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2002 ford f-150 supercrew

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Posted: October 16, 2002 at 4:58 PM / IP Logged  

I purchased an older Ungo security system that uses the pulses from the factory door lock/unlock system to arm and disarm.  Does anyone have any wiring info on the wires I need?


Velocity Motors 
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Posted: October 17, 2002 at 5:13 AM / IP Logged  

|       ITEM      |     WIRE COLOR     |POL|       WIRE LOCATION        |

|              12V|yellow & lt. grn/pur|+  |ignition harness            |
|          STARTER|green               |+  |ignition harness            |
|         IGNITION|RED / lt. green       |+  |ignition harness            |
|  SECOND IGNITION|gray / YELLOW         |+  |ignition harness            |
|        ACCESSORY|RED / black           |+  |ignition harness            |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|blue/lt. green      |+  |ignition harness            |
|       POWER LOCK|*1                  |   |*1                          |
|     POWER UNLOCK|*1                  |   |*1                          |
|       LOCK MOTOR|pink/black          |   |VSM *2                      |
|     UNLOCK MOTOR|RED / orange          |   |VSM *2                      |
|    DISARM DEFEAT|pink/orange         |   |VSM *2                      |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown               |   |headlight switch            |
|       HEADLIGHTS|RED / yellow          |+  |headlight switch            |
|     DOOR TRIGGER|BLACK/ lt. blue      |+  |either kick panel           |
| DOME SUPERVISION|use door trigger    |   |                            |
|  FCTRY ALARM ARM|                    |   |                            |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|                    |   |                            |
|       TACHOMETER|*3                  |   |ignition coils              |
|      SPEED SENSE|gray/black          |   |instrument cluster or *4    |
|       BRAKE WIRE|lt. green           |+  |brake pedal switch          |
|     HORN TRIGGER|blue                |-  |steering column or VSM *2   |
|           WIPERS|blue/orange         |-  |steering column             |
|  LF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/blk - tan/lt blu|A  |driver window switch        |
|  RF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/yel - tan/lt blu|A  |driver kick panel           |
|  LR WINDOW UP/DN|gry/org - yel/lt blu|A  |driver kick panel           |
|  RR WINDOW UP/DN|yel/blk - RED / blk   |A  |driver kick panel           |
|        RADIO 12V|lt. GREEN/ purple    |+  |radio                       |
|     RADIO GROUND|BLACK/ lt. green     |-  |radio                       |
|     RADIO SWITCH|pink                |+  |radio                       |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|lt blue/red (dimmer)|+  |radio                       |
|       LF SPEAKER|org/lt grn-lt blu/wh|   |radio                       |
|       RF SPEAKER|wht/lt grn - grn/org|   |radio                       |
|       LR SPEAKER|gry/lt blu - tan/yel|   |radio                       |
|       RR SPEAKER|org/red - brn/pnk   |   |radio                       |


*1 Without keyless entry use pink / YELLOW for lock and pink/lt. green for unlock. They are 5 wire reverse polarity mastered from the driver switch and found in either kick panel. With keyless entry use WHITE/ red for lock and BLACK/ white for unlock. They are negative trigger and found at the VSM. On the vehicles with keyless entry the GEM shuts down after the doors have been locked for a certain time period, to "wake-up" the system  *2 The VSM (Vehicle Security Module) is to the right of the accelerator pedal above the transmission hump below the radio. Not accessible from radio opening.  *3 For tach go to any one of the ignition coils and use the wire that is NOT RED / lt. green. On diesel vehicles the tach wire is green or white, in a 42 pin plug under the clamp on the engine side of the air intake duct. On diesel vehicles the wait to start light is activated by a databus wire from the ECM. To do wait to start use a pulse timer relay  *4 Also found at the radio on vehicles that have the in-dash CD changer.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
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Morden, Manitoba CANADA
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Posted: October 17, 2002 at 6:30 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks, Jeff!
Velocity Motors 
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Posted: October 17, 2002 at 6:50 PM / IP Logged  
No problemo
Velocity Custom Home Theater
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Morden, Manitoba CANADA
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Posted: October 31, 2002 at 10:59 AM / IP Logged  


Are the colors the same for an '01 SuperCrew? If not, could you please post those.



