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2006 Chevrolet 2500 HD Diesel Alarm/Remote Start Wiring

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Member - Posts: 22
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 14, 2006 at 4:15 PM / IP Logged  

Looking for a wiring diagram for a 2006 chev. 2500hd diesel full size pick-up.  Also any tips or secrets.  Thanks ERIK

Silver - Posts: 320
Silver spacespace
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Posted: July 14, 2006 at 9:38 PM / IP Logged  

do not use wait to start wire it will result in check eng. light just use timer.


red (40A), red (40A)


ignition harness

Starter yellow  +  ignition harness
Second Starter N/A    
Ignition pink  +  ignition harness
Second Ignition white  +  ignition harness
Notes: To avoid the check engine light from coming on and possible damage to the automatic transmission, the second ignition in this vehicle MUST be powered when adding a remote start system.
Third Ignition N/A    
Accessory orange  +  ignition harness
Second Accessory brown  +  ignition harness
Keysense lt. green  -  ignition harness
Power Lock use Directed module 457GW    
Notes: If Directed module 457GW is not available, refer to DirectFax document 1601.
On base model trucks, the 457GW is not necessary. Instead, the lock wire is lt. blue (-), pin B5, and the unlock wire is white (-), pin B10. They are in the lt. blue plug at the BCM.
Power Unlock see power lock    
Lock Motor gray  5wi driver door module in door
Unlock Motor tan  5wi driver door module in door
Parking Lights+ brown  +  driver kick panel
Parking Lights- gray/black  -  switch or BCM, brown plug, pin B2
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Hazards white  -  hazard switch
Turn Signal(L) dk. green  +  turn signal switch
Turn Signal(R) lt. green  +  turn signal switch
Reverse Light lt. green  +  BCM, black plug, pin F
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Door Trigger gray/blk (L), BLACK/ wht (R)  -  each door module in each door
Notes: On base model trucks, the door trigger wires are in the lt. blue plug at the BCM, pins B4 and A5.
On 4dr trucks, the LR door trigger is lt. blue/black, pin A3, and the RR is lt. GREEN/ black, pin A2. They are in the purple plug at the BCM.
Use all wires and diode isolate.
The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Dome Supervision gray/black  +  BCM, black plug, pin E
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A    
Hood Pin N/A    
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A    
Power Sliding Door N/A    
Factory Alarm Arm arms on lock with door open    
Factory Alarm Disarm lt. green  -  driver door module in door
Disarm No Unlock see factory alarm disarm    
Tachometer white  ac  instrument cluster, pin A5 or PCM
Notes: The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is in the left front of the engine compartment to the left of the fan shroud.
On gas models, the tach wire is in the green plug, pin 10.
On diesel models, the tach wire is in the gray plug, pin 37.
On hybrid models, the tach wire is in the green plug, pin 35.
For tach can also go to any of the ignition coils or fuel injectors and use the wire that is NOT pink, black, or brown.
Wait to start dk. blue  -  instrument cluster, pin A2 or PCM
Notes: The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is in the left front of the engine compartment to the left of the fan shroud. The wait to start wire is in the blue plug, pin 26.
On the remote start, make sure to program the Accessory State During Wait To Start to ON.
Brake Wire white  +  brake pedal switch
Parking Brake lt. blue  -  switch or BCM, lt. blu plug, pin A7
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Horn Trigger BLACK / YELLOW to black  -  switch or BCM, gray plug, pin B9
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Memory Seat 1 red  +  driver door module in door
Memory Seat 2 pink  +  driver door module in door
Memory Seat 3 N/A  +  
2006 Chevrolet 2500 HD Diesel Alarm/Remote Start Wiring -- posted image.
Interface Module:Category:
Immobilizer Bypass
Passlock II
Part #: 556LW
Alternate Part1 #: 555LW
Alternate Part2 #: DesignTech 20402
Alternate Part3 #: DesignTech 29402
Notes: Not required if using the combo interface module. The Passlock II wire colors are yellow, black, and RED / white (not used).
Interface Module:Category:
Combo Interface
Data Bus
Part #: 457GW
bring back the rotary phone so i dont have to press 1 to proceed in english
Silver - Posts: 320
Silver spacespace
Joined: July 03, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: July 14, 2006 at 9:40 PM / IP Logged  

