12volts red (40A), red (40A) + ignition harness
Starter yellow + ignition harness
Second Starter N/A
Ignition pink/white + ignition harness
Second Ignition pink/lt. green + ignition harness
Third Ignition pink / YELLOW (10 AWG)(3rd acc) + ignition harness
Notes: This wire is not required for remote start. It only provides power to the power window circuit.
Accessory dk. blue and pink/yel (16 AWG) + ignition harness
Second Accessory pink / YELLOW (14 AWG) + ignition harness
Keysense PURPLE / tan - ignition harness
Power Lock PURPLE / dk. green - driver kick, door harness
Notes: Lock is negative trigger thru an 820 ohm resistor. Unlock is negative trigger thru a 330 ohm resistor. MUST use relays.
Can also use Directed 457C or 456L interface modules.
Power Unlock same as power lock wire
Lock Motor lt. green 5wi driver kick, door harness
Unlock Motor tan/lt. green 5wi driver kick, door harness
Parking Lights+ WHITE/ yel (L), WHITE/ gray (R) + harness at top of driver fender
Parking Lights- WHITE/ lt. green - headlight switch
Notes: Parking lights are negative trigger thru a 590 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Hazards WHITE/ orange - hazard switch
Notes: Hazards are negative trigger thru a 120 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Turn Signal(L) use hazards wire
Turn Signal(R) use hazards wire
Reverse Light WHITE/ lt. green + inside mirror or plug by PCM
Notes: The PCM is on the passenger side firewall.
Door Trigger see notes - see notes
Notes: The driver door trigger is purple and the driver side rear door is PURPLE / orange. These wires are in the driver kick panel. The passenger door trigger is PURPLE / white and the passenger side rear door is purple / YELLOW. These wires are in the passenger kick panel. Use all four wires and diode isolate each. See DirectFax document 1076 for wiring information.
Dome Supervision yellow/lt. blue or yellow/org + driver A pillar or cluster
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A
Hood Pin N/A
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm PURPLE / lt. blue - driver kick, door harness
Notes: This will also do door locks. Arm/lock is negative trigger thru a 644 ohm resistor. Disarm/unlock is negative trigger thru a 1565 ohm resistor. Single pulse will do disarm without unlocking the doors. Unlock requires a double pulse. MUST use relays.
Can also use Directed 457C or 456L interface modules.
Factory Alarm Disarm same as factory alarm arm wire
Disarm No Unlock see factory alarm disarm
Tachometer dk. blue/gray ac PCM, orange plug, pin 34
Notes: The PCM is on the passenger side firewall.
On SRT-10 models, the tach wire is in the black plug, pin 18.
On diesel models, the tach wire is at the ECM on the lower driver side of the engine, 60 pin plug, pin 24, or at the camshaft position sensor just left of the ECM, in a 3 pin plug.
On gas models, can also go to any ignition coil or fuel injector and use the wire that is NOT BROWN / white.
Wait to start see DirectFax document 1091
Brake Wire WHITE/ tan + brake pedal switch
Parking Brake dk. GREEN / WHITE - parking brake switch
Horn Trigger dk. GREEN/ purple - horn switch
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Immobilizer Bypass Module: Required: Yes Type: Sentry Key Part #: 555C, 556U, or 555U
Notes: Only vehicles with gray keys have the immobilizer.
This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.
Radio 12v gray/red + radio harness
Radio Ground black and BLACK/ lt. green - radio harness
Radio Ignition pink / YELLOW + radio harness
Radio Illumination ORANGE / tan (dimmer) + radio harness
Factory Amp Turn-on N/A
Power Antenna N/A
LF Speaker +/- dk. grn/yel - dk. grn/lt. blue +,- radio harness or amplifier
Notes: The amplifier is behind the glove box.
RF Speaker +/- gray / YELLOW - gray/lt. blue +,- radio harness or amplifier
LR Speaker +/- gray/lt. grn - gray/dk. grn +,- radio harness or amplifier
RR Speaker +/- dk. grn/lt. grn - dk. grn/gray +,- radio harness or amplifier
Immobilizer Bypass Module: Required: Yes Type: Sentry Key Part #: 555C, 556U, or 555U
Notes: Only vehicles with gray keys have the immobilizer.
This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.
12volts red (40A), red (40A) + ignition harness
Ignition pink/white + ignition harness
Parking Lights+ WHITE/ yel (L), WHITE/ gray (R) + harness at top of driver fender
Parking Lights- WHITE/ lt. green - headlight switch
Notes: Parking lights are negative trigger thru a 590 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Headlight WHITE/ lt. green - headlight switch
Notes: Headlights and parking lights are negative trigger thru a 1100 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Speed Sense dk. GREEN/ YELLOW PCM, black plug, pin 13
Notes: The PCM is on the passenger side firewall.
On SRT-10 models, the vss wire is in the white plug, pin 27.
On diesel models, the vss wire is at the ECM on the lower driver side of the engine, 50 pin plug, pin 11.
Wipers BROWN / wht (L), BROWN / org (H) + windshield wiper motor
LF Window up/dn ORANGE / lt. green - ORANGE / wht A driver window switch in door
RF Window up/dn ORANGE / tan - ORANGE / gray A driver kick, door harness
LR Window up/dn ORANGE / white - ORANGE / gray A driver kick, door harness
RR Window up/dn ORANGE / lt. blu -ORANGE / dk. blu A driver kick, door harness
Sun Roof open/close motor part of module
Sun Roof Limit/close N/A
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Immobilizer Bypass Module: Required: Yes Type: Sentry Key Part #: 555C, 556U, or 555U
Notes: Only vehicles with gray keys have the immobilizer.
This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.