Velocity Motors 
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Joined: March 08, 2002
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Posted: October 31, 2002 at 7:10 PM / IP Logged  

This is for the 2001 Ford Super Duty:

|       ITEM      |     WIRE COLOR     |POL|       WIRE LOCATION        |

|              12V|yellow              |+  |ignition harness            |
|          STARTER|RED / lt. blue        |+  |ignition harness            |
|         IGNITION|RED / black *5        |+  |ignition harness            |
|        ACCESSORY|BLACK/ green         |+  |ignition harness            |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|gray / YELLOW         |+  |ignition harness            |
|       POWER LOCK|pink / YELLOW         |*1 |*1                          |
|     POWER UNLOCK|pink/green          |*1 |*1                          |
|       LOCK MOTOR|pink/black          |   |drivers kick panel          |
|     UNLOCK MOTOR|pnk/blk or RED / org  |   |drivers kick panel          |
|    DISARM DEFEAT|pink/orange         |   |passengers kick panel       |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown               |   |headlight switch            |
|       HEADLIGHTS|RED / yellow          |+  |headlight switch            |
|     DOOR TRIGGER|BLACK/ lt. blue      |+  |*2                          |
|       TACHOMETER|WHITE/ pink *6       |   |instrument cluster or *3    |
|      SPEED SENSE|gray/black          |8  |PCM *4                      |
|       BRAKE WIRE|lt. green           |+  |brake switch                |
|     HORN TRIGGER|dk. blue            |-  |steering column             |
|           WIPERS|white - dk.blu/orn  |+  |motor or relay              |
|  LF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/blk - tan/blu   |A  |drivers door switch         |
|  RF WINDOW UP/DN|tan/blu - wht/yel   |A  |drivers door switch         |
|  LR WINDOW UP/DN|yel/blu - gry/orn   |A  |drivers door switch         |
|  RR WINDOW UP/DN|RED / blk - yel/blk   |A  |drivers door switch         |


*1 Non-keyless versions are 5 wire located in the drivers door harness.  Keyless versions are negative trigger located in a gray molex plug to the right side of the steering column  *2 Located in a gray molex plug to the right side of the steering column.  *3 Tach can also be located in the main harness that runs on the inside of the firewall to the left of the brake pedal.  *4 PCM is located on the left side of fire wall.  *5 There are two RED / black wires at the ignition harness, use the heavier gauge wire of the two.  *6 Diesel tach is a WHITE/ pink and the diesel wait to start wire is BLACK/ pink (-), this wire MUST be diode isolated from the instrument cluster to keep the battery from draining Both wires are located at the PCM or can also be located in the main harness that runs on the inside of the firewall to the left of the brake pedal.

Velocity Custom Home Theater
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Morden, Manitoba CANADA
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Posted: November 01, 2002 at 5:49 AM / IP Logged  

One more question if I may. The top of your post says for '01 Super Duty. Is it the same for an '01 SuperCrew (F150)? Sorry for all the questions. Just making sure.


Velocity Motors 
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Joined: March 08, 2002
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Posted: November 01, 2002 at 6:58 PM / IP Logged  
I'm not 100 % sure what the difference is but I imagine the Super Crew is the 4 door. You should be able to find all the above wires in the same place.
Velocity Custom Home Theater
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Morden, Manitoba CANADA
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Posted: November 02, 2002 at 6:14 PM / IP Logged  

The SuperCrew is a 4-door F150 (light duty) and the SuperDuty would be something other than the F150 (like F250, F350, and so on). I know that there are some different electrical options on the SuperCrew that aren't on the heavy duty models.

I will definately test the wiring before I connect to it so the diagram you supplied will be helpful.

Thanks again!

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