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2004 Trailblazer remote start

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Copper - Posts: 69
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 1:11 PM / IP Logged  
The Trailblazer doesn't crank, It does get a crank signal from the Mas2001 and all the wires have continuity.
I haven't had this problem on FS Pick-ups.
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 1:32 PM / IP Logged  
did you cut the starter wire and do anti-grind?   is it possible you have the wires reversed?
Kevin Gerry
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Copper - Posts: 69
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 3:57 PM / IP Logged  
no, Didn't set it up for anti-grind.
I'm just wondering if there is a 2nd Start wire?
Because it has the annoying BCM controlled start system.
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 4:18 PM / IP Logged  
?? it has the regular GM starter wire, but with factory anti-grind....   nothing special about it...
Kevin Gerry
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 4:23 PM / IP Logged  
If ALL your Ignition wires are correct and If you checked the 2001 Starter Relay & the PURPLE wire up to the Yellow Factory Starter wire, and you probed the Yellow wire to confirm Start Voltage, then you either have the wrong Yellow wire or you have an issue with the ByPASS
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Posted: December 16, 2005 at 10:29 PM / IP Logged  
I've had this problem before and talked with one of the tech guys at Trilogix and he's trying to tell me all these troubleshooting tips and Im like dude I've did EVERYTHING you've mentioned b/c I've did this for a long time now and am extremely technical and knowledgeable about 12volt electronics and especially car audio and starts,alarms, and keyless.  And then he finally admitted that it's rare but SOMETIMES the passlock 2 will not bypass through the data wire.  I knew it was possible but I just wanted to hear it from him.  Because I tried GMBP's and GMDL-BP's and nothing through DATA would bypass it.  We both came to the conclusion that it's just something weird about the car sometimes.  So if I were you double check everything and then resort to what I had to resort to and that was a bypass that interacts with the passlock wires themselves and you will have no problem.  You still use the GMDL-BP for locks and content security arm and disarm and rap shutdown and it works fine with a another bypass for the PASSLOCK II.  And I've never powered the Brown on a trailblazer either.  Well hope this helps sorry for the long reply!!!
Copper - Posts: 69
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Posted: December 17, 2005 at 10:06 AM / IP Logged  
AAARRGGHHH < I Have one of those Trailblazers you talked about ds1434!
I've only been doing this kind of work since 1988 so I was sure that I was doing something right.
I miss the good old days, a Resister and relay were bad enogh, Now its a bypass this and that.
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Posted: December 18, 2005 at 11:53 AM / IP Logged  
this is why y'all should always keep a couple old 555L's in the shop as backups or spares... cause you never know when you'll get a gremlin vehicle and wish to hell you had one.... just covering passlock II i have in stock.... 555L, 556L, PLXR, PLJX, 457G, GMBP & XK01..... cause if one doesnt work i can quickly grab another and try that, not spend a day ripping my hair out ( i dont have any to spare).....  a 555L & 455G would have this vehicle done and gone from your shop in 30 minutes....
Kevin Gerry
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Copper - Posts: 69
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Posted: December 19, 2005 at 12:40 PM / IP Logged  
I may have to invest in some of those 555 modules.
Copper - Posts: 363
Copper spacespace
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Posted: January 31, 2006 at 9:20 AM / IP Logged  
So did you ever get this fixed airandsound?
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