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New Center Console.

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Alpine Guy 
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Posted: May 10, 2005 at 4:13 PM / IP Logged  

juniorxs wrote:
with all that space, you could have put a storage compartment in there with a fold down lid,

Just wait and see, this guy has not disapointed us yet, something cool will happen.

2003 Chevy Avalanche,Eclipse CD7000,Morel Elate 5,Adire Extremis,Alpine PDX-4.150, 15" TC-3000, 2 Alpine PDX-1.1000, 470Amp HO Alt.
Copper - Posts: 57
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Posted: May 11, 2005 at 1:47 AM / IP Logged  

M&M fab

Hey man how do you post your pic's using photobucket.  when ever I post my pic's they never turn out.  What are you typing in the post box to get them to show up?  I have about 100 pictures that I would like to share. 

Respect the Blood Line
Copper - Posts: 95
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Posted: May 11, 2005 at 6:11 AM / IP Logged  
When you post pictures in your photobucket album it gives you three options under each picture. It has a URL box, a TAG box, and IMG box. I always just copy the URL and paste it into my post here. That has always worked for me.
Master Asylum 
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Posted: May 12, 2005 at 9:38 AM / IP Logged  
Weee, I'm starting a similar project. But well, I am not using wood I don't believe. You happen to have any ideas on how to approach a construction without it? I'm wanting to round out a lot of this design and keep it a lot lower than my old console. (The room I gained by taking it out makes it feel a LOT bigger.) Does chicken wire sound like it would work? If so how do I attach fleece to that exactly? Sorry, new to FG creations like this. So far everything I played with was just foil over and slap on. Now I'm looking into customized framings and such without just a slap on ability. I'm probably gonna do a Vinyl/Paint finish in the end.
1998 Monte Carlo w/
Eclipse CD8454
2xRockford 5.25" Power 2-way T152C
2xRockford 6"x9" Punch 3-way FRC4369
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Copper - Posts: 95
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Posted: May 12, 2005 at 9:51 AM / IP Logged  
I haven't used chicken wire before, but I would imagine that it would make you have to do a lot mor work to smooth it out. When you stretch the fleece on there it may sink into the holes in the chicken wire. You can probably still achieve what you want using wood frames. If you can better explain what it is you want to achieve someone can probably help you out.
Master Asylum 
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Posted: May 12, 2005 at 10:14 AM / IP Logged  

Well hmmm... Best way to explain it really... I'm wanting to cover very little area with this.

I'm going to have it attach under the seats where the bolts are(strong application+rubber coating) then I am going to make a lip on the underside to hook into where the carpet is opened to the metal and such. Basically imagine that being as round as possible. Though I'm also considering a different approach that would work like this idea. Instead of having the top rounded, I might just use wood to make a strong flat surface that runs from back to front but in as round as possible towards the front/back. Or I might just do a flat top console and use the edges for rounding out. I just was wondering, how do you get it to round out without really making edges a lot? Minor edges are fixable, severe edges are a pain. Just some really good ribbing work?

This is where my inexperience with woodwork is gonna prolly start hurting. Not sure what tools I'd need to get wood to round out the way I want.

1998 Monte Carlo w/
Eclipse CD8454
2xRockford 5.25" Power 2-way T152C
2xRockford 6"x9" Punch 3-way FRC4369
1xMemphis 16-MCH1300 5-channel
2xKicker 12" L5 Solobaric-2 Ohm
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Posted: May 14, 2005 at 8:27 AM / IP Logged  
i havent tried my hand in fiberglass yet but i know it's hell cleaning those eagles..... truck is sharp
DRAG IT......
Copper - Posts: 95
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Posted: May 14, 2005 at 2:30 PM / IP Logged  

Wanted to give a small update to how things are going. I was planning to make a vinyl piece to go on top of the console, but I did not like how it came out so I decided to go with a tribal design on the top. I have a little more sanding to go before priming and painting. This will be my first time painting but I have been doing my homework so hopefully it goes well. Today I started trying to figure out how to build my box and I am stuck. I have one Infinity Kappa Perfect VQ12 and its pretty big. I tried it in a sealed box but wasn't that happy with it so I am going ported instead. Now I just have to figure out how to fit it under the seat.

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Posted: May 14, 2005 at 2:43 PM / IP Logged  

thats sick, love the trible, you going to put a sub under it firing down, you could probly fit a 10 in there. can't wait to see it done

Copper - Posts: 95
Copper spacespace
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Posted: May 15, 2005 at 4:33 PM / IP Logged  

It turns out that I couldn't get the box to fit under the seat and still leave enough room for the pole piece to vent properly, so I decided to build a 1ft^3 box into the console. I wanted to fire the sub down towards the floor but I didn't have room for that either, so I pointed it to the back seat. Next weekend I will paint and vinyl it.

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