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Copper - Posts: 178
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Posted: December 07, 2005 at 8:34 AM / IP Logged  
Man, never thought this forum would have this much debate!  It seems to most that just the simple act of running water over your skin will wash most of the dust off you, regardless if it is hot water or cold water.  I have tried both.  When I do some light sanding, like kick panels and door pods, I just use panty hose, as I mentioned above.  After heavy sanding jobs, sub boxes and center consoles, I usually take a HOT shower.  I have tried both, and they both seem to work the same.  Another thing I discovered the other day was that my wife's loofa seemed to "lift" it out of my skin when I was in the shower, so that's a thought.  I think both showers will do the same, and to each his own.
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Posted: December 09, 2005 at 10:17 PM / IP Logged  
suicidecustom wrote:

mi_what wrote:
Alright, now, I know different strokes for different folks and all but:
liquidx9 wrote:
If you're already itching you want to take a COLD shower. The cold water closes up the pores which doesn't allow any more FB dust to enter.
This doesn't make any sense.
How is fiberglass dust gonna get on your body and in your pores when your in the shower? Hopefully, you're not working with fiberglass in your shower already. When you step into the shower, the water will rinse your body clean of any remaining fiberglass. The hot water will open the pores and allow the dust/fiberglass to exit your body (then the previous sentence comes into back effect).

if you have fg dust on your skin then it gets into your pores and thats what causes the itching. taking a hot shower opens the pores and forces more of the dust into your pores whereas a cold shower closes your pores and doesnt allow anymore dust in!.    its actually the powder that is used to hold the fiberglass strands together that makes you itch

Ok if you have done fiberglassing and you are going to solve the issue taking a shower go w/ hot becuase, if you take a cold shower and close up your pores you are trapping the fiberglass under your skin. Not good. this is also what causes pimples, which is why ists a good idea to shower after playing sports or working hard. This rinces out your pores and causes less irritation. So a hot shower would be better. If you close the pores you risk infection.

eric anderson-nosredna cire
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Posted: December 10, 2005 at 10:39 PM / IP Logged  
baby powder works good when you suite up tape off put some powder on any exposed skin it seals poors and glass cant get in it works really good
Brian Gordan
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Posted: December 19, 2005 at 7:19 PM / IP Logged  
When I sand fiberglass, I usually just wear normal clothes, and sometimes a dusk mask, sometimes I itch, sometimes I dont. One thing is to blow most of the dust off you with an air blower say, and try to get a shower when you can. A cold shower works, thats what I use, and I also go in my pool, but I live in Florida so its hot enough for that. Itching - Page 3 -- posted image. But by now, even though im 15, I am used the the dust and it no longer bothers me.
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Posted: January 27, 2006 at 11:28 PM / IP Logged  

Here's my $0.02. Use orange goop, fast orange or any automotive handwash with pumice in it. Works for me every time.

Copper - Posts: 64
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Posted: January 28, 2006 at 11:39 PM / IP Logged  
Yeah, i dont know about all of this stuff.  Whenever i work with glass, which is pretty frequent, nothing bothers me.  First prohject, i was SO scared of this, and wore like a thick jacket and evcerything.  Turns out, diudn't even affect me.   Only FG that is a pain, is tinsulation, after working with that stuff, i was itching pretty good!
Govenor of Jimcinati
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Posted: February 05, 2006 at 10:56 PM / IP Logged  

Hey, just my bit, if I know I've got some f/g in/on me, and it's not itching, cold showers work, if I'm allready itching, a hot [really hot] shower works to get it out. just my experiences.

Copper - Posts: 93
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Posted: April 06, 2006 at 2:49 AM / IP Logged  

2 things, 1 no matter how well you suit up, tape off or prepare yourself fiberglass will find your skin, unless of course you have a spare pressure suit laying around.

2 baby powder works wonders, i have a buddy whos done glass work for 30 plus years and swears by it.

Myself, i make every attempt possible to get all the visible glass off of my body usually with air, then its a warm shower with somethin i can scrub with. I actually just got done grinding glass tonight in a t shirt and shorts, the only thing that really itches is between my fingers and its not to bad, guess my systems getting used to glass lol.

Another thing that works really well that alot of guys dont seem to know, and this may be my opinion more than fact, but when i'm working with glass, chopped mat seems to itch no matter what to some degree, but weaved mat doesnt seem to itch when you grind it, i've had my hands completely covered in the stuff before to the point it looks like i'm playing in flower and it never itches.

If you can stand to work with the weaved stuff, it might not be a bad option :)


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