Tundra..or double cab...
white (40A), WHITE/ red (30A)
ignition harness
Starter grn/blk (V6), blk/wht (V8) + ignition harness
Second Starter N/A
Ignition BLACK/ red + ignition harness
Second Ignition BLACK / YELLOW + ignition harness
Third Ignition N/A
Accessory blue/red + ignition harness
Second Accessory N/A
Keysense pink/black - ignition harness or plug below fuses
Power Lock WHITE/ green or GREEN/ black - driver kick or plug below fuses
Power Unlock blue/red (double pulse) - driver kick or plug below fuses
Lock Motor blue/white 5wi driver kick, door harness
Unlock Motor blue / YELLOW to BLACK / YELLOW 5wi driver kick, door harness
Parking Lights+ green + driver kick, harness to rear
Parking Lights- RED / black - headlight switch or plug below fuses
Hazards GREEN/ red - turn signal flasher below fuse box
Turn Signal(L) GREEN/ black + turn signal flasher below fuse box
Turn Signal(R) GREEN/ YELLOW + turn signal flasher below fuse box
Reverse Light RED / black + driver kick, harness to rear
Door Trigger WHITE/ blue - driver kick, door harness
Dome Supervision use door trigger wire
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A
Hood Pin N/A
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm arms with lock
Factory Alarm Disarm disarms with unlock
Disarm No Unlock use key sense wire
Tachometer black (V6), blue/white (V8) ac igniter (V6), ECM (V8)
Wait to start N/A
Brake Wire GREEN / WHITE + brake pedal switch
Parking Brake RED / white - parking brake switch
Horn Trigger GREEN/ red - column or plug below fuses
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Keysense note:
Using the status output wire from the remote start to trigger this wire will disarm the alarm without unlocking the doors.
Power Lock note:
Meter these wires while turning the key in the driver door key cylinder.
Power Unlock note:
Meter these wires while turning the key in the driver door key cylinder.
Can also use the passenger key cylinder wire for unlock, which only requires a single pulse. It is RED / yellow or RED / white in the passenger kick or the plug below the fuses.
Tachometer note:
On the V6 models, the igniter is on the passenger fender.
On the V8 models, the ECM is behind the glove box. The tach wire is in the far right plug, pin 5.
12voltswht/blu (40A), wht/red (25A) + ignition harness
Starter BLACK/ white + ignition harness
Second Starter N/A
Ignition BLACK/ red + ignition harness
Second Ignition BLACK / YELLOW + ignition harness
Third Ignition N/A
Accessory pink + ignition harness
Second Accessory N/A
Keysense YELLOW /GREEN - ign harn or BECU, right plug, pin 22
Power Lock see DirectFax document 1070
Power Unlock see power lock notes
Lock Motor blue/red 5wi DKP or BECU, right plug, pin 1
Unlock Motor RED / black 5wi DKP or BECU, right plug, pin 14
Parking Lights+ green + driver kick, harness to rear
Parking Lights- green - switch or BECU, left plug, pin 14
Hazards GREEN/ red - turn signal flasher below fuse box
Turn Signal(L) GREEN/ black + turn signal flasher below fuse box
Turn Signal(R) GREEN/ YELLOW + turn signal flasher below fuse box
Reverse Light RED / black + driver kick, gray 8 pin plug, pin 2
Door Trigger blue/black - ignition key cylinder illumination
Dome Supervision comes on with unlock
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A
Hood Pin blue/white - pin sw. or BECU, left plug, pin 5
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm arms with lock
Factory Alarm Disarm disarms with unlock
Disarm No Unlock use key sense wire
Tachometer WHITE/ blue ac ECM, right plug, pin 5
Wait to start N/A
Brake Wire GREEN / WHITE + brake pedal switch
Parking Brake lt. GREEN/ red - switch or BECU, right plug, pin 3
Horn Trigger BLACK / YELLOW - column or BECU, right plug, pin 21
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Keysense note:
Using the status output wire from the remote start to trigger this wire will disarm the alarm without unlocking the doors.
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Power Lock note:
The door lock wire colors are the same as those listed for the Sequoia.
Lock Motor note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Unlock Motor note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Parking Lights(-) note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Door Trigger note:
Can also use individual door trigger wires at the BECU. The LF door is gray/red, middle plug, pin 15. The RF door is lt. GREEN/ black, right plug, pin 8. The LR door is RED / white, middle plug, pin 16. The RR door is RED / white, right plug, pin 4. Use all four wires and diode isolate each.
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Hood Pin note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Tachometer note:
The ECM (Engine Control Module) is behind the glove box.
Parking Brake note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.
Horn Trigger note:
The BECU (Body ECU) is above the driver kick panel, towards the firewall.