do not use wait to start wire it will result in check eng. light  just use timer

12volts red (40A), red (40A)  +  ignition harness
Starter yellow  +  ignition harness
Second Starter N/A    
Ignition pink  +  ignition harness
Second Ignition white  +  ignition harness
Notes: To avoid the check engine light from coming on and possible damage to the automatic transmission, the second ignition in this vehicle MUST be powered when adding a remote start system.
Third Ignition N/A    
Accessory orange  +  ignition harness
Second Accessory brown  +  ignition harness
Keysense lt. green  -  ignition harness
Power Lock use Directed module 457GW    
Notes: If Directed module 457GW is not available, refer to DirectFax document 1601.
On base model trucks, the 457GW is not necessary. Instead, the lock wire is lt. blue (-), pin B5, and the unlock wire is white (-), pin B10. They are in the lt. blue plug at the BCM.
Power Unlock see power lock    
Lock Motor gray  5wi driver door module in door
Unlock Motor tan  5wi driver door module in door
Parking Lights+ brown  +  driver kick panel
Parking Lights- gray/black  -  switch or BCM, brown plug, pin B2
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Hazards white  -  hazard switch
Turn Signal(L) dk. green  +  turn signal switch
Turn Signal(R) lt. green  +  turn signal switch
Reverse Light lt. green  +  BCM, black plug, pin F
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Door Trigger gray/blk (L), BLACK/ wht (R)  -  each door module in each door
Notes: On base model trucks, the door trigger wires are in the lt. blue plug at the BCM, pins B4 and A5.
On 4dr trucks, the LR door trigger is lt. blue/black, pin A3, and the RR is lt. GREEN/ black, pin A2. They are in the purple plug at the BCM.
Use all wires and diode isolate.
The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Dome Supervision gray/black  +  BCM, black plug, pin E
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A    
Hood Pin N/A    
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A    
Power Sliding Door N/A    
Factory Alarm Arm arms on lock with door open    
Factory Alarm Disarm lt. green  -  driver door module in door
Disarm No Unlock see factory alarm disarm    
Tachometer white  ac  instrument cluster, pin A5 or PCM
Notes: The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is in the left front of the engine compartment to the left of the fan shroud.
On gas models, the tach wire is in the green plug, pin 10.
On diesel models, the tach wire is in the gray plug, pin 37.
On hybrid models, the tach wire is in the green plug, pin 35.
For tach can also go to any of the ignition coils or fuel injectors and use the wire that is NOT pink, black, or brown.
Wait to start dk. blue  -  instrument cluster, pin A2 or PCM
Notes: The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is in the left front of the engine compartment to the left of the fan shroud. The wait to start wire is in the blue plug, pin 26.
On the remote start, make sure to program the Accessory State During Wait To Start to ON.
Brake Wire white  +  brake pedal switch
Parking Brake lt. blue  -  switch or BCM, lt. blu plug, pin A7
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Horn Trigger BLACK / YELLOW to black  -  switch or BCM, gray plug, pin B9
Notes: The BCM (Body Control Module) is under the driver side dash. It has 6 plugs in it, the purple plug is on the back.
Memory Seat 1 red  +  driver door module in door
Memory Seat 2 pink  +  driver door module in door
Memory Seat 3 N/A  +  
2006 Chevrolet 2500 HD Diesel Alarm/Remote Start Wiring -- posted image.
Interface Module:Category:
Immobilizer Bypass
Passlock II
Part #: 556LW
Alternate Part1 #: 555LW
Alternate Part2 #: DesignTech 20402
Alternate Part3 #: DesignTech 29402
Notes: Not required if using the combo interface module. The Passlock II wire colors are yellow, black, and RED / white (not used).
Interface Module:Category:
Combo Interface
Data Bus
Part #: 457GW

bring back the rotary phone so i dont have to press 1 to proceed in english
Gold - Posts: 1,335
Gold spacespace
Joined: September 22, 2002
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Posted: July 14, 2006 at 10:10 PM / IP Logged  
wait to start with a timer DEI 528T look at directfax 1091 it is the downlaod section under car alarms manurals
Platinum - Posts: 7,056
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Posted: July 16, 2006 at 1:15 PM / IP Logged  
Why not use the wait to start wire? (glow plug) if the unit is wired properly, there is NO better way to go. When that truck is warm, you can jump in turn the key and fire it off with NO waiting. Same would apply to remote starting. Why add another device to your install?
Silver - Posts: 320
Silver spacespace
Joined: July 03, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: July 16, 2006 at 1:52 PM / IP Logged  
you can not use the wait to start wire on these truck it will result in a check eng. light just like some fords. dont know why i just know u cant
bring back the rotary phone so i dont have to press 1 to proceed in english
Big Dog 
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Posted: July 21, 2006 at 9:56 PM / IP Logged  

Guys! Guys! No need for timers nor even a connection!

Control of the instant start system (ISS) glow plugs is accomplished by an electronic glow plug control unit and 4.7 volt glow plugs, requiring 2 seconds to heat up to 1,000°C (1,832°F). Most remote starters keep ignition on a couple of seconds before they crank.

But if you must: Glow Plug is Dark/Blue (-) pin A2 (next to a BROWN / White wire) at cluster.

Prepare your future. It wasn't the lack of stones that killed the stone age.

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