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How to Choose an Amplifier.

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Platinum - Posts: 5,054
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Location: Michigan, Bouvet Island
Posted: September 11, 2006 at 9:35 AM / IP Logged  
Yes. There is no "better", necessarily.
OK, so you already HAVE the woofers, right? There are two, 4 ohm drivers. Keep those, exchange just the amp. Parallel them, (or most mono amps have two sets of terminals, run one woofer to each set) and you'll be done. This will present a 2 ohm load to the amplifier, perfectly safe.
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
cva me 
Member - Posts: 18
Member spacespace
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Posted: September 11, 2006 at 3:04 PM / IP Logged  
I currently have 4ohm 8", gonna upgrade to 10" in the near future, now Amp is going to be a 5oowatt mono...Question was does it really matter what ohm sub to buy, or is it all preference. Im sorry for any confusion i've caused.
Thank you for all your advice you've helped me tremendously.
Platinum - Posts: 5,054
Platinum spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Electrical Theory. Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: January 19, 2003
Location: Michigan, Bouvet Island
Posted: September 11, 2006 at 3:42 PM / IP Logged  
Yes, the impedance DOES matter... this is what you have to know to make certain you load the amp correctly, without overloading it. See the home page on, and there is a subwoofer wiring configurator.
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
cva me 
Member - Posts: 18
Member spacespace
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Posted: September 11, 2006 at 5:13 PM / IP Logged  
Copy, thanks again. Sorry im so remedial on this topic. Do amps work at a varity of ohms or ohm specific like the subs?
Platinum - Posts: 5,054
Platinum spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Electrical Theory. Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: January 19, 2003
Location: Michigan, Bouvet Island
Posted: September 11, 2006 at 11:28 PM / IP Logged  
Every amplifier will have a minimum safe operating load. While you do not have to load to this minimum, it is an important number to be aware of. The minimum impedance (maximum load) should never be exceeded, you'll destroy your amp in short order, however you can always load it with a higher impedance (less load) with no ill effects, with the exception of reducing the power avaialable. I, however, don't see this as a real negative, as the amp will run cooler, with lower distortion, and improved damping factor...
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
Member - Posts: 16
Member spacespace
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Posted: September 13, 2006 at 10:37 AM / IP Logged  
I have a question regarding the power/fuse rating section of this thread..
I have an amp that is rated 4x50@4ohm with a 30a fuse. 4x50=200 30x14.4=432 200/432 = 46% This works out to 46% efficiency, which is in the respectable area.
But this amp is also rated at 2x200@4ohm, but the fuse remains 30a, does the math stay the same? if so then 200x2 =400 30x14.4=432 400/432= 92%
I guess I just want to know is do you always use the lowest rating? what about dropping ohms and such?
cva me 
Member - Posts: 18
Member spacespace
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Posted: September 13, 2006 at 10:19 PM / IP Logged  
You have been a wealth of knowledge thank you again. If could just ask you just one more piece of advice...Due to new budget, I have to stay with the Punch p325.2 I am however upgrading to p1 10"s. @ 150 watts rms each, my amp states 2 or 4ohm stable. Specs
state 325 wattsx1 rms @ 4ohms bridged,
16o wattsx2 rms @ 2ohms,
which ohm subs do you advise to get in order to get the max power?
Copper - Posts: 56
Copper spacespace
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Posted: September 16, 2006 at 7:32 PM / IP Logged  
thanks for the support
Platinum - Posts: 5,054
Platinum spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Electrical Theory. Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: January 19, 2003
Location: Michigan, Bouvet Island
Posted: September 16, 2006 at 7:50 PM / IP Logged  
Get the two 8 ohm woofers, parallel them, and bridge the amp to that load, that will give you the maximum power available - 325 watts, around 160 watts per woofer.
It all reminds me of something that Molière once said to Guy de Maupassant at a café in Vienna: "That's nice. You should write it down."
Member - Posts: 1
Member spacespace
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Posted: September 18, 2006 at 11:43 AM / IP Logged  
Personally, I look at 3 factors when buying any car audio product.
1. what kind of sound I'm looking for.
2. how well the components match up.
3. what is my budget.
Too many people base their decisions on what other's have, how much it cost, how powerful it is(which w/ some manufacturers can be very misleading), etc....
Basically no amplifier is junk, some are made better than others, some have more features, some have better cosmetics, etc... The installation is probably 80%-90% of how well a system operates, even high end equipment can sound weak and have the worse SQ.
How long it last is up to the user, I have seen high end amplifier live a short life due to abuse and lack of knowledge. Just b/c an amplifier cost $1K-$2K does not mean it has everlasting life.
I have built systems for under $500(4 ch. & 2ch. amps, 2 subs, and a lower end H/U) that has sounded as good as system 3 times the price.
Too many people look at the amplifier as the heart and soul of a system. Although they do compliment a system, it all comes down to the installation.
Just my opinion, I have been a member here for awhile now, just seldom post b/c I'm often busy. I participate off & on in several forums.   
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