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2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Alarm/Remote Start Wiring

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Member - Posts: 1
Member spacespace
Joined: May 26, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 07, 2005 at 11:04 PM / IP Logged  


I need somebody help me with the instalation of a Security system for my truck. I bought a Motorjoy GTO-PATROL 2 Way LCD vehicle security system, i found some information about wiring in this web, but, i have some questions. I will appreciate if somebody know about it please help me. The system have a lot of modules and a lot of wires, i have the next:

            Green (+) door pin signal, positive input.

            Yellow, starter killer negative 500 mA output

            White, "Key On" signal, positive input

7 pins:   Orange, Brake pedal lamp signal, positive input

            Blue, (-) door pin signal, negative input

            Red, oil sensor (or tach input "if you use this wire for tach input, you must coil this wire 3-5 loops onto the high-voltage

                            from the engine distributor") signal, positive input, when engine is started successful, a +  12 V appears on this wire.

            Black, parking brake (hand brake bar) signal, negative input.


                             Red, 12 V.

                             Blue, ACC.

Starter Module:      Brown, Ignition # 1.

                              Brown, ignition # 2.

                              Yellow, Start.

                             Blue/Black, Hood switch.

3 Pins:                     BROWN / Black, Windows roll-up.

                             GREEN/ Black, Starter bypass module.

                              Purple, horn/siren.

                              ORANGE / Black. See note # 1.

                               WHITE/ Black. See note # 1.

                               Yellow/Black. See note # 1.

                               Orange. See note # 1.

12 Pins:                     White. See note # 1.

                                Yellow See note # 1.

                                Brown, turn signal light.

                                Brown, turn signal light.

                                Green, trunk release, positive output.

                                 Red, + 12 V battery.

                                 Black, ground battery.

Note # 1:

              This system works of differents ways. For example:

              1.- vehicle equipped with Central Lock with a motor inside the driver's door.

                          1.1.- Connection diagram for positive triggered central lock:

                                    ORANGE / Black, N/C.

                                    WHITE/ Black, unlock signal.

                                   Yellow/Black, + 12 V.

                                   Orange, N/C.

                                   White, lock signal.

                                   Yellow, + 12 V.

                         1.2.- Connection diagram for negative triggered central lock:

                                    ORANGE / Black, N/C.

                                    WHITE/ Black, unlock signal.

                                   Yellow/Black, ground chassis.

                                   Orange, N/C.

                                   White, lock signal.

                                   Yellow, ground chassis.

               2.- Vehicle equipped with Central Lock with only a lock/unlock switch instead of a motor inside the driver's door.

                           (Conection diagram for reverse polarity triggered central lock).        

                                   ORANGE / Black, Ground chassis.                                       

                                   WHITE/ Black, Unlock signal.                                      

                                   Yellow/Black,   + 12 V.                                    

                                   Orange, Ground chassis.

                                   White, Lock signal.                                       

                                   Yellow, + 12 V.

               3.- Vehicle equipped with Central Lock with not only a lock/unlock switch but also a motor inside the driver's door.

                           (Conection diagram for positive loop central lock).        

                                   ORANGE / Black, lock/unlock switch.                                     

                                   WHITE/ Black, Unlock signal.                                      

                                   Yellow/Black,   + 12 V.                                    

                                   Orange, lock/unlock switch.

                                   White, Lock signal.                                       

                                   Yellow, + 12 V.

My question is, i don't know what kind of system is being used for my truck, i mean, i don't know if is positive, negative or if this has a motor and a unlock switch. I will appreciate if some of you guys can help me with this installation. Please if somebody have the right diagram for this may you send it to


Gold - Posts: 1,526
Gold spacespace
Joined: December 16, 2002
Location: Canada
Posted: July 08, 2005 at 9:09 AM / IP Logged  
12volts yellow    +   ignition harness
Starter RED / lt. blue    +   ignition harness
Ignition lt GREEN/ purple    +   ignition harness
Power Lock pink / YELLOW      driver kick panel
Notes: On models with keyless entry the doorlocks are negative trigger. Without keyless entry they are 5wi reverse polarity.
Power Unlock pink/lt green      driver kick panel
Notes: The GEM in this vehicle shuts down after the doors have been locked for a certain time period, to wake-up the system refer to directfax document #1093.
Lock Motor pink/black      driver kick panel
Unlock Motor RED / orange      driver kick panel
Disarm Defeat pink/orange      driver kick panel
Notes: You may also use the pink/green power unlock wire.
Parking Lights+ wht/blk or brown      headlight switch or DKP
Parking Lights- WHITE/ purple       
Notes: On early production vehicles it is in the driver kick panel, in the harness to the rear of the vehicle. On late production vehicles it is behind the glove box at the central security module.
Turn Signal(L)          
Turn Signal(R)          
Door Trigger      -     
Notes: In the drivers door harness find yellow/black for the drivers door. In the drivers kick panel find lt. GREEN/ YELLOW for the drivers rear door. In the passengers kick panel find gray/red for the passenger front door, and pink/lt. blue for the passengers rear door. All four wires are negative trigger and must be diode isolated together. Refer to directfax document #1076 for wiring information.
In the drivers door harness find yellow/black for the drivers door. In the drivers kick panel find lt. GREEN/ YELLOW for the drivers rear door. In the passengers kick panel find gray/red for the passenger front door, and pink/lt. blue for the passengers rear door. All four wires are negative trigger and must be diode isolated together. Refer to directfax document #1076 for wiring information.
Dome Supervision use door trigger       
Trunk/Hatch Pin WHITE/ purple    -   driver kick panel
Hood Pin tan/    -   driver kick panel
Trunk/Hatch Release          
Power Sliding Door          
Factory Alarm Arm arms on lock       
Notes: Arms on lock only with door open. It is necessary to send a signal to door trigger as well as lock to arm factory alarm.
Factory Alarm Disarm dk. GREEN/ purple    -   driver kick panel
Disarm No Unlock          
Tachometer tan / YELLOW      PCM
Notes: The PCM is located at the top of the firewall towards the passenger side, the tan / YELLOW tach wire is also found at the back of the instrument cluster. Can also use any tan/stripe at the coil pack.
Horn Trigger yellow/lt. green    -   steering column
Memory Seat 1          
Memory Seat 2          
Memory Seat 3          
Interface Module: Category:
Immobilizer Bypass Required:
Yes Type:
Part #: 556SW
Alternate Part1 #: 556UW
Alternate Part2 #: 555U
This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Alarm/Remote Start Wiring -- posted image.

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