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2001 Chevy Malibu remote start

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Member - Posts: 6
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 07, 2005 at 9:19 AM / IP Logged  
Has anyone installed a pursuit series remote starter (part # PRO-9175FT4) on a chevy malibu? I have never done one and could use some assistance. I checked the audiovox web page and all it gives me is the instructions that i already have, to tech help. Also is it required that i have a bypass module for the pass lock security?
Gold - Posts: 1,526
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Posted: December 07, 2005 at 10:25 AM / IP Logged  
I have, but that was years ago and not the model you are refering to. Yes, you will need a bypass module for the PASSLOCK II security immobilizer system. If you have not done one before I would suggest doing some reading first then ask questions if you need help. Below is a wiring diagram for your vehicle. You may find it useful.       
2001 Chevrolet Malibu
|       ITEM      |     WIRE COLOR     |POL|       WIRE LOCATION        |
|              12V|red                 |+ |ignition harness *1        |
|          STARTER|yellow              |+ |ignition harness *1        |
|        IGNITION|pink               |+ |ignition harness *1        |
| SECOND IGNITION|dk. green           |+ |ignition harness *1        |
|        ACCESSORY|orange              |+ |ignition harness *1        |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|brown               |+ |ignition harness *1        |
|       POWER LOCK|white               |- |drivers kick panel in       |
|     POWER UNLOCK|same wire           |*2 |a black plug               |
|       LOCK MOTOR|gray               |   |drivers kick panel          |
|     UNLOCK MOTOR|tan                 |   |drivers kick panel          |
|    DISARM DEFEAT|tan                 |   |passenger kick panel        |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown               |   |passenger kick or column    |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|                    |   |                            |
|       HEADLIGHTS|dk. blue & pink     |*3 |steering column             |
|     DOOR TRIGGER|*4                  |- |*4                          |
| DOME SUPERVISION|white               |- |dash light or column        |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|ORANGE / black        |- |trunk light                 |
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|BLACK/ white        |+ |drivers kick panel          |
|       TACHOMETER|PURPLE / white        |   |ignition coil or ECM *5     |
|      SPEED SENSE|dk.GREEN / WHITE      |   |ECM *5                      |
|       BRAKE WIRE|lt. blue            |+ |at the switch               |
|     HORN TRIGGER|black               |- |steering column             |
|           WIPERS|dk. grn & purple    |+ |steering column             |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|dk. blue - gray     |A |drivers door switch        |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|lt. blue - tan      |A |drivers door switch or kick |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|dk. green - pur/wht |A |drivers door switch or kick |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|lt. green - purple |A |drivers door switch or kick |
| SUN RF OPN/CLOSE|blue - green        |A |sunroof motor               |
|   SUN ROOF LIMIT|                    |   |                            |
|        RADIO 12V|orange              |+ |at radio                    |
|     RADIO GROUND|                    |   |                            |
|     RADIO SWITCH|yellow              |+ |at radio                    |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|                    |   |                            |
|    POWER ANTENNA|dk. green           |   |at radio                    |
|       LF SPEAKER|tan - gray          |   |at radio or LF speaker      |
|       RF SPEAKER|lt. grn - dk. grn   |   |at radio or RF speaker      |
|       LR SPEAKER|brown - yellow      |   |at radio or LR speaker      |
|       RR SPEAKER|dk. blu - lt. blu   |   |at radio or RR speaker      |
NOTE: This vehicle has the passlock II immobilizer system that, when adding a remote start, must be interfaced with. Use DEI part 555t or 555L. *1 Remove the radio, without unplugging it, to access the ignition harness. *2 Lock requires a negative trigger, and unlock requires a negative trigger through a 1,500 ohm resistor. Must use relays. Must close doors to lock with a single pulse. *3 Requires a high current ground. Use a relay. *4 The lt. GREEN/ black is located in the drivers kick and catches only the drivers door. The lt. blue is located in the harness coming from the drivers running board going under the drivers seat and it catches all other doors. Use both door trigger wires and diode isolate each. On the 2 door the is in the passenger kick.    *5 The ECM is located under the left side of the dash to the left of the column.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.2001 Chevy Malibu remote start -- posted image.
Member - Posts: 6
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 07, 2005 at 11:15 AM / IP Logged  
Can I use a passlock II bypass made by designtech on a persuit remote starter? 
Chris Luongo 
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Posted: December 07, 2005 at 5:24 PM / IP Logged  
Audiovox installer here. The 9175 is a design from a couple of years ago, but it works great.
The DesignTech module, does it require you to set various DIP switches and turn a potentiometer? Those things suck and take too long to install, but it'll work. A DEI 555L or Audiovox AS-GM4 would be better.
--Main ignition wires and Passlock wires behind the radio. Don't unplug the radio if you don't have the TheftLock code for it.
--Parking lights positive, brown wire, at the back of the radio.
--Brake wire at the switch above the brake pedal.
--Tach wire at the ECM, above the driver's left foot. Many white wires there; test to verify which is which.
--Trunk release should be negative-trigger, at the switch on the dash----as long as it is negative-trigger, no relay should be required.
--Doorlocks: You don't really need relays. You will notice that the Audiovox unit comes with one diode in the ziplock bag.
Lock is straight negative trigger, but through the diode--------that is, take the red lock wire from the brain, connect it to the diode; connect the other end of the diode to the car.
Unlock will work fine with NO diode, but using the LOWEST resistance resistor that's in the remote start package.
Member - Posts: 6
Member spacespace
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 10:29 AM / IP Logged  
I have tried to install a designtech remote starter on a 2001 chevy malibu. I was having trouble and could not get it to start, so the customer needed the car back and i unhooked everything. Know the car will not start at all, it will only crank but no turn over. I didn't unplug the radio so it isn't that. I reconnected the paaslock wires the way they were to start so i can't see that being the problem. If anyone knows what i need to do let me know.. Thanks..

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