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2001 Ford Focus Stereo Wire Colors

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Member - Posts: 12
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 18, 2003 at 1:11 PM / IP Logged  
need to know factory colors for the speakers? ALL of them, please! and thanks.....sorry to ask but it wasnt in your databank!
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Posted: December 18, 2003 at 1:53 PM / IP Logged  
Have a look at, it may have what you need.
Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Silver - Posts: 481
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Posted: December 18, 2003 at 2:03 PM / IP Logged  
Install Doctor doesn't have the right colors (the colors mentioned in the wiring diagram don't match up to what's in my sister-in-law's 2001 focus). Does this focus not have the factory wiring harness anymore?
If you think you're confused, imagine how you feel.   2001 Ford Focus Stereo Wire Colors -- posted image.
Member - Posts: 12
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 18, 2003 at 10:18 PM / IP Logged  
sux about that wire differences in the Im gettting the car this wekeekend. but I am getting a jump on this car, becasue it will be a install for the 19th for me so im jsut getting more and as much info on this vehicle as possible....? Cant ever get enough!!!It has factory harnesses but im gonna use the factory speaker wires and instead of running new wires Im gonna tap to the wires in the boots for the fronts ...... this is a car getting a cheep upgrade and money is tight, so we gotta do what we gotta do to save thius guy some money and me a little bitt of time, heheheh!!!
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Posted: December 18, 2003 at 10:57 PM / IP Logged  

I would suggest that you invest the $15 and get a wiring kit, it will save you time and you won’t have to butcher the factory harness.       

I RADIO 12V|ORANGE / black (thick)|+  |radio                       |

|     RADIO GROUND|blk/yel & blk/grn   |-  |radio                       |
|     RADIO SWITCH|YELLOW /GREEN        |+  |radio                       |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|ORANGE / black (thin) |+  |radio                       |
|    POWER ANTENNA|                    |   |                            |
|       LF SPEAKER|wht/blk - gry/blk   |   |radio                       |
|       RF SPEAKER|wht/red - gry/red   |   |radio                       |
|       LR SPEAKER|wht/pur - gry/wht   |   |radio                       |
|       RR SPEAKER|white - gray        |   |radio

Double check all wires with a voltage meter before making any connections

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Member spacespace
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Posted: December 19, 2003 at 9:47 AM / IP Logged  
SOunds good, but i should have also said that this guy is wanting to upgrade every speaker and is adding 3 amps....2 small 2 for front and one for rear. Hes upgradeing the rear to a higher wattage speaker so we can turn them up louder to get a litte bitt more sound from the rear and a small cheep 300 watt amp for his subs 10"(2)low wattage subs(should be maybe ok)... Im just werking with what this guys wanting but I hear ya about that wire harness.....Also, Thanks for those wire colors!!! Much appricated...and dont worry!?!? I also, double check before makeing CONNECTIONS!
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Posted: December 19, 2003 at 10:11 AM / IP Logged  
Sweekster wrote:
Install Doctor doesn't have the right colors (the colors mentioned in the wiring diagram don't match up to what's in my sister-in-law's 2001 focus). Does this focus not have the factory wiring harness anymore?
Yeah, i have gotten a few of those....somtimes there flood cars and beeen fixed back up, put in new computers, changesd out or whatever they do to get them back to re-sale. they will sometimes get wire harnesses from another year and echange all the wires...????It could have also been a wrecked car and the door was fom another type/year and they made it work, iono??but,.... I've seen a mexican do whatever it takes to make a dollar, trust me!!! HAHHAHAHAHA Not that this has happened to your sister in laws car. maybe look for rust spots under the carpet and around bolts on the under cariage!(I'mm from houston and flooding in the past 2 years has beeen <<<<<WIDE-SPREAD>>>>> maybe this is why i said all of this. My wifes car had the same thing happen, and i tracked and retraced every wire and had every piece of this car aprart to find this out! TRUST ME! I think I have seen it all! Her car was in the flood, 2 of the 7 speakers were NOT the same colors(2000 MIts Eclipse)nothing ws wrong but(some wire tampering) but,....DAMN I was pisssed that this could happen! Dealerships will do whatever it takes to get a car out sometimes......expecially when they had about 2-4 acres of cars to repair for flooded cars! I seen it! hahaha...Oh well, enough about that, but I would just get a pen and pad out and trace and write down all colrs for your vehicle if you cant find any info for your focus!!! GOOD luck in your findings!2001 Ford Focus Stereo Wire Colors -- posted image.
Silver - Posts: 481
Silver spacespace
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Posted: December 19, 2003 at 10:59 AM / IP Logged  
I've seen all of that too. Living in L.A. I see that more than I need to. None of that could have happened to my sister in law's car because she bought it brand new (it had 0.25 miles on it before the test drive). I didn't get a chance to pull out her radio on thursday and check the colors but I did this morning and they match up to exactly what BBerman posted.      
If you think you're confused, imagine how you feel.   2001 Ford Focus Stereo Wire Colors -- posted image.
Member - Posts: 12
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 19, 2003 at 6:33 PM / IP Logged  
Sweekster wrote:
I've seen all of that too. Living in L.A. I see that more than I need to. None of that could have happened to my sister in law's car because she bought it brand new (it had 0.25 miles on it before the test drive). I didn't get a chance to pull out her radio on thursday and check the colors but I did this morning and they match up to exactly what BBerman posted.      
MAN, thats AWSOME! Thanks for the doouble check up on that !? It should make my day alot easier! Hope you have a good one!2001 Ford Focus Stereo Wire Colors -- posted image.

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