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subs in regular cab s-10

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Silver - Posts: 535
Silver spacespace
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Posted: November 05, 2003 at 6:24 PM / IP Logged  
working with a regular cab s-10 and i need to fit a sub or two in there somehow. i am amazed at how little room is back there. it is for my boss so i need it to be good cheap and done yesterday ha ha. any ideas as far as boxes i am open to any ideas. 1 or 2 subs any size he does noty care as long as it "keeps my heart going if my pace-maker quits"
Platinum - Posts: 5,041
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Posted: November 05, 2003 at 7:19 PM / IP Logged  
You can fit a prefab truck box behind there. Or you can build a box for 2 8's or 1 10, or 2 10's if he wants to loose the jack. Also take into consideration where you are going to put the amp.
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Silver - Posts: 976
Silver spacespace
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Posted: November 05, 2003 at 8:13 PM / IP Logged  

if you are wiling to loose the amp i know from experience of my own vehicle that you can fit atleast 3 12's behind the seats without loosing any leg room if you mount the amp up above the passanger side leg space, and build a custom box. this takes time but if you want you can fit anything you want into an standard cab s-10 just the more spl you want the more time you spend like any other vehicle.

im not sure about what he can afford but i currently am running two alpine R10's and they are great in the truck (if his pace-maker doesnt quit naturally it will when he hears it)also there will be plenty of room left to leave the jack in and mount the amp to the rear wall. make sure the amp goes over the jack and not the driver side. if you decide to go with the r10's you should get about a 1.5 cu ft box with a port of your desire and an amp that can put out about 750rms.

P.m. me if you like im most always on the page.

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Copper - Posts: 78
Copper spacespace
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Posted: November 06, 2003 at 7:06 AM / IP Logged  
I put 2 10's in a homemade box in a 87 s-10 that i use to have I believe they were kenwood its been since 87 my friends still tell me that the s-10 was the loudest, hardest hitting stereo that I have had. I think they are wrong. 2003 Silverado ext. cab Kenwood mp922, JL Audio xr650 csi, MB Quart dkd116, JL Audio 300/4, JL Audio 500/1 pushing two JL Audio 12w6v2
Silver - Posts: 976
Silver spacespace
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Posted: November 06, 2003 at 9:46 AM / IP Logged  
dcgd, the size of the cab made all the difference there is a few vehicles that just work wonders with the stereo systems, the s10 is one of them another if you get to see in the chevelle.
Quad L Handyman services

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