION|BLACK/ red |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|blue |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|blue/orange |*2 |passenger door harness |
| POWER UNLOCK|same wire |*2 |passenger door harness |
| LOCK MOTOR|red | |drivers kick panel |
| UNLOCK MOTOR|blue/black | |drivers kick panel |
| DISARM DEFEAT|green | |passengers kick panel |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|orange | |drivers kick *3 |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|lt. green or RED / yel| |steering column |
| HEADLIGHTS|red or RED / blue |- |steering column |
| DOOR TRIGGER|lt. green |- |drivers kick *3 |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|purple *5 |- |drivers kick *3 |
| HOOD PIN|BROWN / white |- |top of fuse box *6 |
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|PURPLE / white |+ |drivers kick *4 |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|arms with lock | | |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|disarms w/ unlock | | |
| DISARM NO UNLOCK|lt GREEN/ red or *2 |- |drivers door harness |
| TACHOMETER|orange | |diagnostic connector *7 |
| SPEED SENSE|GREEN/ red | |ECM under center of dash |
| BRAKE WIRE|GREEN/ black |+ |brake switch |
| HORN TRIGGER|GREEN/ red |- |steering column |
| WIPERS|blu/wht(L),blu/red(H|+ |steering column |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|green - RED / blu |A |in drivers door |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|grn/wht - RED / wht |A |drivers door or *4 |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|blu/wht - yel/wht |A |drivers door or *4 |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|grn/yel - wht/red |A |drivers door or *4 |
| RADIO 12V|blue/red |+ |radio |
| RADIO GROUND|BLACK/ red |- |radio |
| RADIO SWITCH|pink/green |+ |radio |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|green |+ |radio |
| LF SPEAKER|yellow - blue | |radio or bose amplifier *8 |
| RF SPEAKER|pink - violet | |radio or bose amplifier *8 |
| LR SPEAKER|green - grn/yel | |radio or bose amplifier *8 |
| RR SPEAKER|grn/blk - grn/org | |radio or bose amplifier *8 |
NOTE: This vehicle has an immobilizer system that needs to be bypassed when adding remote start. Use DEI part number 555U. *1 Also found in a white plug in a silver box next to the firewall above and behind the fusebox: 12V-WHITE/ red; starter-BLACK / YELLOW 12awg; ignition-BLACK / YELLOW 18awg. *2 Negative trigger through a 1K (1000 ohm) resistor will lock the doors and arm the factory security. Negative trigger on the same wire will unlock all doors and disarm the factory security. Test using the passengers door key cylinder switch with all doors closed. To disarm with out unlocking, send a positive trigger to the blue/black key sense wire. The key sense wire is located at the steering column. *3 In a large harness to the rear of the car. *4 In the harness coming in from the drivers door. *5 Rest at ground with the key off. Diode isolate to keep ground from feeding back from the indicator lamp. *6 In a 20 pin green plug. *7 The diagnostic connector is in driver side rear corner of the engine compartment. *8 The bose amplifier is behind the rear seat on the passenger side. The rear speaker wires are different on the bose amplifier. They are LR(+/-) grn/blk - grn/org, RR(+/-) yel/blu - yel/grn.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.