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Member - Posts: 6
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 30, 2006 at 4:55 PM / IP Logged  

im in need of some help with my custom interior.. i have a 97 eclipse gst that i have been working on for 5 years now. i want to get this thing completed but i have ran into some serious problems.. I had a guy do the hole interior, but to say the least his work was something that i whould not wish on anyone. the main problem that i have is stress cracks on the dash (the hole dash is fiberglass)

cracks -- posted image.

cracks -- posted image.

cracks -- posted image.

cracks -- posted image.

Member - Posts: 6
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 30, 2006 at 5:02 PM / IP Logged  

I need help in fixing all the cracks in the dash (third picture), there all circled with a black marker.

if anyone can tell me how to repair these sections it whould be greatly appreciated. i need to know how to go about it.. im figuring that i need to take a dremel and kinda round out the area, and then fill it with material, but i don't know exactly what to fill it back in with and what process to go threw..

if a mod could fix the origanal post i whould appreciate it..


Copper - Posts: 178
Copper spacespace
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Posted: July 30, 2006 at 8:24 PM / IP Logged  
Wow!!  Looks pretty good from the pictures.  That will be one unique car.  As far as the cracks, I am pretty sure that you will get a few ways to fix them from this forum.  There are many expert builders here.  The cracks are probably stress cracks as you mentions, maybe from the fiberglass "shrinking" from when it was applied.  First, why not take it to the guy that built the dash?  Apparently he knows what he is doing.  If that is not an option and they are little cracks I would just fill them with fiberglass reinforced putty.  You can get it from any automotive store, even Wal Mart.  It is green, and has fiberglass strands in it to help with strength.  If you think the cracks will keep cracking, I would probably put a layer of mat or cloth over the crack and resin that in.  It will be more body work to get it smooth again, but that's better than cracks.  It would also be a good idea before you spend the time and money to drive the car for a while to see if any other cracks will appear due to stress, then address that problem and paint it.  It sure would suck to paint it only to find out once the car is on the road with all the bumps and more cracks appear.  Hope this helps.  That is a really nice car, what audio setup are you going to use??
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Posted: July 30, 2006 at 9:00 PM / IP Logged  

thanks for the response.. do you think that if i put the fiberglass reinforced putty in the cracks, and then took some mat and cover that area, it whould give the situation less of a chance of repeting.. or will this putty be good enough.

as far as taken it back to the origanal installer - that is just not feesible. in all honestly i whouldn't recomend him to any one, not even my worst enemy. lol .. to be quite honest the pictures hide alot of the problems that i am gunna need to fix.. there is not one of the panels that actually fit properly. this hole interior was supposed to be completed, basically the guy scammed me out of 5,000$, and caused alot of damage to the car. he gave the car back to me with all the wiring harnesses in a box, he cracked my windshield, caused body damage, destroyed almoast all the auto meter gauges (i had to buy alot of them again), and to top it off he delivered it to me on a landscaping trailor, and the car fell through it upon delivery ( you don't even want to know what the undercarrige looks like)  and i can't take it back to him for the most obvious reason of him living in ohio, and i recently moved to florida.

the hole system is gunna be ppi - the old school art series for amps-ppi a1200, ppi a400. and newer ppi subs.. my hope is to be able to hook up with a car audio sponcer (JL Audio) and change all the gear out eventually.cracks -- posted image.

if there is any one in the fort myers, naples area that whould be willing to come over and help out with the project i whould be willing to pay for your services.. i really need a helpful hand from someone with knowledge, seeing as this will be my first fiberglass project.


Copper - Posts: 178
Copper spacespace
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Posted: July 31, 2006 at 9:47 AM / IP Logged  

Jason, it wouldn't hurt to use both.  Try to push the filler into the crack as much as possible, then sand it smooth.  If you can get behind the dash and apply the filler there also, I probably would not use mat and resin.  This way would save you some time on bodywork.  Sorry to hear about the bad experience, I hate it when people abuse other people.  I am in Oklahoma, so as far as coming over and helping you  fix it for a 6 pack of Corona, well, thats out of the question.  Go get some reinforced filler and give it a try, if you dont like it just sand off whatever you did.

BTW:  To address your first post, YES I would cut out the cracked piece.  If it is a very small crack ( 1/4-1/2 long), dont worry to much about cutting it out.  Just fix from the backside and front.  If it is longer than that, I would cut it out and use resin/mat.

Copper - Posts: 232
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Posted: July 31, 2006 at 4:39 PM / IP Logged  
I wouldn't recomend re-glassing it, as it would probably cause more cracks, and not stick too well.  Body filler is good for any hairline cracks, but anything bigger than the thickness of a dime you should go with kitty hair.
Melted Fabric 
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Posted: August 04, 2006 at 4:01 PM / IP Logged  
I try to be in good spirits and generally succeed, but damnit, that dude should be shot in the leg for screwing over someone that bad. I do not want to anger you again. I just wish you were closer to where he leaves, so something could be done about the awful service and quality.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best -- that is inspiration.
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Posted: August 04, 2006 at 5:17 PM / IP Logged  

I felt the same way back when it happened.. then i cleared my head, and decided to ruin him for good.. I hired a attorney , and started the process of taken him down permanetly.. i spread the word to everyone about what a piece of crap he was..  a month into putting our case toghether, and after he got his papers for suit, we learned that he filed bankrupcy on his shop, and closed the doors.. becuse it was a contractual situation there was no way that i could go after him personally.. when he filed bankrupcy on his shop he relieved hiself of any financial responsability.  so in the end im still out the 5,000$ not to mention the attorney fee's... what are you gunna do?  Nothing.. you just need to move on...  the funny thing is that i believe he is a member on here.. it will be funny to see if he has the guts to come forward...

it looks like this will be the first of many weekends to come filled with fiberglassing..   if anyone has any more tips, im open to all suggestions..


Copper - Posts: 64
Copper spacespace
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Posted: August 04, 2006 at 6:30 PM / IP Logged  
thats one of the unfortunate downfalls of having someone else do custom work for you.  What passes as "good enough"  for one person, sometimes doesn't pass for someone else, especially if you're the owner.  Its a shame that he wasn't more professional about it.  You wouldn't want your dentist partially filling a cavity, or your mailman only delivering half of your mail. 
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Posted: August 05, 2006 at 12:05 AM / IP Logged  
do you have any more pics of the enclosure ?
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